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For subject databases, see Subject guides.

Academic Search Elite
Sciences, humanities, general science, multicultural studies, education etc. Articles in full text
ACM Digital Library
IT and programming. Full text, abstracts and bibliographical references from books, journals, proceedings and theses.
ACS Publications
Chemistry. Journal articles in full text.
Agriculture, food and human nutrition, forestry and plant sciences. Mainly bibliographic citations.
AIP (American Institute of Physics)
Physics. Journal articles in full text.
Complementary medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy and Rehabilitation. Mainly bibliographic citations.
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933 - 1955
Dissertations in full text from American universities between 1933-1955.
APS (American Physical Society)
Physics. Journals in full text
The labour market and work environment. Mainly bibliographic citations. Swedish only.
News Article Archive. Swedish only.
Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Arts and Humanities. Citation indexing. Dictionary
Dictionary with a several different languages
BMJ Journals
Medicine and healthcare. Journal articles in full text.
Bibliographic database covering emigration history of Northern Sweden. Swedish only.
Branschnyckeltal från SCB
Key figures for Swedish industries.
Brill Online Books and Journals
Full text from 140 journals
BULB - Barn- och ungdomslitteraturbibliografin
A bibliography of Swedish and foreign material, both books and articles about children's literature.
Business Source Complete via EBSCO
Country economic reports, company profiles and market research reports. Full text articles from scholarly publications and peer-reviewed journals.
Byggdoks kunskapsbank 1966-2006
Bibliographic database covering building- and construction area. Swedish only.
Cambridge Core
E-books and academic journal articles in full text published by Cambridge University Press
CINAHL with Full Text via EBSCO
Nursing and allied health literature. Mainly bibliographic citations.
Cochrane Library
Providing information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care. Mainly full text articles.
Collins Dictionaries
Dictionaries in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Communication Abstracts via EBSCO
Bibliographic database covering communication and media studies.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI-Proceedings)
Proceedings from various disciplines.
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
Provides search in major computer science journals and proceedings
DiVA - Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet
DiVA - theses and dissertations in full-text from Nordic universities.
DiVA - Mittuniversitetets publikationer i Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet
Mid Sweden University theses and dissertations in full-text from Nordic universities.
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journal
Free access to full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
E-nav SIS-standarder
Standards in full text
Ebook Central (Ebrary)
E-books covering all subject areas
EBSCOhost eBook collection (NetLibrary)
A collection of e-books in a range of subjects via EBSCO
International economics literature. Bibliographic database with some links to full-text articles in economics journals.
Search personal archives and manuscript collections in Swedish university libraries. Swedish only.
The catalogue of the The Swedish Institute for Children's Books.
Subjects covered include management, HRM, Marketing, Librarianship, Mechanical engineering, electronic and electrical engineering. Full text database.
Eric via EBSCO
Education literature and resources. Full text and bibliographic citations.
Eric via ProQuest
Education literature and resources. Full text and bibliographic citations.
National and internationell patent information from European Patent Office
Essential Science Indicators (ESI)
A resource that enables researchers to conduct ongoing, quantitative analyses of research performance and track trends in science.
ETDEWEB World Energy Base
Energy technology and all aspects of energy production. Mainly bibliographic citations but some full text.
Ethnologue: languages of the world
An encyclopaedic reference work cataloguing all 6.912 known living languages
EU Bookshop
Search and download all the publications of the European Union since 1952
European Union law. Full text portal.
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
Bibliographic database covering European Works Relating to the Americas
Official statistics on EU and Member States and their partners from the Statistical Office of the European Communities
Finna - research on the Swedish language in Finland
Knowledge source about Swedish-speaking Finland, its history, traditions, literature, languages, everyday life and folk music.
Folke Bernadottesamlingarna
Documentation concerning Swedish peace efforts. Swedish only.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Database of encyclopaedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research including psychology, health science and social studies.
GENA (GENusAvhandlingar)
Database of PhD theses in Women's Studies, Men's Studies and Gender Research in Sweden, from 1960 onwards.
