Lunchföreläsning om att kartlägga riskuppfattning

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Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet oat cake. Gummi bears tiramisu lollipop pie tootsie roll sesame snaps bonbon apple pie. Lemon drops jelly beans biscuit ice cream pastry.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet oat cake. Gummi bears tiramisu lollipop pie tootsie roll sesame snaps bonbon apple pie. Lemon drops jelly beans biscuit ice cream pastry.

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Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet oat cake. Gummi bears tiramisu lollipop pie tootsie roll sesame snaps bonbon apple pie. Lemon drops jelly beans biscuit ice cream pastry.

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Professor Audrone Telesiene och docent Aistė Balžekienė från forskargruppen "Civil Society and Sustainability" vid Kaunas University of Technology, Litauen, besöker Mittuniversitetet och berättar om sin forskning.

Projektet RiskSpace handlar om att kartlägga människors riskuppfattning och riskbedömningar i Litauen. 

Föreläsningen hålls i Östersund och kan ses i Sundsvall via videolänk. Ta gärna med din lunch och ät under föreläsningen.

Mapping of Risk Perception in Lithuania: Spatial and Socio-psychological Dimensions (RiskSpace)

The project aims to compose spatial and socio-psychological maps of risk perceptions and risk assessment in Lithuania, based on subjective and objective assessments of complex risk and vulnerabilities.


  • Systemize objective data of vulnerabilities and risks in Lithuania and visualize them in Lithuanian map, using various data layers; juxtapose this data with socio-demographic data;
  • Conduct representative survey of Lithuanian population, for the identification of cognitive structures of risk perceptions;
  • Conduct expert survey in Lithuanian municipalities for the assessment of local vulnerabilities;
  • Create a complex socio-spatial profile of risks and vulnerabilities in Lithuania, identify the factors of vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for the policy makers related to the managing and reducing risks and vulnerabilities in Lithuanian municipalities.
2 oktober 12:15 - 13:00 Östersund, F217 Sundsvall, L103