Minna Lundgren

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Minna Lundgren is a doctoral student in Sociology. She will defend her dissertation 'Boundaries of Displacement' in spring 2016.

Area of interest

The main area of interest is the development in the former Soviet republics, with a focus on migration (forced and voluntary), ethnic conflict and reconciliation, de facto regions (Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh), and risk and the everyday in unresolved conflict zones.

Current research

Minna Lundgren's doctoral research project, Boundaries of Displacement, focuses on experiences of protracted displacement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Abkhazia, a de-facto independent entity that de jure belongs to Georgia. Minna Lundgren is specifically interested in young people's experiences of forced displacement and uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore issues of belonging and wishes to return among those who have no or few own memories from Abkhazia before the armed conflicts broke out in the region in the early 1990ies.

Teaching and tutoring

Minna Lundgren teaches introductory courses in Sociology and sociological methods. She has previous experience from teaching in courses in Social law, disability and social work, migration and integration, and organization studies. She has also several years of experience in supervision of undergraduate students.


Articles in journals

Lundgren, M. (2014). Avlägsen tillhörighet: Om skapande och upprätthållande av platstillhörighet bland georgiska internflyktingar från Abkhazien : Distant belongings: On the maintaining and creation of place attachment among Georgian IDPs from Abkhazia. Nordisk Østforum, vol. 28: 3, pp. 215-237.

Perlinski, M. , Blom, B. , Morén, S. & Lundgren, M. (2011). The dialectics between specialization and integration : Politicians' and managers' views on forms of organization in the Swedish social services. Administration in Social Work, vol. 35: 1, pp. 60-87.

Morén, S. , Blom, B. , Lundgren, M. & Perlinski, M. (2010). Specialisering eller integration? : En studie av socialarbetares syn på arbetsvillkor och insatser i tre organisationsformer. Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift, : 2, pp. 189-209.

Lundgren, M. , Blom, B. , Morén, S. & Perlinski, M. (2009). Från integrering till specialisering : om organisering av socialtjänstens individ- och familjeomsorg 1988-2008. Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift, : 2, pp. 162-183.

Chapters in books

Lundgren, M. , Sjöstedt Landén, A. , Olofsson, A. , Lexhagen, M. & Jonsson, U. (2016). #miunjubfest - att berätta en historia och att skriva historien. In Makten att berätta: om tal och tystnad i tid och rum. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 24-31.

Lundgren, M. (2016). Röster om krig. In Makten att berätta: om tal och tystnad i tid och rum. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 93-104.

Lundgren, M. (2015). Crossing the border : An intergenerational study on belonging and temporary return among IDPs from Abkhazia. In Security, Democracy and Development in the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea Region. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe). pp. 229-248.

Conference papers

Lundgren, M. (2016). Tourism in Contested Abkhazia: Internal Peace and External Challenges. . Tiberias, Israel :

Lundgren, M. (2015). Everyday life and risk in unrecognized space. .

Lundgren, M. (2014). Personal risk perception and experiences of risk among Georgian youth in Gali district, Abkhazia. .

Lundgren, M. (2014). Distant Belongings : On Maintaining and Creation of Attachment to a Place Distant in Time and Space. .

Lundgren, M. (2013). Crossing  the  Border : An Intergenerational Study on Belonging and Temporary Returns among Internally Displaced from Abkhazia. .

Lundgren, M. (2012). Crossing the Border : An Inter-generational Study on Belonging and Temporary Return among IDPs from Abkhazia. .