Disability Services

Print 15 Nov November 2013

If you have functional disabilities so that you need help with your studies, you have the right to additional support. At Mid Sweden University we have coordinators, who will help you with such arrangements.

Contact the coordinator well ahead of time, already before the period of notification has expired. Note! To get the required support, you must have a valid certification from a fully qualified doctor, which should be sent to the coordinator at the campus where you intend to study. The certificate must be translated to Swedish or English. 

Support that may be granted:

Help with taking notes

This may be offered to the student, who because of his/her functional disability cannot take notes him/herself during lectures and other teaching and learning situations. It is common that one or several fellow students take responsibility for that task.

Text recordings

You have the right to get help with recorded readings of compendiums and handouts.

Adjusted course literature

Students, who have dyslexia, are visually handicapped, or disabled, have the right to adjusted course literature, such as audio books, e-text book, books with embossed printing, or with magnified text. The loans are for free. The first arrangements are made through the coordinator, who sees to it that the student gets a library-id. Contact the coordinator well ahead of the beginning of the term. It may take a long time to get hold of the ordered literature. Subsequent loans and arrangements are done through the university library.
The library also has the capacity to download some of the course literature and they can also produce CDs.
Obligatory course literature that is not recorded may be ordered by the library from TPB. To order a new recording from TPB, you must have a special library-id from TPB.

Mentor support

A mentor may be a person who functions as a sounding board and who can help with the organisation and planning of your studies. It is common that you meet the mentor often during your days of study.

Personal assistant

If you are disabled, visually handicapped, or have mental or neuropsychiatric functional disabilities, you may get help in your study situation. It may concern transport between different rooms or help during classes etc.

Rooms with special resources

The room is available for students with functional disabilities who are in need of special computer support.
The room is equipped with rising tables, computers with adjusted software, instruction folders and scanners. The room may be booked through the student portal.

Technical and pedagogical aids

During the days of study, students with functional disabilities have the opportunity to borrow less advanced aids such as data pens, tape recorders, and portable storages. (Not computers and personal aids).

Sign language interpreter/writing interpreter

Hearing impaired and deaf students will be provided with sign language interpreters and/or writing interpreters. The need for an interpreter should be required from the adequate coordinator together with the application for the programme or if possible even earlier.

Extra teaching or supervision

This may be given to students with functional disabilities. Adequate measures should be discussed with the coordinator, the director of studies, the student counsellor and teachers at the department in question.

Special arrangements in teaching and during examination

This may be arranged for students with function disabilities. It may be necessary that the programme syllabus and the course plan are changed. I.e. a certain course or part of a course may have to be taken out, or its content may have to be changed. Other forms of examination may also be necessary, for example an oral examination instead of a written one, or longer time for tests. Contact the relevant coordinator, whom together with the director of studies or student counsellor and teacher at the department in question, will decide upon relevant measures. Registration for exams is done through the student portal.

Adjustment of rooms

Most seminar and lecture rooms at Mid Sweden University are available to people with function disabilities. Hearing loops are available in most rooms. If extra installations need to be arranged, these need to be prepared well ahead of time. Contact Lennart Johansson.

Disability services

The coordinators for students with disabilities

Campus Härnösand
Ulf Andersson Postal address: Mittuniversitetet, 871 88 Härnösand Visiting address: Universitetsbacken 1, Härnösand 

Campus Sundsvall
Nils Wikström Postal address: Mittuniversitetet, 851 70 Sundsvall Visiting address: Holmgatan 10, (Åkroken) Sundsvall

Campus Östersund
Lotta L Olsson Visiting address: Kunskapensväg 8, Hus G, Plan 3, Östersund 

External quick links

www.spsm.se - The institute for special needs education  
www.mtm.se/ - Centre for audio books and Braille
www.hi.se - Hjälpmedelsinstitutet The Swedish Handicap Institute
www.studeramedfunktionshinder.nu  - To study with functional disabilities
http://www.thelinknetwork.eu- To study aboad with functional disabilities