News from STC
Here you find all kinds of news from the research center Sensible Things that Communicate.
STC News

New graduate school develops new industrial ecosystem
Foric is a new graduate school at Mid Sweden University in close collaboration with the industry where the PhD-students will increase the competitiveness of participating companies. Recently there was the start for the first 14 new PhD-students with supervisors from academia and industry.
Two new projects starts in February
In February two new research projects will start within the STC research center: LIFE - Light Field Evaluation System and a prestudy of Detection of Oil Spill in Storm water through online measurement.
Guest lecture
- Applications and methods for image acquisition and image analysis

23 million for research at Mid Sweden University
The Knowledge Foundation, one of Mid Sweden University's largest research financiers, has granted more than 23 million SEK for research at the Mid Sweden University. The research is conducted in close collaboration with the industry within the fields of industrial IT and fibre and materials techniques. The research funding will be distributed at the two research centers STC and FSCN at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall.

Christer Fuglesang visited STC
In connection with the Civil Engineering Day at Mid Sweden University, Christer Fuglesang visited the STC Research Center to see some of the latest research developed at the university.

Stefan Forsström dissertation
Thursday November 27 it was time for PhD Student Stefan Forsström to defend his thesis to the grading committee. Stefans research work has been focused on enabling ubiquitous sensor-assisted applications on lightweight devices, for a global Internet-of-Things. As a recognition for his research, Stefan has been awarded both a best paper award and a best student paper award.

Benny is the third best i Sweden
Benny Thörnberg, researcher at STC, ended up in third place in the Researcher Grand Prix - a national competition where researchers from across the country compete in presenting their research in an entertaining and informative way in just four minutes.

A new research and innovation conference in Sundsvall
A new two-day research and innovation conference has been placed in conjunction with the conference week Sundsvall 42. There will be a venue for research and industry that will make it easier for companies to get in touch with researchers and find new development opportunities.