Niklas Bolin
Disputerat i statsvetenskap vid Umeå Universitet (2012). Sedan 2012 universitetslektor vid Mittuniversitetet. Under perioden 2015-2017 postdoktor på halvtid.
- Nischpartier, t.ex. högerradikala och gröna partier
- Partiers interna liv, t.ex. partiers organisering, interndemokrati och partiledarval
- Parlamentarism, t.ex. deparlamentarisering, parlamentarisk kontroll
Pågående forskning
- Political Party Database. An initiative to establish a regularly-updated, online, public database including information about political party organization, party resources, leadership selection, and political participation within parties.
- Ministerial governance. How does the nexus of intra-cabinet, parliamentary and public administration relations influence, and get influenced by, the actions of the government minister?
Handledning av studentuppsatser VT 2016.
Skyddsombud för SHV
Ledamot Mittuniversitetets forskningsetiska kommitté
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Loxbo, K. & Bolin, N. (2016). Party Organizational Development and the Electoral Performance of the Radical Right: Exploring the Role of Local Candidates in the Breakthrough Elections of the Sweden Democrats 2002-2014. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, vol. 26: 2, ss. 170-190.
Aylott, N. & Bolin, N. (2015). The Swedish Greens : A Big Step Forward – and Several Steps Back. Environmental Politics, vol. 24: 2, ss. 337-341.
Bolin, N. (2015). A Loyal Rookie? The Sweden Democrats’ First Year in the European Parliament. Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, : 2, ss. 59-78.
Aylott, N. & Bolin, N. (2015). Polarising Pluralism: The Swedish Parliamentary Election of September 2014. West European Politics, vol. 38: 3, ss. 730-740.
Bolin, N. (2014). New party parliamentary entry in Western Europe, 1960-2010. European Journal of Government and Economics, vol. 3: 1, ss. 5-23.
Bolin, N. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2014). Do Anti-immigration Parties Matter? The Case of the Sweden Democrats and Local Refugee Policy. Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 37: 3, ss. 323-343.
Aylott, N. & Bolin, N. (2007). Towards a two-party system? : The Swedish parliamentary election of September 2006. West European Politics, vol. 30: 3, ss. 621-633.
Bolin, N. & Larue, T. (2006). Bättre forskarutbildning i statsvetenskap : ett förslag. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, vol. 108: 2, ss. 224-226.
Bolin, N. (2012). Målsättning riksdagen : Ett aktörsperspektiv på nya partiers inträde i det nationella parlamentet. Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2012 (Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie : 2012:3)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Bolin, N. (2015). Partikongresser och interndemokrati. I Partier och partisystem. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 105-119.
Bolin, N. , Olausson, P. M. & Nyhlén, S. (2015). Lokalt beslutsfattande - avslutande reflektioner. I Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 169-176.
Olausson, P. M. , Nyhlén, S. & Bolin, N. (2015). Lokalt beslutsfattande - en introduktion. I Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 11-20.
Nyhlén, S. , Bolin, N. & Olausson, P. M. (2015). Att studera lokalt beslutsfattande. I Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 73-77.
Bergman, T. & Bolin, N. (2013). Swedish Democracy : Crumbling Political Parties, a Feeble Riksdag, and Technocratic Power Holders?. I The Madisonian Turn : Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press. S. 251-293.
Bergman, T. & Bolin, N. (2011). Swedish democracy : crumbling political parties, a feeble riksdag, and technocratic power holders?. I The Madisonian turn : political parties and parliamentary democracy in Nordic Europe. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press (New comparative politics). S. 251-293.
Bolin, N. (2015). The Impact of the Swedish Populist Radical Right on the Immigration Agendas of the Established Parties and their MPs. . Milano :
Bolin, N. & Lidén, G. (2015). The non-receivers : Explanations as to why some Swedish municipalities resist refugee reception. . Milano :
Aylott, N. & Bolin, N. (2015). A peculiar practice : Intra-party democracy and leader selection in Sweden. . San Francisco and Gothenburg :
Bolin, N. (2015). A Matter of Time? The Impact of the Radical Right on Parties and MPs. .
Bolin, N. & Lidén, G. (2014). Disagreeing with the nation state : Why some Swedish municipalities refuse refugee reception. . Edinburgh :
Bolin, N. & Loxbo, K. (2014). Radical right parties, organizational maturity and electoral success.The Sweden Democrats and the elections of 2006 and 2010. . Gothenburg :
Bolin, N. & Lidén, G. (2014). Obstructing national policy. The case of Swedish municipalities and refugee reception. . Gothenburg :
Bolin, N. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2014). Local refugee reception and the impact of the Sweden Democrats. .
Poguntke, T. , von dem Berge, B. , Bolin, N. & Aylott, N. (2014). Intra-Party Democracy across the world: Patterns, Causes and Consequences. .
Bolin, N. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2013). Political Parties and Local Refugee Reception in Sweden. . Åbo :
Bolin, N. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2013). Anti-immigration party impact on local migration policy in Sweden. . Stockholm :
Bolin, N. (2013). Green Parties in Finland and Sweden. Electoral, Programmatic and Organizational Changes. . Bruxelles :
Bolin, N. (2010). How new parties shape their own fate : An actor-centered framework for analysis. . Dublin :
Bolin, N. (2007). Established parties and their measures against new parties. The case of Sweden. . Pisa :
Bolin, N. (2006). Contextual Impact on New Party Entrance. .
Aylott, N. & Bolin, N. (2016). Towards a Framework for Analysing Party Leadership Selection. Göteborg : (Cergu´s Working Paper Series 2016:9)
Bolin, N. (2007). New Party Entrance : Analyzing the Impact of Political Institutions. Umeå : Statsvetenskap (Umeå Working Papers in Political Science 2)
Bolin, N. & Aylott, N. (2006). The Swedish Parliamentary Election of September 2006. Sussex : European Parties Elections & Referendums Network (Election Briefing Papers 30)
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Bolin, N. (ed.) , Nyhlén, S. (ed.) & Olausson, P. M. (ed.) (2015). Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Bolin, N. (2015). Är Sverigedemokraterna höger? (Om makt och politik)
Bergman, T. , Bolin, N. & Sandström, C. (2015). DÖ är inte hållbar i längden (SvD Opinion)
Bergman, T. , Bolin, N. & Sandström, C. (2015). Det finns möjligheter till blocköverskridande samarbeten (Om makt och politik)
Bolin, N. (2014). The 2014 Swedish election will result in a change of government, but not in a substantive change of policy (LSE EUROPP Blog)
Bolin, N. (2014). Hur vanligt är det med nya partier i nationella parlament? (Om makt och politik)
Bolin, N. & Aylott, N. (2014). One winner and seven losers: The Swedish parliamentary election of September 2014 (EPERN research blog)
Bolin, N. , Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2014). SD har makt över lokal flyktingpolitik (Dagens Samhälle)
Bolin, N. (2013). Utpekande som vilar på påståenden utan grund (Dagbladet)