2008 och tidigare

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Ivarsson, Lena(2008). Att kunna läsa innan skolstarten : läsutveckling och lärandemiljöer hos tidiga läsare. Diss. Umeå : Pedagogisk Institutionen (Akademiska avhandlingar vid Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet)


Rasmusson, M., Sundgren, M. & Sahlin, S. (2008). Podcasting and blogging - the way to learn? Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research 2008 in Gothenburg Sept 10


Augusén, Harriet & Segerholm, Christina (2008). Lokala strategier för mångfald : Delrapport 3. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap


Fredriksson, Ulf & Hoskins, Bryony (2008). Learning to Learn : What is it and can it be measured?.


Fredriksson, Ulf & Hoskins, Bryony (2008). Learning to learn : What is it and can it be measured?. Ispra : European Commission JRC (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports)


Fredriksson, Ulf (2008). Teachers' salaries in comparison with other occupational groups. Ispra : European Commission JRC (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports)


Fredriksson, Ulf, Eklund, Monica & Taube, Karin (2008). Reading among students of immigrant origin in a number of Swedish municipalities: : Analysing differences in reading skills between students of immigrant origin and Swedish students and differences related to age, gender, participation in remedial education, participation in education in Swedish as a second language and participation in mother tongue education.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Eklund, Monica & Taube, Karin (2008). Reading and education for students of immigrant origin in a number of Swedish municipalities.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Jedeskog, Gunilla & Plomp, Tjeerd (2008). Innovative use of ICT in schools based on the findings in ELFE project. Education and Information Technologies, vol. 13: 2, pp. 83-101.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Taube, Karin & Eklund, Monica (2008). Reading and remedial education among students of immigrant origin in a number of Swedish municipalities.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Villalba, Ernesto & Taube, Karin (2008). Student self-assessment and reading.


Grek, Sotiria, Strombaeck Pedersen, Carsten , Segerholm, Christina & Simola, Hannu (2008). Context and Meaning : The Challenges of Developing an International Survey of the views of the teaching Profession on Quality Assurance and evaluation (QAE)..


Gu, Limin (2008). Becoming a teacher of young children : student teachers' understanding of professional learning and professional identity.


Ivarsson, Lena (2008). Different learning environments and their impact on reading development.


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2008). Changes within the practice of higher education : Participating in educational communication through distance settings. International Journal of Web Based Communities, vol. 4: 2, pp. 173-187.


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2008). Changes within the practice of higher education: : Participating in educational communication through distance settings. International Journal of Web Based Communities, vol. 4: 2, pp. 173-187.


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2008). Participation and genres of communication in online settings of higher education. Education and Information Technologies, vol. 13: 2, pp. 129-146.


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2008). The relevance of the concept learning environment for understanding online education In Paper presentede at the Networked Learning, Collaboration and Competence: Evolving issues, May 15-16, 2008. Jönköping :


Karlsson, Håkan & Segerholm, Christina (2008). Quality assurance and evaluation (QAE) – support or nuisance?. : Swedish teachers’ views.


Lindberg, Ola & Anders, Olofsson (2008). E-OLC in a context of the Other : Face, trace and cyberspace. International Journal of Web Based Communities, vol. 4: 2, pp. 188-198.Olofsson, Anders D. & Lindberg, Ola (2008). Review of "Global perspectives on E-learning. Rhetoric and reality." . Seminar.net, vol. 4: 1


Lindberg, Ola & Gu, Limin (2008). TETPD in Sweden.


Lindberg, Ola & Olofsson, Anders D (2008). Design for learning to perform in a digital environment : Paper presented at the conference Designs for learning. First international conference 2008 - defining the field, 3-4 march 2008, Stoockholm, Sweden..


Olofsson, Anders (2008). Students peer-reviewing papers - the benefits of strong framing and weak classification in writing processes : Paper Ecer 2008.


Olofsson, Anders D & Lindberg, J Ola (2008). An Ethical Perspective on ICT in the Context of the Other. In Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues. Hershey: New York : Information Science Reference. pp. 506-526.


