Working in Sweden

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EU/EEA nationals have the right of residence, which includes the right to work in Sweden without a work and residence permit.

Employees from countries outside the EU

You are required to have a work permit if you intend to work in Sweden and come from a country that is not a part of the EU/Schengen zone. If you plan to work in Sweden for longer than three months, you will also need a residence permit.

Applying for a work permit: As a rule, you must apply for work and residence permits from your native country. Application for Swedish work permit - for applicants outside Sweden, form #149011.

However, it is possible to apply in Sweden providing you are:

  • a visiting reseracher who has been granted a special residence permit for research

  • a student at a university or college in Sweden

  • visiting an employer in Sweden

To be granted a permit requires:

  • you have a valid passport

  • you can earn your own living from the job you have been offered

  • your income is at least SEK 13,000 per month.

See the Swedish Migration Board web site, or work permit in Sweden, form 151011

Application for visiting researchers, English form no 127011

To be used by non-EU/EEA citizens when applying for a permit to work as a visiting researcher. Attach a Hosting Agreement if you wish to work for more than 3 months. (Note: There are special forms for EU/EEA and Swiss nationals and their relatives.)


What is necessary for me to apply for a permit?

You must have a written offer of employment in Sweden. There is a special form for an offer of employment in Sweden (form 232011), that your employer can get via the Migration Board website:

You must include this document when you apply for work and residency permit through the Swedish Migration Board. 

Where do I send the application?

If you want to work in Sweden you must, in the majority of cases, apply for a work permit in your native country or other country outside Sweden where you are resident. However, in certain cases you may apply for a work permit in Sweden, see the page Applying in Sweden.

You can also apply via the Swedish Migration Board web site. 

Extended permission

If you want to extend your permit, you must apply for an extension approximately one month before your current permit expires. The Swedish Migration Board does not send out reminders. Send your application to the Migration Board: Migrationsverket, Visa department, SE-601 70 Norrköping, or to a local Migration Board Office who will forward it on to the visa department in Norrköping.

What happens on entering the country?

On entering Sweden, citizens of EU/EEA countries and their family members must have a valid passport or an identity card stating their citizenship. If you would like to stay longer than three months, you have to register with the Swedish Migration Board.

Nationals of non EU/EEA countries may need a visa.

Nordic citizens may spend time in and live in Sweden without needing to register or hold a residence permit.

What document do I need to register?

To register you must fill in a form with a request for registration of your right of residence. You must enclose certified copies of a valid passport or identity card. You must also enclose documents showing that you satisfy the conditions that apply for one of the following categories:

If you intend to work in Sweden you must provide a certificate of employment from the employer stating the period of employment, the form of employment, details of your duties and how many hours you will work each week. It should include the name, address and telephone number of the employer, the name of the contact person at the business and the company's registration number. The certificate must be signed by your employer.

If possible please use the form, Employment certification for EU/EEA citizens and persons with long-term resident status in another EU country, no 227021 from the Migration Board. 

In order to be registered as a student you must enclose a copy of a valid passport or national identity card showing proof of your citizenship.

You also need to enclose:

- proof of admission to a course programme which is at least at high school level

- assurance signed by yourself that you have sufficient funds for your support

- documented proof that you have comprehensive health insurance that is valid in Sweden.

Students have the right to work during the full period of study.