Folkhälsovetenskap AV, Hälsoekonomi, 7,5 hp
The master level Health Economics online short-course is constructed for the non-health-economists without previous knowledge of economics. The course targets public health, healthcare professionals, policy makers and other interested who would like to have an understanding and knowledge of the core concepts in health economics. The course introduces the understanding and use of the Health Economic terminologies, theories, methods, and models used in public health programs, reports, research and practice. The course is in English, students can communicate in Swedish, too.
Undervisningens upplägg
Meetings: Distance course students can join online for five compulsory moments.
Avlagd kandidatexamen om minst 180 hp, inklusive examensarbete om minst 15 hp eller motsvarande utländsk examen.
Urvalet grundas på antalet avklarade högskolepoäng som avklarats senast sista anmälningsdag, minst 30 och max 285 högskolepoäng