Gender Studies Database
Citations and links to web sites covering Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Gender Studies.
Geodata portal
Digital maps
GlobalGrant (Stora Fondboken)
Scholarships, grants and charities.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar
Reference database covering ecology and environmental issues.
Historical Abstracts
Reference guide to the history of the world from 1450 to the present day. Bibliographic database.
HUDOC - Europadomstolens databas
The public information sources at the European Court of Human Rights.
IEEE Books
E-books from IEEE
IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) via IEEE Xplore
Technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Full text database.
InfoTorg - Juridik
Infotorg Juridik contains Swedish and European legal information.
Comprehensive collection of academic and professional publications. Bibliographic citations.
Scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers, computing, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering. Mainly bibliographic citations with some full text.
Journal Citation Reports, JCR
Presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community.
Journals subscribed to by the library.
JP Studentnet social
Electronic access to back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. Full text articles.
Interdisciplinary database with gender perspective references in the Göteborg University Library collections.
Geodata from Lantmäteriet
Geodata for research, education and cultural activities
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer)
E-book series covering computer science. Full text.
Legislative Observatory
The European Parliament Database for monitoring the EU decision making process
Leisure Tourism
Leisure, tourism, hospitality and recreation information. Bibliographic references.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Bibliographic database covering bibliometrics and information science.
LIBRIS - National Library Systems
LIBRIS contains almost 6 million titles from around 300 library units at Swedish university and research libraries, as well as about thirty public libraries. Here you can find books, periodicals, articles, maps, posters, printed music, electronic resources, etc.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
Citations and abstracts to literature on the nature, use, and teaching of language as well as linguistics, speech, communication, and related topics.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Nursing and Health Professions Premier Collection
Journal articles in fulltext.
Literary Reference Center Plus
Comprehensive literary reference resource and full-text database.
Reviews of mathematical research literature. Bibliographic citations.
Mediearkivet (Retriever Research)
Current news media archives. Swedish only.
MLA International Bibliography via EBSCO
Literature and modern languages, including biographies, bibliographies and periodical articles.
NAD - Nationell arkivdatabas
National Archives Database. Information about archives in Sweden, historical topographic divisions and contact information for Archival Institutions.
National Criminology Justice (NCJRS)
Contains summaries of the more than 210,000 criminal justice, juvenile justice, and substance abuse publications.
The National Encyclopedia
National Encyclopedia online. Swedish only.
Norart : norske tidskriftsartiklar
Reference citations to articles from Norwegian and some Nordic periodicals and yearbooks - special coverage for theology and the health and social fields; Norway and Norwegian affairs (from some foreign periodicals).
Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC)
Bibliographic database covering Scandinavian research in pedagogy and children in early childhood education and care.
Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research.
Norsk Samisk bibliografi
Norwegian Sami bibliography. Covers fiction and all subject areas, but particularly local history and biographical history.
Open Access, longitudinella databaser
Mainly longitudinal databases for research, published by Linköping University Electronic Press. - Norstedts engelska ord
English - Swedish and Swedish - English dictionary.
OTseeker (Occupational Therapy)
Evidence-based database covering occupational therapy.
Oxford English Dictionary
OED online for definitions of words or phrases. English only.
Oxford Journals
Oxford Journals Online in full text. Electronic backfiles as bibliographic citations.
Oxford Reference Online
English dictionaries, thesauruses, English language references, subject references.
Oxford Scholarship Online
E-books published by Oxford University Press. Subjects:  history, literature, political science, religion, psychology, social work, sociology.
Palgrave Connect
E-books within pedagogy, communication and politics.
PEDro (the Physiotherapy Evidence Database)
Bibliographic database covering Evidence-Based Physiotherapy.
Physical Education Index
Citation information and abstracts to journal articles about physical education and related disciplines (sports, sports medicine, dance, coaching, fitness, motor learning, etc.)
