The conference Science & Innovation Day is a new venue for industry and researchers in Sundsvall. This will facilitate the region's companies to get in touch with research and finding new development opportunities. About 170 people from the region's business community and academia are attending.
The theme of the conference is innovation, research and the future. Here, research and industry meet and take part of the latest research results in areas such as forest industry processes, biomaterials, built-in sensor systems and measurement technology, and the region's industry. The goal is to create a venue for innovation and growth.
- We are more regional actors dealing with issues of industrial renewal gathered in the conference. It gives us important space to discuss future issues and strategies, says Mattias O'Nils, leader of STC research centre.
Media is welcome to attend the conference. See program below.
Time: October 13, noon. 10:00 to 18:00
Location: Sundsvall Conference Centre, Esplanade 29, Sundsvall
Mid Sweden University researchers share the latest research news and results in the areas of sensor-based systems and services, and fiber-based materials and manufacturing processes through exhibits and short presentations . The day also includes inspiring lectures by speakers from different areas. Today's keynote speakers include:
Niklas von Weymarn - VP Research at Metsä Fibre - tells of Bioproduktbruket built in Äänekoski, Finland
Magnus Melander - ICT entrepreneur with over 30 years in the industry. Tells of how, with the help of the Internet of Things can improve the company's operations.
Ari Riabacke - acclaimed speaker who based research tells you how successful organizations are led.
It's Mid Sweden University research center STC - Sensible Things that Communicate and FSCN - Fiber Science and Communication Network, which together with innovation environments Fiber Optic Valley and BioBusiness Arena and Åkroken Business Incubator organizes the conference.
Program sicence and Innovation Day
Mattias O'Nils, professor and leader of STC research centre, Mid Sweden University, 070-695 76 68, email: mattias.onils@miun.se