Archives and Information Science MA, Thesis Project III, 15 Credits
Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap AV, Avhandlingsprojekt III, 15 hp
Archives and Information Science MA, Thesis Project III, 15 Credits
General data
- Code: AK019A
- Subject/Main field: Archives and Information Science
- Cycle: Second cycle
- Credits: 15
- Progressive specialization: A1F - Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- Education area: Teknik 60%, Humaniora 40%
- Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
- Answerable department: Department of Information Technology and Media
- Approved: 2013-04-08
- Version valid from: 2013-02-21
The course aim is for students to gain further knowledge, by working on the research project, of scientific theories, methods and techniques relevant to the project.
Course objectives
After completing this course the student should:
- Be familiar with a theoretical or research method that is central to the thesis project
- Be able to analyze, evaluate and communicate the results obtained from the theoretical and research-based knowledge from the individual research project, for which the scope and in-depth plan is presented in the project thesis itself.
The course consists of in-depth and project-specific elements including theories, models and research methods. The content is defined by the scope and depth of the individual course planning established by the supervisor together with the student.
Entry requirements
Archives and Information Science MA, Thesis Project II, 15 Credits.
Selection rules and procedures
The selection process is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.
Teaching form
The course commences with the supervisor preparing an individual course plan that is project specific and for which the content defines the teaching approach and course literature. The major part of the course is undertaken by independent study and individual work.
Examination form
15.0 credits, R101: Report
Grade: A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F of which Fx and F are Fail grades.
The course is examined on the basis of one or more reports as detailed in the individual course plan, based on the "thesis proposal" (version 2), and an updated version of the "thesis proposal" (version 3).
Grading criteria for the subject can be found at
Grading system
Seven-grade scale, A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F. Fx and F represent fail levels.