Bibliographic database covering post-traumatic stress
The European Commission database on inter-institutional procedures
Search digital and printed media to which the library has access
ProQuest Psychology
Common entrance to CSA:s databases in psychology; PsycArticles and PsycInfo.
ProQuest Social Sciences
Common entrance to CSA:s databases in social science and behavioural science; Eric, PsycInfo, Social services abstracts and Sociological abstracts.
Full text journal articles from authoritative journals in the psychological sciences.
Psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business and law. Mainly bibliographic citations.
Pubmed (Medline)
Medicine, healthcare and odontology. Mainly bibliographic citations.
Press releases from all the institutions of the European Union
Information on essential, relevant and actionable chemical data
Retriever Business
Comprehensive information about all companies in Sweden. Swedish only.
Retriever Research/Mediearkivet
Current news media archives. Swedish only.
Riksdagen Dokument
Succeeding Rixlex. The Swedish Government's full text database.
Rikstermbanken/ Sweden's National Term Bank
Terms and definitions from a vast collection of subjects.
Safari Books Online
E-books within computer science
SAGE Knowledge
Social science eBook platform, where you will find an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content.
SAGE Premier
Full text, multidisciplinary.
SCB - Statistical database
Statistics Sweden.
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
Bibliographic references and citation index in natural science, medicine and technology
Scientific, technical and medical peer-reviewed journals in full text.
Scifinder Scholar with Chemical Abstracts
Chemical and related scientific information. Bibliographic citations.
Bibliographic references and citations, multidisciplinary.
An online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis.
SIS-standarder (E-nav)
Standards in full text
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Social science disciplines.
Social Services Abstracts
Bibliographic coverage on social work and related areas.
Sociological Abstracts
Bibliographic references in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioural sciences
Search simultaneously in LIBRIS, NAD and Swedish media database.
SPIE Digital Library
Optics and photonics applied research.
SportDiscus via EBSCO
Sports, sports medicine, exercise physiology and biomechanics.
Full text data base in engineering, technology and medicine.
Språkbanken contains linguistic and statistical data about a diverse range of Swedish text since the 1970s.
Statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) 1922-present
Free text search in Government Official Reports (SOU).​​ Scanned documents from the Swedish Royal Library (1922-1996) and open data from the Swedish Parliament (1997-present).
SVAR digitala forskarsalen
Swedish Archive Information. A Department of the National Archives.
Swedish Judicial Decisions in Cases Regarding Sami Law (in Swedish only).
References in the subjects of Medicine, Health Sciences and Nursing.
Svensk etnologisk bibliografi
Svensk folkbildningsbibliografi
Swedish Bibliography of General Education (1850-1950).
Svensk historisk bibliografi
Swedish Historical Bibliography 1771-2010.
Svensk medicinalhistorisk bibliografi (Medorg)
Contains about 50 000 refrences to articles and official publications concerning the health organisation in Sweden 1663-1967.
Swedish MeSH
A controlled vocabulary used searching biomedical journals.
Svensk samisk bibliografi
Swedish Sami bibliography. Covers all the literature published in Sweden on the Sami and their culture.
Dictionary of Swedish National Biography
Biographical dictionary.
Svenska dagstidningar
Digitized Swedish newspapers. Swedish only.
Svenskt pressregister (SVEP)
Bibliographic references to Swedish press archives 1904-1906. Swedish only.
Scientific publishing at Swedish universities, articles, conference papers and dissertations etc.
Taylor & Francis Online Journals
Full text database.
Teacher Reference Center
Bibliographic database covering Education Science
Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) Information on current European public procurements.
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science
English - Swedish and Swedish - English dictionary.
Authoritative knowledgebase of publishing information of journals.
Student theses and papers in full text.
UR access
Utbildningsradions archive of radio and television programs.
US Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Databases
Patent database with full text
Library catalogue of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters.
Web of Science
Common entrance to databases: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Science Citation Index Expanded.
Wiley Online Library
Full text access to journals in science, medicine and humanities.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Bibliographic database covering political science.
Legal basic information