Risk, Uncertainty and Transition

Welcome to the mid-term conference "Risk, Uncertainty and Transition" at University of Stuttgart, Germany, 8-10 April 2015.
The European Sociological Association’s (ESA) Risk and Uncertainty network (RN22) plays a major role in the ESA’s general conferences, held every four years. In between these events we also convene ‘mid-term’ events of our own, with the next one to be held at the University of Stuttgart.
Our previous mid-term conferences have been very successful and we hope you’ll join us in Germany for stimulating discussion and reflection on the latest European risk research.
Keynote speakers
Ortwin Renn is Professor of environmental sociology and technology assessment, Dean of the Economic and Social Sciences Department and Director of the Stuttgart Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS) at the University of Stuttgart, and President of the Society for Risk Analysis. He has published extensively on risk, risk governance, risk assessment and management.
Jens Zinn is Associate Professor of Sociology at University of Melbourne. His research activities include a number of studies on people's management of risk and uncertainty during the course of their life.
Åsa Boholm is Professor of Social Anthropology at Gothenburg University, Sweden, and has published on historical, cultural, organizational and institutional dimensions of risk.
Gabe Mythen is Professor of Sociology at University of Liverpool, and has published on the relationship between risk, security and control based on research in the intersection of sociology and criminology.