FAQ about degree certificates
Frequently asked questions
What is included in the certificate?
The degree certificate, which is written in both Swedish and English, is issued on several pages. The front page shows which degree you have received, your name and date of birth, the date of issue and the signature of the Vice Chancellor and the Degree Administrator.
The following pages are an appendix to the degree certificate and shows your studies, where courses taken in Sweden are specified with their names, scope, grades and date of examination. For courses taken abroad we refer to your original documents. Grades are given in the Swedish system, but not for courses taken abroad. There is also an explanation for scope, grades, levels and cycles used.
Cumulative grade or rank and transferred grades
Cumulative grade points average (CGPA) and cumulative rank in class is not calculated in the degree certificate. Neither is the grades transferred into grades in %.
Who will issue the degree certificate?
It is the Vice Chancellor who issue the certificate, but it is the Degree Office that handles the application and prepares the document.
When is it time for evaluating and who evaluates my studies from my home university?
Your previously achieved university studies will be evaluated partly when you apply to Mid Sweden University as an international student. When you have begun your studies at Mid Sweden University you should contact the Degree Office who will introduce you how to evaluate your former studies to see if you fulfill any degree requirements.
We do not evaluate your studies to see if you fulfill any degree requirements before you have been admitted as a student at our university.
Can the certificate be sent to my home country?
The degree certificate will be sent to the address you have stated in the application for the degree certificate, which may be an address outside Sweden. You can also collect it personally if you are nearby our campus in Östersund.
May I obtain a new certificate if I loose the original?
If you have lost your degree certificate, the Degree Office can help you with a certified copy. If the number of pages in the copy exceeds 9 pages we charge a fee in accordance with the national Fee Ordinance.
Who may translate the certificate to another language than Swedish?
Since 1 December 2000, the degree certificate is written in both Swedish and English. To those who wish to have a certificate in English only or in other languages we recommend you to contact authorised translators, who may be found through Kammarkollegiet:
What title do I get?
It is of importance to distinguish between degree title and professional title. In Sweden, the following applies: A professional title grows out of a developed custom in accordance with demands of a certain level of academic education. Therefore, many titles are not protected by law.
However, the professional title "nurse" is an example of a protected title, which may only be used by a registered nurse. Furthermore, only a registered nurse may be employed as a nurse within a municipality's or a county council's health care. The authorization is issued by Socialstyrelsen (the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare), which offers more information about this on their homepage.
May I obtain several degrees?
In most cases it is possible to obtain certificates covering several degrees.
What do I do if the certificate has errors?
As soon as you have received your degree certificate, you are asked to go through it carefully, and if there are mistakes or obscurities, you should immediately contact the Degree Administrator, who has signed the certificate. If this person complies with a correction in the certificate, the page that containes the mistake should be sent to him/her. Please note that if the mistake is on the front page, all pages have to be sent in. If the correction is made shortly after the certificate was issued, the erroneous page will be replaced. If, however, the correction is made several years after the certificate was issued, the said correction will be made directly on the original with a note indicating that is has been done. This is to avoid suspicious of forgery.
How many credits may a degree contain?
Every degree has a degree description, which states how many credits that may be included.
All degrees that fall under the new system of qualifications, i e those issued according to the new regulations from 1 July 2007, are exact degrees. This implies that no degree may contain more credits than what has been stated in the requirements.
Degrees issued according to older regulations may in many cases contain more credits than required, but also in this category there are so called exact degrees, for instance some professional degrees.
For courses that may not be included in degree certificates, course certificates may be requested from the relevant department secretary.
Which courses can be included in the certificate?
Only completed courses at higher education level can be included in the degree certificate.
For example, courses in the Swedish language for exchange students are not part of the higher education and will therefore not be included in the degree (instead the secretary of your Department will issue a course certificate when asked for).
Every single higher education credit needs to be unique, which means that the scope of a course will be reduced if several different courses cover the same content in terms of knowledge.
How long can it take before I get my degree certificate?
If you have not received the degree certificate after about a month from the day that the application form was posted, please contact one of the Degree Administrators. The administration work starts when the application is complete, and the degree certificate is then issued within 30 days. A complete application is:
- when the application is properly completed
- when all required documents are attached
- when all courses have received a final grade
- when the Degree Office has received an assessment of your previous studies from the Department (not always necessary)
Does Mid Sweden University charge anything for the degree certificate?
Your original degree certificate is free of charge. We only issue one original.