Exchange studies
Exchange students are students coming to Mid Sweden University for one or two semesters within the framework of an exchange agreement.
Who can apply for exchange studies?
To come to Mid Sweden University as an exchange student your home university must have signed a formal exchange agreement with Mid Sweden University. Contact the coordinator at your home university to find out if such an agreement exists and if you can be nominated as an exchange student. The length of the exchange period is determined by the agreement between Mid Sweden University and the student's home university, but the maximum is always two semesters.
How to be nominated
The coordinator at your home university has to nominate you for exchange studies at Mid Sweden University by filling out an online nomination form in Mobility Online. It is not possible to nominate students via email. Please note that we can only receive nominations during the regular nomination period. (See dates below)
How to apply
When your home university has submitted the online nomination and after the nomination deadline has passed, you will receive application instructions and a link to the web page where you apply for courses.
Important dates 2023/2024
In event of the dates below occurring on a weekend/holiday, the deadlines are postponed to the next weekday.
Nomination period
Autumn semester: March 1- April 1
Spring semester: September 1- October 1
Application deadline
Autumn semester: April 15
Spring semester: October 15
Deadline to submitt supporting documents
Autumn semester: April 18
Spring semester: TBD
Notification of Selection Results
Autumn semester: May 17
Spring semester: November 9
Academic calendar:
Autumn semester: August 28 - January 14
Spring semester: January 15- June 2