Library account application form - Studentsidor
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Library account application form


Apply for a library account Apply for a library account

Please notify the Library immediately if you change your name, postal address or e-mail. A current e-mail address is especially important for us to contact you quickly regarding hold requests, overdue loans etc.
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Student at Mid Sweden University
Teacher/Researcher at Mid Sweden University
Student at another university
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Library lending rules

Open the lending rules in a new window 


Are you a student at a university other than Mid Sweden University?

You can still register for a library account. The library account is free of charge. Please be ready to present your valid identity card endorsed by a photograph. You have to be at least 18 years old in order to register for a library account.

Having read the Library rules and regulations, you thereby agree to abide by and follow the Library rules and regulations. You also agree to keep yourself updated on the Library rules and regulations.

Privacy and handling of personal data

Upon acquiring a library account, you accept that your personal information is processed in our registry, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your information will not be used in any other contexts  other than for library operations and within the university's follow up activities.

The library processes your personal data with your permission in order to register where books and other media are when they are loaned out, and to be able to contact you if you have not returned them in time or to inform you when a requested book is available for pick up. The books and other media you borrow or request via your library account are registered in the library's data system. These records are confidential, which means no unauthorised person can access them. When borrowed material has been returned or debts are paid, these records are permanently deleted from your account.

Mid Sweden University is a public authority and has a duty to comply with the rules for public records, archives and public statistics. The University will therefore also process personal data in the manner required to comply with applicable legislation for public authorities and the specific regulation for higher education institutions.

If a person requests a copy of a public record containing your personal data, Mid Sweden University may do so, if they are public records. Your personal data are stored as long as required in accordance with the rules and regulations for public records and authorities' archives.

If you want to know which personal data is stored about you as a patron, please contact our Data Protection Officer. If you want to update your personal details, contact the library. You are also entitled to have your personal data deleted from our registry, after having returned all books and paid any outstanding fines.

Mid Sweden University is responsible for the processing of personal data for the library and all other parts of the organisation. You are always welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer if you want more information about which personal data Mid Sweden University has registered about you, how it is used, or if some data is incorrect and you wish to have it corrected or deleted. Should you have any questions or complaints regarding our processing of personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Eva Rodin Svantesson,, tel 010-142 80 00. In the case of a complaint, you also have the possibility to contact the Swedish Data Protection Agency, Datainspektionen.


Loans must be returned by expiry of the lending period and in good condition. If you are away from home, ill or otherwise unavailable, you remain responsible for items borrowed from the Mid Sweden University Library and must arrange for the items to be returned by the due date.

Lending periods vary for different material. The due date for each item is printed on the receipt at the time of loan. You can also view your loans by logging in to your account via the library catalogue. (My account - See your loans and holds.)

Teachers and researchers have a normal lending period of 90 days, but the lending period can be shortened to 30 days if someone else requests the material.

You can return your loans by putting them in the return box outside either of our libraries. But if you leave materials there after the library has closed for the day the return will not be registered until the next open day of the library and your fines will be calculated from that day.

Reference material and journals are not available for home loan.

If you require a receipt for returned items please tell the library staff before the loan is discharged.

Distance education students living outside a campus area can request that Library material be sent to their home address, free of charge. Please note that the borrower will have to pay the return postage. We do not send materials outside Sweden. For more details see distance education students

Overdue/late returns

A fine per item and per day will be charged for overdue items and for renewals made after the expiry date. For current charges, see  the price list. Please note that there is a higher fee for short (course) loans.

It is your responsibility to keep track of your loan period with the help of your loan receipt and My account on the web. The library provides a service which includes overdue notices and courtesy notices but we do not guarantee that these will always reach you.

You will be suspended from borrowing library material if your fines exceed the limit set by the Library Management.

Replacing lost or damaged library material

We send a recall notice when the due date has expired. After three recall notices you will receive an invoice for the replacement of the item. The invoice is a flat-rate charge to cover processing and replacement of the lost material. For more details see the price list. The invoice will be cancelled if the item in question is returned immediately, however any outstanding fines will remain. Damaged material must be replaced by a replacement book from the borrower if possible, otherwise we charge according to the flat-rate (see above).

If rare or valuable material is lost then the borrower will be billed a flat-rate charge for replacement. If a volume or part of a series or a CD or DVD disc is lost and cannot be replaced individually, then the borrower will be charged for the replacement of the complete set.

If we do not receive payment in full we will send the case to the Swedish  Enforcement Authority (kronofogdemyndigheten), this will incur an extra charge.

Please note that if the original item is found after a replacement copy has been purchased, no refunds will be issued. Lost material including replaced items, remain the sole property of the Mid Sweden University Library, even if recovered at a later date.

Renewals & Hold Requests

Library material (not including short loans) may be renewed for an additional loan period unless requested by another patrion. After a maximum period of 150 days you must produce the item at one of the Mid Sweden University Libraries to be discharged in our library system before a renewal is allowed. Short (course) loans can only be renewed over the counter at the Library where it was checked out.

You can reserve material out on loan and material held at the other Mid Sweden University Campus Libraries. Please note that an online hold request does not guarantee a loan. If the item is on the shelf then any in-person borrower will automatically have priority to the material. For more details see Renewals and Hold Requests.

You will receive a message as soon as the material arrives at your Campus Library. You have three working days from the date on the notice to collect the material from the Information Desk.

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service to provide students at university level with books, journal articles, and other library materials not owned by Mid Sweden University Library or available electronically. Fore more details, see ILL.

I have read the lending rules and agree to follow them