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Ett 25-tal forskare verkar inom SESPA-projektet i företagsekonomi, statsvetenskap, pedagogik, kvalitetsteknik, psykologi och sociologi. Här hittar du ett urval av de konferensbidrag som projektets forskare genererat sedan projektet startade, år 2010.



Petridou, E. (2014), April. “Dilma Roussef: the policy entrepreneur-in-chief.” With José da Cruz (Armstrong Atlantic). Paper accepted at the MSPA conference in Chicago.

Petridou, E. (2014), April. “Street art and resilience in a city of crisis.” With  Dimitri Ioannides (MIUN) and Panos Leventis (Drury University). Paper accepted at the Association of American Geographers conference in Tampa.


Åslund, A., and Lilja, J., (2013), Towards Capturing and Visualizing Value Creation Exploring and Elaborating Attribute-Value Mapping, Proceedings of 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS, September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Von Friedrichs, Y. (2013). Samhällsentreprenörskap och regional utveckling”. Samfunnsentreprenørskap og regional utvikling, Åpen seminar, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, 17 april 2013

Petridou, E. (2013), March: “Unpacking the theoretical boxes of political entrepreneurship” with Inga Narbutaité Aflaki at the PSA annual conference in Cardiff.


Dalborg, C., von Friedrichs, Y. och Wincent, J. (2012). “Risk perceptions, Passion and Self-efficacy: Why Women are Less Inclined to Start-up New Ventures”, 26TH RENT conference, Lyon, France,  November 21-23.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “Socialt Entreprenörskap – vägen till ansvarsfull samhällsutveckling”. Konferens om kooperationens möjligheter, Coompanion, Östersund, 23 november.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “Hur kan vi skapa undervisning i ämnet företagsekonomi som är värdeskapande för Studenter, ämnet, arbetslivet?” Fekis 2012, Handelshögskolan, Umeå, 17-18 oktober.

Petridou, E. (2012), October: Workshop with Marie-Louise von Bergmann-Winberg on Political Entrepreneurship at Entreprenörskapsdagar, 2-3 October.

Åslund, A. and Bäckström, I. (2012). A process towards societal value within a community based region development project. Proceedings of 15th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2012, September, 2012, Poznan, Poland.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “Marketing and Branding Tourist Destinations - The Scandinavian Case”. China Symposium 2012, School of Business, Stockholm University 29-31 August.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “Socialt Entreprenörskap- vad vet vi?” Almedalsveckan, Gotland, 5 Juli.

Öhman, S., Alricsson, M., Amundsdotter, E., Espvall, M., Fjell, Y., von Friedrichs, Y., Gillander Gådin, K., Ivarsson, L., Melin Johansson, T., Kristiansen, L., Lexhagen, M., Lundberg, C., Lundberg, H., Olofsdotter, G., Olofsson, A., Olsson, K., Strand, S., Söderberg, E., Viitasara, E., Wall, E., Wall-Reinius, S., and Öberg, L-M.  (2012). ”Processes of change linked to leadership and gender – the story of a group of Swedish female researchers.” Gender, work and organization: 7th International interdisciplinary conference, 27th-29th June 2012, Keele university. Keele: Keele university, 2012. 18 s.

Sörensson, A. and von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “Sustainable Mass Tourism Destination Tourists’ perception of sustainability in Italy and Greece”. ICOT2012-Setting the Agenda for Special Interest Tourism:
Past, Present and Future, Archanes, Crete, Greece, 23-26 May.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2012). “SESPA - Societal Entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas”. Presentation to Social Entrepreneurship Research Network for the Nordic Countries (SERNOC), Workshop, Helsinki, 25-26 April.

Petridou, E. (2012), February: “A Theoretical Tale of Political Entrepreneurship”
At the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York

Berggren, Caroline & Olofsson, Anders: Könsperspektiv på egenföretagande bland högskoleutbildade. g12 - Nationell genusforskningskonferens, Göteborg, 28-30/11 2012.

Åslund, A., Bäckström, I. (2012): A process towards societal value within a community-based regional development project, Proceedings of 15th OMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Poznan, Polen

Bäckström, I. Wiklund, H. Ingelsson, P. (2012): Measuring the Starting Points for a Lean Journey. Proceedings of 15th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2012, September, 2012, Poznan, Poland.


Olofsson A, Berggren C: From Higher Education studies to Self-Employment - a matter of discipline and gender? The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, September 2011.

Åslund, A, Bäckström, I, Wiklund H. (2011): Soci(et)al entrepreneurship from a Quality Management perspective, Proceedings of the 56th  annual ICSB world conference, Back to the future, Changes in perspectives of global entrepreneurship and innovation,  June 2011, Stockholm.