Rasmusson, Maria (2008). The concept of electronic reading. Copenhagen, Denmark :


Segerholm, Chrisitna (2008). Statlig styrning av lokalt mångfaldsarbete i skolan. : En utvärdering av LOKI. Slutrapport.. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap


Segerholm, Christina (2008). Evaluation as transnational policy. : Evaluation policy in Swedish compulsory education, its international influences and national features.


Segerholm, Christina (2008). Kommunikation som styrmedel. : Myndigheten för skolutvecklings strategi för att stimulera mångfaldsarbete genom lokala initiativ. Delrapport 2.. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap


Segerholm, Christina (2008). LOKI – en statlig satsning på lokalt mångfaldsarbete i kommunal utbildning. : Uppföljningsstudie. Delrapport 1. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap


Snyder, Karolyn, Acker-Hocevar, Michele & Snyder, Kristen (2008). Living on the edge of chaos: Leading schools into the global age. milwakee, Wisconsin : ASQ Quality Press


Snyder, Kristen & James, Waynne (2008). Global citizenship: what does it mean for schools and social roles in the 21st century.


Snyder, Kristen (2008). The digital culture and peda-socio transformation In Beyond Distance Research Alliance Learning Futures conference'The Campus and Beyond' . Leicester, England. 8-9 January 2008.


Snyder, Kristen, Åhl, Hans & Cooper, Karen (2008). Idéskolor 2007-2008 flerspråkighet i den öppna och medvetna skolan: utvärdering


Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth (2008). Patterns in English Language Proficiency : Some Differences and Similarities between Seven European Countries.


Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth, Erickson, Gudrun , Gustafsson, Jan-Eric , Ohlander, Sölve & Velling Pedersen, Dorte (2008). Similarities and differences in EFL proficiency : a multifaceted analytic approach : Poster presenterad vid the Fifth Annual EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment) Conference, Aten, Grekland.



Damber, U. (2007) Beating the odds, not easy but possible: on 94 grade three classes in stockholm, overachieiving in reading in 15th European conference on reading, Berlin


Damber, U. (2007) Läsning - en fråga om mer än bara läsning? Studier av högprestera nde elever i årskurs tre och deras lärare in SCIRA Läsning (Ed.) Berit Hyland och Ingrid Norrlid, Vol. 32, nr 2, pp. 14-19


Damber, U. (2007) Literature and empowerment in Multiligual Literacies in the 21st Century, Jyväskylä


Damber, U. (2007) Which discriminants characterize effective/ineffective grade three classes in reading and what can be learnt about effective instruction from those descriptions? in Earli, 12th Biennal Conference


Erickson, G. & Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2007, juni). A collaborative approach to national test development. Paper presenterat vid The Fourth Annual Conference of EALTA, Sitges, Spanien.


Fredriksson, U & Hoskins, B. (2007) The development of learning to learn in a European context. in The Curriculum Journal, Vol. 18:2, 2007


Fredriksson, U. Developing an instrument to measure learning to learn (tillsammans med Ruth Deakin Crick, Jarkko Hautamäki och Joost Meijer) Paper presented at the Association for Educational Assessment Europe 8th Annual Conference in Stockholm in November 2007


Fredriksson, U. Lärarpolicy i Europa: Ett ökat intresse för lärare och lärarutbildning. Pædagogisk Orientering Nr. 1, Marts 2007


Fredriksson, U., Reading, reading habits and reading on the web (tillsammans med Monica Eklund och Karin Taube) Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Ghent, in September 2007


Fredriksson, U., Teachers and Their Situation in Europe, paper presented at the IIE Alumni Symposium: Education and Development in a Globalized World in Stockholm in December 2007, Institute of International Education, Department of Education, Stockholm University


Fredriksson, U., Teachers’ salaries in comparison with other occupational groups. Paper presented at the 35th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Turku, March, 2007


Fredriksson, U., The development of learning to learn in a European context (tillsammans med Bryony Hoskins) Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Ghent, in September 2007


Höög, J., Johansson, O., & Olofsson, A. Successful principalship – The Swedish Case In Day, C., Leithwood, K. (Ed.)(2007)Successful Principal Leadership in Times of Change An International Perspective.Springer Publishers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands


Hrastinski, S., & Jaldemark, J. (2007). Designing for participation in dynamic settings of online education. Paper presenterat vid Interaction Design in Pedagical Practice, 1-2 november 2007, Haninge, Södertörns Högskola, Sverige.


