News from STC

Here you find all kinds of news from the research center Sensible Things that Communicate.
STC News

He coordinates training of the next generation research leaders
The European Training Network on Full-Parallax Imaging (ETN-FPI) is a new Marie Curie research action that will train the new generation of research leaders within the 3D area. The researchers will be trained in multi-dimensional image processing, relevant physics and optics and in vision science. The project started out in October 2015, and now the network coordinator Prof. Atanas Gotchev visited Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall.

3D researchers from Europe are gathered at Mid Sweden University
On March 21-23 researchers from 26 different countries are gathered at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. They will report the final results of the four year research collaboration - COST Action 3D ConTourNet.

Filip got his PhD degree
On wednesday March 2, it was time for Filip Barac to defend his doctoral thesis "Error Mitigation in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks". After a long and intense day the grading committee announce that Filip passed his PhD-exam.

Mid Sweden University educates future research leaders in 3D technique
The research project ”European Training Network on Full Parallax Imaging” at STC research center in Sundsvall will train the future reserach leaders within 3D technique. Two PhD-students will now be employed at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall within the project.

Corporate Research School - a unique opportunity for your company to get your own PhD
Is ambition in your company to be at the cutting edge within your sector? Do you need research skills on your development team? Perhaps there an exciting development idea in the drawer, but you lack skills to get started? Take a chance and get access to a PhD-student in electrical metering system.

Research Cooperation on positioning using RFID on large surfaces
Thursday, February 4, Jeanette Eriksson and Robert Öhman from Skultuna Flexible visited Mid Sweden University to get an update on the progress in the research project ID Pos, where Skultuna Flexible is one of five business partners. During the meeting, Jeanette and Robert got a tour of the labs and meet several researchers to exchange experiences and ideas.

Javier Brugés new PhD-student within optical measurement
Javier Brugés is a new PhD-student within the research project SURF - Surface characterization of industrial large area products. He will explore optical measurement techniques that will lead to an improvement in the production of different materials. The goal is that his research will contribute on the standardization of new methods for the evolving field of industrial metrology.

PhD-students visited the University of Pretoria
In December 2015 two PhD-students, Luca Beltramelli and Filip Barac from STC, visited the Advanced Sensor Network (ASN) group at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The visit was the final research exchange within the research project called “Co-op in Enabling Improved Prod. & Safety in Underground Mines between Sweden and South Africa” that was finished in the end of 2015.

28 million for research at Mid Sweden University
The Knowledge Foundation has granted more than 28 million for research at Mid Sweden University research environment Transformative Technologies.

Felix last PhD this year
Felix Dobslaw defended his doctoral thesis "End-to-end Quality of Service Guarantees for Wireless Sensor Networks" on December 11, 2015. Felix has examined different algorithms to obtain reliable wireless sensor networks in challenging environments such as industry, oil rigs and power plants.

See Magnus Hedins presentation at Business Innovation Seminar
Now you can watch Magnus Hedins presentation at Business Innovation Seminar. Magnus Hedin, VP Business Development at SDC, presented how SDC is working with innovation and what business challenges they are facing.

Victor defended his doctoral thesis
PhD-student Victor Kardeby defended his doctoral thesis "Resource Consumption in Distributed Internet of Things" November 25, 2015. He has investigated how to enable efficient communication between multiple mobile devices using distributing overlay network.

Research meet industry at Science & Innovation Day
The conference Science & Innovation Day is a new venue for industry and researchers in Sundsvall. This will facilitate the region's companies to get in touch with research and finding new development opportunities. About 170 people from the region's business community and academia are attending.

Sebastian returned to Mid Sweden University
In June 2014 Sebastian Schwarz defended his PhD thesis successfully and received his PhD-title. The day after he got married and then packed his bag to move to London were his new work at BBC waited for him. Now he is back to talk about his research work at BBC.
New PhD-students at STC
STC Research Centre like to welcome our new PhD-students. They will be doing their research within the new research projects ASIS, M2M Communication, LIFE and ID-POS that started out this year. Here you will get a presentation of the new PhD-students.

Shakeel defended his Licentiate thesis
Thursday, September 17, 2015, it was time for the PhD-Student Shakeel Ashraf to present his licentiate thesis "Design and Integration of Infrared Absorber Structures into Polymer Membranes based Thermal Detectors".

Knowledge Foundation visited STC and FSCN research centers
On Tuesday, September 15, the board and management of Knowledge Foundation visited Mid Sweden University. The Knowledge Foundation chose to locate its board meeting at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall and in connection to this they visited the research centers STC and FSCN to get a better view and presentation of the research conducted within the Knowledge Foundation Environment.

ABB held a guest lecture to master students
Monday, October 14, Johan Åkerberg and Tomas Lennvall from ABB Corporate Research in Västerås visited Mid Sweden University. During their visit they held a guest lecture to the students of the International Master's program in Computer Engineering.

Erik Fröjdh defended his doctoral thesis
On Tuesday September 8, it was time for PhD-student Erik Fröjdh to defend his doctoral thesis “Hybrid Pixel Detectors” to the grading committee.

Low delay in video streaming on the IoT-platform "Sensible Things"
It is August and the autumn semester for 2015 are about to start. The exchange student Federico Vincenzo Fiordigigli from Italy has just ended his 5 month long research work and is about to present his results to the researchers at STC and his professor from the Italian university L’Aquila.

High school thesis on virtual reality winner of 5 000 SEK
In the summer ending at Sundsvall Gymnasium Västermalm, the winners of this year's essay competition organized by the Mid Sweden University were presented. First prize, a scholarship of 5 000 SEK, went to Fredrik Lind with his essay "The real applications of a virtual world."

Yun Li defended his thesis
On Tuesday June 9, 2015, it was time for PhD-student Yun Li to defend his doctoral thesis to the grading committee.

Higher quality of compressed 3D-images
Improved quality of the experience of 3D-images and 3D-information that takes up less space and are easier to transfer. There are some recent results from the research center STC which develops 3D technology - from capturing to presentation.

Suryanarayana defends his doctoral thesis "Free view rendering for 3D Video" June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015 it is time for PhD-student Suryanarayana Murthy Muddala at the STC Research Centre to present his thesis ”Free view rendering for 3D Video”. Opponent is Professor Christine Guillemot, Universitaire de Beaulieu, France.

Bruno Silva from the University of Pretoria held a guest lecture at STC
In a new research project Mid Sweden University and the University of Pretoria, South Africa, started a joint research collaboration with the goal to strengthening the research in WSNs for industrial automation. As a part to the project PhD-student Bruno Silva from the research group Advanced Sensor Networks – ASN, visited Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall and held a guest lecture to researchers at STC.