The KK research environment at Mid Sweden University

Mid Sweden University is one of three higher education institutions in Sweden that have been selected KK environments by the Knowledge Foundation (Swedish: KK-stiftelsen). The KK-Environment aims at developing coproducting higher education institutions with profiled research.
Research with an industrial cooperation for transformation
Within the KK research environment, we support renewal and innovativeness in the forest and IT industry. Our vision is based on our two profile areas Forest as a resource and Industrial IT and digital services.
Our long-term aim for the KK environment is described in the vision TIE – Transforming the Industrial Ecosystem. The transformation is important for the forest industry that needs new products. IT, on the other hand, is an engine of growth that creates completely new products and services. By connecting these two lines of business, we create an industrial ecosystem with exciting prospects. In many of our projects, coproduction is central, which means that the project members are both from academia and the industry.
Two of Mid Sweden University’s research centra are part of the KK environment; STC and FSCN
Transformation of the Industrial Ecosystems
- See possibilities from a global perspective
- Use information technology as a facilitator
- Adjust to a changing surrounding
- Provide industrial competences and skills
- Profiling of the most exciting opportunities
These are the requests the Knowledge Foundation has for a KK environment
- In order to conduct high-quality, profiling, coproducing research, good development terms for the research are vital. These terms are realized and followed-up by the Knowledge Foundation environmental programme.
- Profiling and coproduction shall permeate the research activities of the higher education institute.
- Create prerequisites for an effective and relevant use of the resources of the higher education institute.
Today, there are three higher education institutes with a KK environment; Halmstad University, University of Skövde and Mid Sweden University.