Approx 40 percent of the world's energy is used in private houses and the interest in sustainable building and energy savings in the home is greater than ever. The municipality of Sundsvall and the Mid Sweden University will now start the project Green living to educate families in sustainability and encourage them to build sustainable, energy efficient and cycles adapted houses.
Five areas of sustainability
The project focuses on five areas of sustainability: lifestyle, energy, water, materials and air.
"We already have many families who wants to participate in the project", says Viveca Norberg, project manager, municipality of Sundsvall. "We look forward to more reports. We start the project with seminars in cooperation with the Mid Sweden University in spring 2015th".
Mid Sweden University will organize a serie of seminars for interested families. It starts in spring 2015th. The idea is that the participating families will get more knowledge and become stronger in their purchasing expertise for the construction of sustainable housing. Whether they will complete the project and build houses or not they can attend the seminars. There will also be an open seminar addressed to an interested public.
"Whether it is about building new or rebuilding for the future, we want to illustrate solutions for a more sustainable living environment", says Olof Björkqvist, researchers at FSCN Mid Sweden University. "Our newly appointed honorary doctor Anders Nyquist, is a motivator in the project and he will contribute with his knowledge on sustainable housing. In this project, we will gather and present knowledge and experience from both experts and families who are building. Together with the municipality, we are strong players for the development of knowledge and skills and we can drive important social issues in research and education that create benefits for the region".
Pilots is wanted in the project
Three to five families will be offered plots of land for the production of houses with high environmental values. There is a pent-up need to find sustainable solutions for their construction and many of those who contacted the municipality has a great interest and a lot of knowledge already.
"This project will be an exciting journey for all involved, where we have the opportunity to learn from each other", says Viveca Norberg, project manager. "Our experts will support families to choose sustainable solutions. The houses will be documented and the area can become a reference area in Sweden. Even now, some twenty families has contacted us."
Now the main work is to develop 3-5 plots for the new sustainable homes. Their preliminary placement is in Sundsvall.
"Some work remains before we can safely say where the plots will be offered", says Viveca Norberg.
The project is part of a collaboration agreement between Mid Sweden University and the municipality of Sundsvall. Mid Sweden University and the Municipality of Sundsvall is investing 30 million sek to develop the region. The cooperation is based on our common knowledge, competencies and goals to work together to strengthen the region, making us more attractive to both students and industry and contribute to growth. One of the concrete projects is Green living. The partnership will also help to achieve the Municipality´s goals in sustainable growth strategy RICHER where partners' joint forces for greater competitiveness, innovation and sustainable development in the region are highlighted.