Ivarsson, L. (2007) Tidiga läsare - därför blev de tidiga läsare in SCIRA Läsning (Ed.) Hyland, B. & Norrlid, I. , Vol. 2, pp. 20-23


Olofsson, A.D & Lindberg, J.O. (2007) Review of "Global perspectives on E-learning. Rhetoric and reality." in seminar.net (Ed.) Yngve Nordkvelle


Olofsson, A.D., & Lindberg, J.O. (2007) Enhancing Phronesis - Bridging Communities Through Technology (Reprint). In L.A. Tomei (Ed.) Online and Distance Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference.


Segerholm, C. & Åström, E. (2007) Governance through Institutionalized Evaluation: Recentralization and Influences at Local Levels in Higher Education in Sweden in Evaluation, Vol. 13, pp. 48-67, SAGE Publications, London


Segerholm, C. (2007) New Public Management and Evaluation Under Decentralising Regimes. Paper presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society and American Evaluation Association Joint Conference in Toronto, 26-29 October, 2005. in Advances in Program Evaluation. Dilemmas of Engagement: Evaluation and the New Public Management (Ed.) Saville Kushner & Nigel Norris, Vol. 10, pp. 129-138, Elsevier JAI, Amsterdam et al.


Shabes, V., Troshchenkova, E., Potapova, T., Cooper, K., Augusen, H. (2007) Experimental Research on Russian and Swedish Value Systems. (Preliminary survey data of cognitive psycholinguistic experiments with teachers, university teachers-students and school pupils). St-Petersburg, 2007, 978-5-903191-13-0


Snyder, K. M. (2007) The Digital Culture and “Peda-Socio” transformation. Seminar.net: media, technology and life long learning. vol 3, 1.


Snyder, K. M. (2007) The digital culture and peda-socio transformation. Beyond Distance Research Alliance. January 9-10. Leicester, England



Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2006). “Then we can take half … almost”: Elementary students learning bar graphs and pie charts in a computer-based context. International Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25, 116–135.


Åberg-Bengtsson, L., & Erickson, G. (2006). Dimensions of national test performance in language and mathematics: A two-level approach. Educational Research and Evaluation, 12, 469-488.


Åberg-Bengtsson, L., & Ottosson, T. (2006). What lies behind graphicacy? Relating students’ results on a test of graphically represented quantitative information to formal academic achievement. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43, 43-62.


Andersson, Ulla och Göhl-Muigai Ann- Kristin (2006) Charlotte Buhler:levnadsteckning av en förebild inom svensk förskolepedagogik in Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige (Ed.) Björn Hasselgren, pp. 139-159


Björkman, C. & Olofsson, A.(2006) Qualitative descriptions of capacity building in schools – two Swedish cases. Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA – Conference in Örebro, Sweden, 2006-03-09—11.


Eklund, M & M. Rasmusson (2006) Teachers Use of Web-Based Learning Resources


Eklund, M. & Nelson, W. (2006). Homework for school. The Democratic Assigment. Paper presenterat på The European Conference on Educational Research, Geneve, 13-16 september 2006.


Eklund, M. & Nyberg, O (2006). What are the Academic Foundations of Didactics in Civics? I N. Kyriakidou (Red.), International Reflections on Education and Buisiness. Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER): Athens.


Eklund, M., Fredriksson, U. & Taube, K. (2006). Reading Among Students in Sweden: Recent Research and Present Trends in an International Perspective. Paper presenterat på The European Conference on Educational Research, Geneve, 13-16 september 2006.