Åslund, A, Bäckström, I., Richardsson, D. (2011): Managing by Appreciative Leadership to create efficient organizations and healthy co-workers, Proceedings of 14th OMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, San Sebastian, Spain.

Bäckström, I. Eriksson, L. and Lagrosen, Y. (2011): A health-related Quality Management approach to evaluating health promotion activities. Proceedings of ICQSS 2011, 14th OMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, August, 2011, San Sebastian.

von Friedrichs, Y, Lundström, A. and Wincent, J. (2011). ”SESPA - Societal Entrepreneurship in Sparsely Populated Areas”, Conference – Planning the future Knowledge Base for Evaluation, European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation, Bruxelles, Belgium, 30 September.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2011). Key note. “Samhällsentreprenörskap och socialt företagande”, Nationell konferens ”Låt oss tala om samhällsentreprenörskap”, Östersund, Sweden, 28-29 November.

Petridou, E. (2011), November “From Krokom to Ozark: Theoretical Tales of Political Entrepreneurship and Innovative Economic Development Policies” at Konferens om Samhällsentreprenörskap, Östersund, Sweden

Petridou, E. (2011), August: “Political Entrepreneurs: Men and Women of Action” at the Annual ECPR conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Bogren, M. and von Friedrichs, Y. (2011). “Managing business network processes in women entrepreneurship - a challenging task”, Nordic Academy of Management conference 2011, Stockholm School of Business, Sweden, 20-24 August.

Dalborg, C., von Friedrichs, Y. and Wincent, J. (2011). “Hur ser kvinnor på tillväxt? Visst de brinner, men inte bara för siffror”, Nordic Academy of Management conference 2011, Stockholm School of Business, Sweden, 20-24 August.

Pierre, A., von Friedrichs, Y. and Wincent, J. (2011). “Prominent Dialogues in Social Entrepreneurship Research”, Nordic Academy of Management conference 2011, Stockholm School of Business, Sweden, 20-24 August.

Åslund. A, Bäckström, I. and Richardsson, D. (2011). Managing Appreciative Leadership to create efficiency organizations and healthy co-workers? Proceedings of ICQSS 2011, 14th OMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, August, 2011, San Sebastian.

Åslund, A., Bäckström, I. and Wiklund, H. (2011) Soci(et)al entrepreneurship from a Quality Management perspective. Proceedings of the 56th  annual ICSB world conference, Back to the future, Changes in perspectives of global entrepreneurship and innovation,  June 2011, Stockholm.

Bogren, M., von Friedrichs, Y., Rennemo, Ø. and Widding, L.Ø. (2011). “Networking female entrepreneurs – a fruitful base for business growth?”, ICSB 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June.

Dalborg, C., von Friedrichs, Y. and Wincent, J. (2011). “Ambition, motivation and growth in women’s business”, ICSB 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June.

Dalborg, C., von Friedrichs, Y., Mørveid, B-P. and Haugum, M. (2011). “Businesswomen discussing growth – what are they talking about”,  ICSB 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June.

Pierre, A., von Friedrichs, Y. and Wincent, J. (2011). “A Review of Social Entrepreneurship Research and Outline of Academic Dialogues”, ICSB 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June.

von Friedrichs, Y. (2011). ”Service Dominant Logic and Entrepreneurship as a perspective for Regional Development”, The 2011 Naples Forum on Service, Capri, Italy, 14-17 June.

Sörensson, A. and von Friedrichs, Y. (2011). ”Sustainable Mass Tourism Destination? Important Factors for the International and National Tourists in Bologna, Italy”, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Algarve Forum on Tourism and Science: Bridging Theory and Practice, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1 - 3 June.

Petridou, E. (2011), March: “Conducting Creativity in the Central Sweden: a Path Toward Territorial Cohesion” at What future for cohesion policy? An academic and policy debate. An RSA/EU conference in Bled, Slovenia

Petridou, E. (2011), March:  “Conducting Creativity in the Swedish Periphery: a Bottom-up Path Toward Territorial Cohesion” at the RSA conference Innovation Processes and Destination Development in Tourist Resorts Östersund, Sweden

Petridou, E. (2011), January: “Territorial Cohesion: Bringing Geography into the Forefront of European Policy Making” at the seminar series of the Geography, Geology, and Planning department, Missouri State University


Arbuthnott, A. and von Friedrichs, Y. (2010). “Towards an Understanding of Regional Entrepreneurship and Local Social Capital in a Peripheral Region”, The 34th ANZRAI conference [theme: Innovation and Regions: Theory, Practice and Policy]. Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 December.

Arbuthnott, A. and von Friedrichs, Y. (2010). “Empirical Studys of Entrepreneurship & Local Social Capital in Two Remotely Located Regions”, G-forum, Cologne, Germany, 20-22 October.

Petridou, E. (2010) April: “Cultural Policies and European Peripheral Areas” at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers Washington, DC