Archives and Information Science MA, Sustainable Architecture, 7.5 credits
Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap AV, Hållbar arkitektur, 7,5 hp
Archives and Information Science MA, Sustainable Architecture, 7.5 credits
General data
- Code: AK023A
- Subject/Main field: Archives and Information Science
- Cycle: Second cycle
- Credits: 7,5
- Progressive specialization: A1N - Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
- Education area: Humaniora 50%, Teknik 50%
- Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
- Answerable department: Information Systems and Technology
- Approved: 2017-06-07
- Date of change: 2017-06-09
- Version valid from: 2017-07-01
Selection rules and procedures
The selection process is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.
Grading system
Seven-grade scale, A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F. Fx and F represent fail levels.
Litterature list
Required literature
- Author: Akenine, D., Kammerfors, E., Toftefors J.
- Title: Boken om IT-arkitektur
- Edition: 2014 eller senare
- Publisher: Hoi förlag
Reference literature
- Author: Lankhorst, M.
- Title: Enterprise Architecture at Work - Modelling, Communication and Analysis
- Edition: 2013 eller senare
- Publisher: Springer