
As shown in the organizational chart, CER is a research center at the Mid Sweden University. CER is led by a board and a director responsible for the operational activities. The director is part of the board which is made up of nine people.
The organization of CER
An important role of CER is to conduct studies with a focus on both the industry and their customers, mainly small and medium enterprises. The branch network linked to the CER has a management team and two teams that initiate collaborative projects in terms of skills provision and competence development.
Peter Öhman, Associate professor, Mid Sweden University
The Board
Ewa Ekholm Lindberg, Head of a Nordea unit
Edith Andresen, Researcher, Mid Sweden University
Carina Bergquist Palm, Nordea
Mikael Bergström, Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland
Katarina Giritli-Nygren, Researcher, Mid Sweden University
Annie Kaidussis, Folksam
Heléne Lundberg, Researcher, Mid Sweden University
Jörgen Lundgren, Norrporten
Peter Öhman, Research leader, centre leader CER, Mid Sweden University
Susanna Öhman, dean, Mid Sweden University