Tourism is defined as travelling and staying outside your normal residence and work-place. The Tourism Studies programmes will deepen your understanding about tourism as an activity, how the tourism industry is organised and developed, and how tourism influences society locally, nationally and globally.
Tourism Studies treats its study and research area as a whole, where physical, economic, social and cultural aspects of tourism, tourist markets, and destinations are the main corner-stones of learning. The world around us works in many different ways and world events can play a decisive role for the possibilities and conditions for tourism and the tourism industry. It is important to be able to put your tourism studies into a wider perspective using knowledge from several social science subjects. Tourism Studies is an applied and trans-disciplinary science which was started at Mid Sweden University
In many contexts, tourism is seen as a part of the broader concept “leisure”, including spare time and recreation. It is a field where studies focus on people’s behaviour and how their leisure-time activities and recreation needs are satisfied. Regardless of the type of tourism, heavy demands on quality are made on how the tourist industry and destinations functions. What is offered should correspond to the tourists’ expectations. It is therefore a matter of making strategic choices in order to develop a well-functioning tourism and a profitable tourist industry.
Courses in Tourism Studies are given at the Östersund Campus at Mid Sweden University.
At Mid Sweden University, there are first cycle courses and programmes in Tourism Studies, as well as second cycle (master) and third cycle.
The first cycle courses are primarily included in the Tourism Management Programme, where Tourism Studies is an elective main field of study for the degree. Some courses are also offered as freestanding courses.
Education in this field provides a basis for qualified professional work in any part of the tourism sector.