Eklund, M., Fredriksson, U. & Taube, K. (2006). Reading, reading habits and reading on the web. Paper presenterat vid NFPF:s 34:e kongress. Örebro, 9-11 mars, 2006.


Folkestad, L., Åberg-Bengtsson, L., & Granström, G. (2006). Patients’ experience and doctors’ opinion on recovery after surgery for orbital fractures: A prospective study. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 35, 499-505.


Fredriksson, U., Eklund, M. & Taube, K. (2006). Reading and students’ well-being. Paper presenterat vid NFPF:s 34:e kongress. Örebro, 9-11 mars, 2006.


Fredriksson, U., T. Plomp, G. Jedeskog, E. Sorensen, M. Rasmusson (2006) Innovative use of ICT in schools based on the findings in ELFE project (The European e-learning Forum for Education) in ECER in Geneva 2006


Fredriksson, U., Tjeerd Plomp, Jedeskog, g. Elsebeth Sorensen, Maria Rasmusson (2006) Innovative use of ICT in schools in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom in NERA/NFPF Congress in Örebro 2006


From, J., Holmgren, C. & Olofsson, A. Models for entrepreneurship education and theories in educational research In Höghielm, R. (2006) Work Package 1 C Report. Work Related Learning; Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Programmes. Research Section. Global Education Partnership. Education and Culture Leonardo Da Vinci.


Gu, L. (2006) Chinese early childhood education in transition in Wingspan, Vol. 2, pp. 30-41


Gu, L. (2006) Comparison of national preschool curricula in China and Sweden in Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006


Gustafsson, J.-E., & Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2006). Unidimensionality and interpretability of psychological instruments. Invited paper presenterat vid konferensen New Directions in Psychological Measurement with Model-Based Approaches, 17-18 februari. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, USA.


Hult A, & Olofsson, A., Rönnerman, K. (2006) Tio år senare. Lärares syn på yrket i en skola i förändring. I Lärarrollen i ett föränderligt samhälle.2:a reviderade upplagan. Länsförsäkringars forskningsfond. Stockholm


Ivarson-Jansson, E. & Gu, L (2006) Reflection and professional learning An analysis on teachers' classroom observations in Classroom Thinking Journal of RWCT, Vol. 7, pp. 4-11


Ivarson-Jansson, E. & Gu, L. (2006) Teachers' learning in Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006


Jaldemark, J. (2006, Oktober 30- November 1). Changes in the practice of distance education: The entrance of online communities. Paper presenterat vid LearnIT-seminariet "OLC in Context", Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg.


Lindberg, O. J. & A. D. Olofsson (2006) "Whatever Happened to the Social Dimension?" Aspects of Learning in a Distance-based Teacher Training Programme. in Education and Information Technologies (Ed.) Dr Deryn Watson, Vol. 11, pp. 7-20, Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


Lindberg, O. J. & A. D. Olofsson (2006) Distancing democracy: Organising on-line teacher training to promote community values. in UCFV Research review (Ed.) Dr Wendy Burton, University College of the Fraser Valley, Fraser Valley, Canada


Lindberg, O. J. & A. D. Olofsson (2006) Enhancing Phronesis - Bridging Communities Through Technology. in Enhancing Learning Through Technology (Ed.) E. Korsgaard-Sorensen & D. ó Murchú, Idea Group Inc., Hershey, PA, USA


Lindberg, O. J. & Olofsson, A. D. (2006) Individual and Flexible: Working Conditions in the Practice of Swedish Distance-Based Teacher Education in International Education Journal (Ed.) John P. Keeves, Vol. 7, Shannon Research Press, Adalaide


Lindberg, O. J. & Olofsson, A.D. (2006). Conditioned content - Democratic aspects on learning in netbased education. Paper pesented at the 34th NERA Congress, 9-11 march 2006, Örebro, Sweden


Linnakylä, P., Malin, A. and Taube, K. (2006) (2006). What lies behind low reading literacy performance? A comparative analysis of the Finnish and Swedish students in Northern Lights on PISA 2003 (Ed.) J.Mejding & A.Roe, pp. 129-141, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen


Olofsson, A. (2006) Can entrepreneurship be learnt by Entrepreneurship training and in Schools. Paper at14th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research May 11-13, 2006. Published. http://www.ncsb2006.se/download_title.htm


Olofsson, A. (2006) Utbildning för samhällsförändring. I Sundsvalls tidning 2006-11-09, sid 30


Olofsson, A.D., & Lindberg, J. O. (2006). OLC in the context of the other. Paper presented at the Learnit international seminar OLC in context, 30/10-1/11 2006, Gothenburg, Sweden.


