Leif Olsson

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Har en doktorsexamen i skogsekonomi samt en kandidatexamen i matematik som grund. Är docent i industriell ekonomi sen våren 2014.


Operationsanalys/Management sciences, Supply Chain Management,

Pågående forskning

Handledning av fyra industridoktorander i FORIC på FSCN samt en doktorand med SOS Alarm på RCR. Fokus är på optimerings- och simuleringsmodeller med fokus på optimala beslut under risk och osäkerhet. Forskningssamarbete med skogliga institutionen vid Universitetet i Guilan, Iran. Biträder två doktorander inom skoglig planering med hjälp av operationsanalys.


Civilingenjörsprogrammet i industriell ekonomi: Matematisk modellering, Logistik, Ekonomisk systemanalys, Formella metoder i risk och beslutsanalys, Handledning av kandidat och master examensarbete. Doktorand kurs i konvex optimering.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Olsson, L. (2014). Strategic Proactive Obsolescence Management Model. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4: 6, ss. 1099-1108.

Kalinina, M. , Larsson, A. & Olsson, L. (2013). Easy-Interactive Ordering of the Pareto Optimal Set with Imprecise Weights. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, : 76, ss. 643-648.

Kalinina, M. , Olsson, L. & Larsson, A. (2013). A Multi Objective Chance Constrained Programming Model for Intermodal Logistics with Uncertain Time. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 10: 6, ss. 35-44.

Vickman, S. , Larsson, A. & Olsson, L. (2012). Prerequisites for decision aid in socially responsible investment appraisals. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME), vol. 3: 4, ss. 359-377.

Timpe, D. , Olsson, L. & Sidén, J. (2012). Cost analysis of introducing a log identification system using RFID in the wood supply chain : A case study at a Swedish forest company. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, vol. 2: 4, ss. 128-135.

Thörnberg, B. , Palkovic, M. , Hu, Q. , Olsson, L. , Kjeldsberg, P. G. , O'Nils, M. & Catthor, F. (2007). Bit-Width Constrained Memory Hierarchy Optimization for Real-Time Video Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 26: 4, ss. 781-800.

Olsson, L. (2007). Optimal upgrading of forest road networks : scenario analysis vs stochastic programming. Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 9: 8, ss. 1071-1078.

Hultqvist, D. & Olsson, L. (2006). Opimization of the raw material procurement at pulp or paper mills : The influence of weather-related risks. International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 37: 4, ss. 253-269.

Hultqvist, D. & Olsson, L. (2005). Opimization of the raw material procurement at pulp or paper mills. International Journal Of Systems Science, vol. 37: 4, ss. 253-269.

Olsson, L. & Lohmander, P. (2005). Optimal forest transportation with respect to road investments. Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 7: 3, ss. 369-379.

Olsson, L. (2005). Road investment scenarios in Northern Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 7: 4, ss. 615-623.

Lohmander, P. & Olsson, L. (). Adaptive optimisation in the roundwood supply chain. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation,

Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar

Olsson, L. (2004). Optimisation of Forest Road Investments and the Roundwood Supply Chain. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Umeå : Swedish Univ. Of Agricultural Sciences, 2004 (Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae. Silvestria : 310)


Mohammadi Limaei, S. , Lohmander, P. & Olsson, L. (2015). SUB MODELS FOR OPTIMAL CONTINUOUS COVER MULTI SPECIES FORESTRY IN IRAN. I Proceeeding .

Olsson, L. , Zadmirzaei, M. , Mohammadi, S. & Amirteimoori, A. (2015). Measuring the performance and returns to scale of forest management units in the north of Iran based on the non-parametric approach (DEA). .

Kalinina, M. , Larsson, A. & Olsson, L. (2012). Generating and Ordering of Transport Alternatives in Inter-Modal Logistics in the Presence of Cost, Time, and Emission Conflicts. I Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.. S. 131--135.

Olsson, L. & Larsson, A. (2012). Matching of Intermodal Freight Transports Using Optimization in a Decision Support System. I Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.. S. 313--317.

Meng, X. , Thörnberg, B. & Olsson, L. (2012). Component obsolescence management model for long life cycle embedded system. I AUTOTESTCON (Proceedings). Anaheim, California : . S. 19--24.

Truex, D. , Olssson, L. , Lindblad-Gidlund, K. , Sefyrin, J. , Larsson, A. , Nilsson, O. , Anderson, K. , Borglund, E. & et al. (2011). Position Statement : Sustainable Information and Information Systems (SIIS). I Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems : Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of ITManaging the Transfer and Diffusion of IT, IFIP. Hamburg Germany : (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). S. 306--309.

Thörnberg, B. , Olsson, L. & O'Nils, M. (2005). Optimization of memory allocation for real-time video processing on FPGA. I 16th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Proceedings - SHORTENING THE PATH FROM SPECIFICATION TO PROTOTYPE.. S. 141--147.

Hultqvist, D. & Olsson, L. (2005). A demand-based scenario optimization model for supply of raw material to the forest industry. I Systems analysis in forest resources : proceedings of the 2003 symposium, October 7-9, 2003, Stevenson, Washington : SSAFR 2003. Portland, Or, : (General Technical Report PNW-GTR / United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station). S. 366-

Olsson, L. (2003). Optimal road investments - : A forest company case study. I 2nd forest engineering conference, 12-15 may 2003, Växjö Sweden : proceedings : posters : technique and methods. Uppsala Skogforsk : (Arbetsrapport / Skogforsk). S. 138-

Olsson, L. & Ohmander, P. (2002). Adaptive optimisation in the roundwood supply chain. I Bornholm '02 / Nordic summer course on applied optimization and modeling, May 5 - 11, 2002 : Nordic summer course on applied optimization and modeling (2002 : Bornholm). Linköping : (Report / Department of Mathematics, Universitetet i Linköping, LITH-MAT-R). S. 193-


Olsson, L. (2006). Hur påverkar en ny färjelinje mellan Sundsvall och Kaskö godstransporterna mellan Sverige och Finland? : Del 1: SCA Transforests godsvolymer från Sverige till Finland 2005.

Olsson, L. (2006). Hur Meråkersbanan påverkar godstransporterna för Eka Chemicals : Bilaga till NECL slutrapport.

Hultqvist, D. & Olsson, L. (2004). Demand based tactical planning of the roundwood supply chain with respect to stochastic disturbances. Sundsvall : FSCN, Mitthögskolan (Rapportserie FSCN 2003:19) (FSCN-rapport R-03-44)

Olsson, L. (2004). Dator beräknar snabbt vilka vägar som bör rustas upp. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv ( Fakta. Skog 2004:9)