The Department of Infrastructure, INFRA, is responsible for ensuring that our premises maintain good fire safety.
According to the Act on Protection against Accidents (SMO - SFS 2003:778), fire safety is an important part of our safe working environment. Through the systematic fire protection work, SBA, such an environment is to be sought that the risk of fire is reduced and if a fire does occur, people should be able to get to safety and the effect of the damage should be minimized.
The systematic fire protection work is proactive and includes, among other things, that we design our premises in a safe way, regularly check that the protection continues to be of good quality, and inform, educate and train the staff who regularly visit our premises. Training in saving lives through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR, is part of the proactive safety work.
The work of creating good fire-safe premises is the responsibility of both Mid Sweden University and our property owners. But it is also up to each individual to promote good fire protection by taking part in safety plans and detecting/eliminating risks.
According to equal conditions, persons with disabilities must have the same opportunity to be able to get to safety themselves in the event of a fire or other emergency. In recent years, the concept of accessibility has therefore supplemented the area of accessibility to more clearly describe the way of working.
Evacuation plans
The evacuation plan shows how to get out of the building, where safety equipment is placed and where to go after an evacuation.
It is important that you go to the relevant assembly point in the event of an evacuation alarm. It is in this place that you have an opportunity to get an idea of how the evacuation worked, that you do not miss your colleague/comrade.
Wait at the assembly point until it is announced that the danger is over!