Olofsson, A.D., & Lindberg, J.O. (2006). ACCESS DENIED. Participation in an Educational OLC. Paper presented at Netlearening 2006, 8-10/5 2006, Ronneby, Sweden.


Segerholm, C. (2006) ). Learning about European Union financed social science practise. in European Educational Research Journal , Vol. 5, pp. 287-291


Snyder, K. (2006) Education, Communicaiton and Culture: Developing human in a technological age in European Education Research Association


Snyder, K. M. (2006). Stimulating dialogue online in cross cultural learning communities, in Technological Aspects of Mentoring, F. Kochran, J. Pascarelli (eds) Infomage Press


Snyder, K.M. Building a responsive future through education: Cultural Contributions to a global challenge. EEERA/ECER Annual Conference September 2006: Network 7


Swalander, L. & Taube, K. (2006) Influences of family based prerequisites reading attitude, and self-regulation on reading ability in Contemporary Educational Psychology



,From, Jörgen.Holmgren, Carina.Olofsson, Anders.Snyder, Kristen.Karlsson, Håkan.(2005). What is education in entrepreneurship education?


,Holmgren, Carina.Lundström, Anders.Olofsson, Anders.Viklands, Ingrid.(2005). Interrelated effects of entrepreneurship education programs supported by local, regional and/or national authorities


,Jaldemark, Jimmy.Lindberg, Ola.Olofsson, Anders D..(2005). Att förstå hur man deltar via redskap i en lärgemenskap


,Jaldemark, Jimmy.(2005). Ett deltagande för alla? En kritisk diskussion


,Jaldemark, Jimmy.(2005). The ups and downs of learning online


,Wallin, Björn.(2005). Barnfamiljer i Östersund. En översiktlig beskrivning av samtliga variabler i BARN-90-projektet.


Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2005). Separating the quantitative and analytic dimensions of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (Swesat). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49, 359-383.


Åberg-Bengtsson. L., & Ottosson, T. (2005). Students’ ways of making sense of line graphs and scatter plots in open-ended questions in a graphicacy test. Paper presenterat vid the 11th Biennial EARLI conference, Nicosia, Cypern.


Eklund, M. & Nyberg, O. (2005). Ämnesdidaktik i samhällskunskap. Konferensbidrag presenterat vid Ämnesdidaktisk rikskonferens i Karlstad i forskning och forskarutbildning. Karlstad, 17-18 mars 2005.


Eklund, M. & Nyberg, O. (2005). What are the Academic Foundations of Didactics in Civics? Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Education. May 20-22, Athens, Greece.


Gu, L. & Ivarson-Jansson, E. (2005) Teachers’ reflective learning through action research in The 1st International Conference on School Effectiveness and School Improvement in China


Höög, J., Johansson, O., & Olofsson, A. Successful principalship – The Swedish Case. Journal of Eduactional Administration. Vol 43, nr 6, pp595-606, 2005


Holmgren, C & From, J (2005) Taylorism of the Mind - Entrepreneurship Education from a Perspective of Educational Research in European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 382-390


Hult A, & Olofsson, A., Rönnerman, K. Tio år senare. Lärares syn på yrket i en skola i förändring. I Lärarrollen i ett föränderligt samhälle. Länsförsäkringars forskningsfond. Stockholm


Hult, A.,Olofsson, A,. & Rönnerman. K. (2005). Ten years later – Teachers’ views of their profession. WingSpan, E-volyme 1, no 1, pp 36-45. Summer 2005.


