Archival and Information Science A, Electronic Records Management
The syllabus is discontinued
Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap A, Elektronisk dokumenthantering, 5 poäng
Archival and Information Science A, Electronic Records Management
General data
- Code: AKIA07
- Subject/Main field: Archives and Information Science
- Cycle: A-level
- Credits: 7,5
- Progressive specialization: - - -
- Education area: Humaniora 100%
- Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
- Answerable department: Department of Information Technology and Media
- Approved: 2005-09-29
- Date of change: 2006-03-27
- Version valid from: 2006-06-01
Entry requirements
Selection rules and procedures
The selectionprocess is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), or Pass with distinction (VG)
Litterature list
Required literature
- Author: Wallin Patrik
- Title: Elektronisk informationsförvaltning - Ett arkiv- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv, Arkiv i Norrland
- Edition: 2005
- Publisher: Landsarkivet
- Author: Waldron Martin
- Title: MoReq: Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records.
- Edition: Edoc Magazine 16, no. 5 (September/October 2002), (artikel)
- Author: Thomassen Theo
- Title: A First Introduction to Archival Science
- Edition: Archival Science 1 (2001), (artikel)
- Author: Sundqvist A, (red)
- Title: Dokumentstyrning i processorienterade organisationer, Dokument och arkiv nr 3,
- Ort: Stockholm 2005
- Edition: Senaste upplagan (valda delar)
- Publisher: Näringslivets arkivråd
- Author: McKemmish, Acland, Ward, Reed,
- Title: Describing Records in Context in the Continuum: the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema.
- Edition: 1999 (artikel)
- Author: Hofman, Hans
- Title: Metadata and the Management of Current Records in Digital Form
- Edition: 2000
- Publisher: International Council on Archives, Committee on electronic and Other Current Records, Paris
- Author: Fanning, Betsy
- Title: “Records Management Standards.”
- Publisher: edoc Magazine 16, no. 5 (artikel)
- Author: Beekman, G., Quinn,M.
- Title: Computer Confluence - Tomorrow´s Technology and You
- Edition: Senaste upplagan
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Title: Electronic records: A workbook for archivists
- Ort: Paris 2005
- Publisher: International Council on Archives, Committee on current records in an Electronic Enviroment
- Title: Förstudierapport om framtidens elektroniska arkiv, 2003:107 .
- Edition: 2003
- Publisher: Statskontoret
- Title: From volatility to digital permanence, preserving text documents, Digital Preservation Testbed White Paper
- Ort: Haag, 2003
- Edition: (artikel)
- Title: Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq)
- Ort: Bryssel-Luxemburg
- Edition: 2001
- Publisher: CECA-CEE-CEEA
- Title: Någon eller några artiklar tillkommer
- Title: Vägledning till ramavtal om produkter och tjänster för informationsförsörjning.
- Edition: 2003
- Publisher: Statskontoret 2003:07 (s.1-40)
- Title: XML and digital preservation
- Ort: Haag
- Edition: 2002
- Publisher: Digital Preservation Testbed White Paper