If you need material that is not available in our collection we will do our best to acquire it for you, either through purchase or by lending it for you from another library.

Charges for interlibrary loans

Charges for students

Books within Scandinavia - free.

Books from outside Scandinavia - 170 SEK/book.

Article copies - 50 SEK/article.

Article copies from our own print journals - 1 SEK/page.

Standards/patents - Going rates.

Microfilm - free.


Charges for Mid Sweden University faculty and staff

All interlibrary loans are free of charge for faculty and staff at Mid Sweden University.

Charges for public libraries

Books loans - Free of charge.

Copies (articles) - 80 SEK/article.

Frizon Bisam (articles) - Free of charge.

Frikrets NORFRI (articles) - Free of charge.

Charges for the public

For interlibrary loans for the public, please contact your municipal library.

Charges for libraries overseas

Charges for libraries overseas

Book loans - 2 IFLA vouchers/book.

Document delivery - 2 IFLA vouchers/article copy.

Charges for Scandinavian libraries

NORFRI loans - Free service.

NORFRI article copies - Free service.

The page was updated 12/22/2023