Anders Olsson
Associate professor of English at the department of humanities; PhD in English, American Literature from Uppsala University; title of doctoral dissertation: Managing Diversity: The Anthologization of “American Literature”
Area of interest
American literature, comparative American studies, Irish studies
Current research
“Travel Matters: Transatlantic Cosmopolitan Encounters in Early Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing”
“Margaret Fuller and Fredrika Bremer: A Current Encounter”
“Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Kalevala: Transnational Influences on the Composition of The Song of Hiawatha”
Teaching and tutoring
- Literature courses in English A, B, and C, master’s programme and doctoral programme
- Tutoring and supervision of C essays, master’s essays, and doctoral dissertations
Other information
- Editor of the research journal American Studies in Scandinavia
- Plenary speaker and presenter at international conferences and symposia on American literature and American Studies
- Teacher representative in the Mid Sweden University board
- Member of the national, Swedish Bologna expert group
- Mid Sweden University representative in the board of ACSIS, The Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden
- Mid Sweden University master of ceremonies
Articles in journals
Articles, book reviews
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Conference proceedings (editor)
Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Olsson, A. (2013). American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 44:1 : Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 44: 1, pp. 1-3.
Olsson, A. (2012). American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 43:2 : Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 2, pp. 1-4.
Olsson, A. (2012). Special Topic. Latino/a Studies. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 1, pp. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2011). Editor's note. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 1, pp. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2010). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 42: 2
Olsson, A. (2009). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 41: 1, pp. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2009). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 41: 2, pp. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2008). Editorial : American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 40:1-2, Special Topic. Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural fields: The Case of the United States and Sweden in the 20th Century. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 40: 1-2, pp. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2007). Forum : And Why 'Trans' All the Time? A Transnational Forum. Review of International American Studies -- the electronic journal of the International American Studies Association, vol. 2: 3, pp. 14-15.
Olsson, A. (2004). Review of Adam Sweeting, Beneath the Second Sun: A Cultural History of Indian Summer (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2003). The Journal of American Studies, vol. 38: 1, pp. 145-146.
Articles, book reviews
Olsson, A. (2008). Review of Sirpa Salenius, Florence, Italy: Images of the City in Nineteenth-Century American Writing (Publications in the Humanities 46. Joensuu: University of Joensuu 2007, 24o0 pages, ISBN 9789524589307). American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 40: 1-2, pp. 192-197.
Olsson, A. (2004). Oliver Harris, William Burroughs and the Secrets of Fascination. Journal of American studies, vol. 38: 1, pp. 272
Chapters in books
Olsson, A. (2011). Walk the Line : Experience and Interpretation in Colm Tóibín's Bad Bloof. In Beyond Ireland : encounters across cultures. Peter Lang Publishing Group (Reimagining Ireland).
Olsson, A. (2007). "The Broken Place" : Memory, Language, Tradition, and Storytelling in Colm Tóibín's Texts. In Recovering memory : Irish representations of past and present. Newcastle : ridge scholars publishing. pp. 294-.
Olsson, A. (2006). Levels of Managment : U.S. Anthologies, Market Competition, and the "Culture Wars". In America's Worlds and the World's Americas : International American Studies Association. World Congress (2nd : 2005 : University of Ottawa). Ottawa : Legas (The Americas series = Collection des Am?eriques = Coleccio?n de las Ame?ricas). pp. 582-.
Olsson, A. (2006). Fictional Americas in and out of the U.S.. In International American Studies Association : World Congress (2nd : 2005 : University of Ottawa). Ottawa : Legas (The Americas series = Collection des Am?eriques = Coleccio?n de las Ame?ricas). pp. 582-.
Olsson, A. (2005). Innocents Abroad? : The U.S. and the Wordl in National Geographic. In How far is America from here? : selected proceedings of the First World Congress of the International American Studies Association. Amsterdam : Rodopi. pp. 636-.
Olsson, A. (2001). Den uppfunna traditionen i USA:s litteratur. In Tvättbjörnar och länsherrar : Tio artiklar om berättelser, text och föremål. Härnösand : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Institutionen för humaniora, Härnösand och Östersund). pp. 109-132.
Olsson, A. (1994). Retorik och matematik. In Konsten att informera och övertyga : en antologi om pedagogik, text och retorik. Stockholm : HLS (Högsk. för lärarutbildning i Stockholm). pp. 320-.
Collections (editor)
Olsson, A. (ed.) (2008). American Studies in Scandinavia : Special Topic: Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural Fields. The Case of the United States and Sweden in the 20th Century. Odense : University Press of Southern Denmark (American Studies in Scandinavia Volume 40:1-2)
Conference papers
Olsson, A. (2004). A Metaphor for the Institution? : The Frontier and U.S. Literature. In Trans: Internet journal for cultural studies.
Olsson, A. & Ekelund, B. (2004). Comparing Literary Worlds: The properties of 'the author' in three cohorts of U.S. fiction writers : Paper presented at the 6th Conference of The ESA Research Network for the Sociology of the Arts, "The Art of Comparison" November 3-5, 2004, Rotterdam. .
Conference proceedings (editor)
Olsson, A. (ed.) (2012). American Studies in Scandinavia. Odense, Danmark : University Press of Southern Denmark (American Studies in Scandinavia 43: 1)
Doctoral theses, monographs
Olsson, A. (2000). Managing Diversity : The Anthologization of "American Literature". Dis. Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2000 (Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia : 111)
Olsson, A. (2008). Schuberts salonger
Olsson, A. (2006). Literary Generations and Social Authority : A Study of American Prose-Fiction Debut Writers, 1940-2000 -- A Scholarly Account.
Olsson, A. (1996). Studies in U.S. Literature. Härnösand : Inst. för kultur och humaniora, Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Institutionen för humaniora, Härnösand och Östersund 4)