Jaldemark, J. (2005, December 1-2). Patterns of participation in online courses [Abstract]. Paper presenterat vid INTERLEARN 2005, Multidisciplinary approaches to learning, Finlandia Hall, Helsingfors, Finland.


Jaldemark, J., Lindberg, O.J., & Olofsson, A.D. (2005). Sharing the distance or a distance shared: Social and individual aspects of participation in ICT-supported distance-based teacher education. I M. Chaib & A-K. Svensson (Eds.) International prospective on ICT in teacher education (pp. 142-169). Jönköping, Sweden: Jönköpng university press.


Johansson, B (2005) Företagshälsovård i förändring in Framtidens tillsyns- och arbetsmiljöarbete, Studentlitteratur, Lund


Lindberg, J. O. & A. D. Olofsson (2005) Edukation. Ett möjligt studieobjekt? in Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige (Ed.) Biörn Hasselgren, Vol. 10, pp. 52-64, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborg, Göteborg


Lindberg, J. O. & A. D. Olofsson (2005) Phronesis - on Teachers´ Knowing in Action. Towards Teaching as Embodied Moral. in Journal of Research on Teacher Education (Ed.) Gun-Marie Frånberg, Vol. 12, pp. 148-162, The Faculty Board of Teacher Education, Umeå


Lindberg, J.O., & Olofsson, A.D. (2005) Training Teachers Through Technology. A case study of a distance-based teacher training programme. Pedagogiska institutionen, Print och media, Umeå Universitet, Umeå


Ljung-Djärf, A., Åberg-Bengtsson, L., & Ottosson, T. (2005). Ways of relating to computer use in pre-school activity. International Journal of Early Years Education 13, 29-41.


Olofsson, A. D. & J. O. Lindberg (2005) Assumptions about participation in teacher education through the use of ICT. in Campus-Wide Information Systems (Ed.) Professor Ken Fernstrom, Vol. 22, pp. 154-161, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Olofsson, A. D. & Lindberg, J. O. (2005). Pedagogik, tolkning och förståelse. En metodologisk reflektion kring studieobjektet edukation. Utbildning och demokrati. 14 (2), 99-118


Olofsson, A.D., & Lindberg, J.O. (2005). The Learning Community – An Understanding of Web-based Education? Paper presented at the Unizon Conference ”Crossborder NetWorking and Learning”. Vaasa, Finland, 20050518-19.


Roe, A. & Taube, K. (2005) Roe, A. & Taube, K. How can reading abilities explain differences in math performances? Paper presenterat vid EARLI konferensen i Nicosia på Cypern (aug 2005).


Segerholm, C. (2005) Productive Internalization in Higher Education: An example. in Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning nr 3, pp. 9-14, Fakultetsnämnden för lärarutbildning, Umeå univers, Umeå


Snyder, K. M. (2005) The digital culture and communication: more than just classroom learning. Seminar.net media, technology and lifelong learning. Vol. 1, issue 2


Snyder, K. M. (2005) Using online communication for more than just classroom learning: What does it take? Paper accepted for presentation at the European Education Research Conference. Dublin, September.


Snyder, Kristen (2005) Is dialogue possible online? Findings from an intenrational study of educators engaged in professional mentoring groups in a web-based environment in Creating Successful Telementoring (Ed.) Frances K. Kochan and Joseph T. Pascarelli, pp. 273-294, Information Age Publishing, Greenwich Connecticut


Sträng, M. H., & Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2005, augusti) Adults and pre-school children talking science in three learning environments. Paper presenterat vid the 11th Biennial EARLI conference, Nicosia, Cypern.


Taube, K. (2005) How in the world do students read? Paper presenterat vid Kerstin Hesselgren Symposiet "From gene to Scene. Literacy in Interdisciplinary Academia & Multimedia Society". 12 maj 2005 i Göteborg.


