Distance education students
As a distance education student you can get books sent to your home address.
You get your library account as you activate your student portal login and approve the library lending rules. It takes about an hour after your activation before the library account is created. Did you miss approving the library's lending rules in the student portal? Then you can follow our Library Account Application Guide to register all your details.
To get materials sent home, you need to fill in our form for home delivery of requested material. Once you get confirmation that your application has been approved you can start requesting books.
You request your required material in Primo, and we send it to you free of charge, but please note that you pay the return postage yourself. We only send study related material. We do not send material abroad or within our Campus cities and nearby towns.
We extend your loan period with five extra days. This is to compensate for the time the material is in the post.