Taube, K. (2005) Skillnader mellan flickors och pojkars läsinlärning. Paper presenterat vid Nordiska Ministerrådets Arbtesseminarium om läsfärdigheter i Norden i Köpenhamn 3-4 februari. in Nordiska Ministerrådets Arbetsseminarium om läsfärdigheter i Norden i Köpenhamn 3-4 aug 2005.


Taube, K. Fredriksson, U. & Eklund, M. (2005). Läsundersökningsprojekt i samarbete med kommuner. Paper presenterat vid HSS (Högskolor och samhälle i samverkan) konferens. Östersund. 6-8 april.


Taube, K. Fredriksson, U. & Eklund, M. (2005). Reading among students in Sweden. Recent research and present trends. Symposium at the 33rd Congress of the Nordic Educational-Research Association, Oslo. March 10-12. 2005.



,Snyder, Kristen.(2004-05 ). Stimulating Dialogue online in cross cultural learning communities, in F. Kochan and J. Pascarelli (ed) Technological Aspects of Mentoring



,Göhl-Muigai, Ann-Kristin.(2004). Talet om ansvar i förskolans styrdokument 1945-1998.: En textanalys.


,Holmgren, Carina.From, Jörgen.Olofsson, Anders.Snyder, Kristen.Karlsson, Håkan.Sundström, Ulrika.(2004). Entrepreneurship Education: Salvation or Damnation?


,Holmgren, Carina.From, Jörgen.(2004). Taylorism of the Mind: Entreprenurship Education from a Perspective of Educational Research


,Holmström, Ewa.(2004). Känner föräldrar oro inför sitt barns tonårstid?


,Jaldemark, Jimmy.Lindberg, Ola.Olofsson, Anders, D..(2004). Learning through others as learning for myself


,Linnakylä, Pirjo.Malin, A.Taube, Karin.(2004). Factors behind Low Reading Literacy Achievement


,Pettersson, Astrid.Karlsson, K.G..Taube, Karin.(2004). PISA 2003 - Svenska femtonåringars kunskaper och attityder i ett internationellt perspektiv, Skolverkets rapport nr 254


,Snyder, Kristen.Van Lakerveld, Jaap.Wagenius, Martin.Benthem, Ingrid .(2004). The Education Quality Benchmark System: Helping teachers work with information to sustain change


,Snyder, Kristen.Fredriksson, Ulf .Taube, Karin.(2004). Measuring Quality, learning, and knowlege in the knowledge society


,Snyder, Kristen.Fredriksson, Ulf.Karlsson, K.G..Taube, Karin.(2004). Measuring Quality,Learning and Knowledge in the Knowledge Society


,Snyder, Kristen.Olofsson, Anders.Karlsson, Håkan.(2004). Schools And Communities In Partnership To Foster Entrepreneurship Education


Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2004). Do small rural schools differ? A comparative two-level model of reading achievement among Swedish 9-year-olds. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 48, 19-33.


Åberg-Bengtsson, L. (2004, september). Effects of following different tracks in upper secondary education on a university entrance test. Paper presenterat vid the European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2004, Kreta, Grekland.


Åberg-Bengtsson, L., Erickson, G., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2004, mars). Assessment of what? Dimensions of language skills at individual and school levels. Paper presenterat vid the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) 2004, Temecula Creek, California, USA.


Eklund, M. (2004). Intercultural learning: Intentions and Realities. Paper presented at the 32nd Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Reykjavik March 11-13, 2004. in NFPF


Fredriksson, U (2004) Studying the Supra-National in Education: GATS, education and teacher union policies. in European Educational Research Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, 2004


Fredriksson, U. (2004) Hur läser elever med invandrarbakgrund i Stockholm? in SCIRA Läsning årgång 29, nr 2, 2004


Fredriksson, U. (2004) Quality Education: the teachers' key role in International Conference on Education, 47th session, Geneve, 8-11 September 2004


Fredriksson, U. och Snyder, K (2004). Utbildningsvetenskap: Globalisering, kunskapssamhället och kvalitet. in Symposium “Vad är ut/bildningsvetenskap?”, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, oktober 2004


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