Inga Carlman

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Articles in journals

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2015). Donor values in emergy assessment of ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling, vol. 306, pp. 101-105.

Carlman, I. , Grönlund, E. & Longueville, A. (2015). Models and methods as support for sustainable decision-making with focus on legal operationalisation. Ecological Modelling, vol. 306, pp. 95-100.

Carlman, I. (2010). Do not Miss the Forest for all the Trees. Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift, vol. 2010: 1, pp. 69-81.

Carlman, I. (2007). The Resource Management Act 1991 through external eyes. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 11, pp. 181-210.

Carlman, I. (2005). The rule of sustainability and planning adaptivity. Ambio, vol. 34: 2, pp. 163-168.


Carlman, I. (2000). Framtiden i förfädernas händer : Om äganderätt och annan rätt till marken från landskapslagarna till modern tid ur ett miljörättsligt perspektiv. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag

Chapters in books

Carlman, I. (2003). Adaptiv miljöplanering nästa. In Miljörätten i förändring : en antologi. Uppsala : Iustus förlag (Rättsfondens skriftserie). pp. 328-.

Carlman, I. (2001). Befolkningsfrågan - från överbefolkning till framtida generationer. In Fågelperspektiv på rättsordningen : vänbok till Staffan Westerlund. Uppsala : Iustus förlag. pp. 335-351.

Conference papers

Skytt, T. , Nielsen, S. N. , Ståhl, F. , Jonsson, A. , Grönlund, E. , Carlman, I. & Fröling, M. (2015). A strategic tool to find out regional sustainability methodologies helpingindividuals to make long term decisions. In Proceedings of Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption, Barcelona Sitges, November 1-4, 2015.

Skytt, T. , Nielsen, S. N. , Grönlund, E. , Ståhl, F. , Jonsson, A. , Carlman, I. & Fröling, M. (2015). Interdisciplinary Cooperation And System Modelling As Means To Govern The Anthropocene. In Governing the Anthropocene: The greatest challenge for systems thinking in practice?.

Fröling, M. , Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2015). From environmental problems to sustainable development and towards resilience : Development over time of a university program inenvironmental science aiming for action competences. .

Longueville, A. , Whitten, P. & Carlman, I. (2015). Can We Get “Alternatives Analysis Redux” Please?. In IAIA15 Conference Proceedings.

Grönlund, E. , Barthelson, M. , Englund, A. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. , Jonsson, A. & van den Brink, P. (2014). Ekoteknik (Ecotechnics / Ecotehcnology) – 30 Years of Experience in Interdiciplinery Education. In Proceedings of the 20th International Sustainable Development Research Conference Trondheim 18-20 June 2014 : Resilience – the new research frontier. Trondheim : . pp. 17--21.

Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2014). A systems ecology view on sustainable wastewater treatment. .

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2014). Ecotechnology at Mid Sweden University – 30 years of Education in Environmental Consciousness and Entrepreneurship. .

Longueville, A. & Carlman, I. (2013). How to misuse the EIA-tool – a Swedish example. .

Carlman, I. , Longueville, A. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Models and methods as support for sustainable decision-making. .

Longueville, A. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. & Grönlund, E. (2013). Ecosystem Services Supporting Decision Making in Environmental Impact Assessments. .

Carlman, I. , Grönlund, E. & Longueville, A. (2013). Where did requirements for alternatives in EIA go?. .

Grönlund, E. , van den Brink, P. & Carlman, I. (2013). Emergy as an additional indicator in a model of integrated management of the human-environmental system of reindeer herding. .

Grönlund, E. , Fröling, M. & Carlman, I. (2013). Donor values in emergy assessment of ecosystem services. .

van den Brink, P. & Carlman, I. (2012). Co-existence of reindeer and lemmings in alpine mountains of Sweden. .

Nair, G. & Carlman, I. (2012). Organizational perspectives on adoption of energy efficiency measures in Swedish multi-storey apartment buildings. .

Carlman, I. (2011). Positioning environmental science versus natural, social and human sciences – sustainably. .

Carlman, I. & Jóhannsdóttir, A. (2010). Ecological Limits v. Economic Growth : The Role of Law and Legal Theory for the Need of Future Generations. .

Carlman, I. (2008). Control System for Sustainable Development. In Computing Anticipatory Systems. (AIP Conference Proceedings). pp. 187--194.


Mikaelsson, L. , Carlman, I. , Fröling, M. , Jonsson, A. , Danielski, I. , Grönlund, E. , Jonasson, J. , van den Brink, P. & et al. Mikaelsson, L. (ed.) (2015). Hållbara utvecklingsprocesser. Projektrapport 2015-03-31. Mittuniversitetet/Tillväxtverket

Englund, A. , Carlman, I. , Forss, L. , Noaksson, E. & Säll, B. (2014). Samverkan mellan små innovativa miljöteknikföretag och kund. Eskilstuna : Energimyndigheten (ER 2014:20)

Grönlund, E. & Carlman, I. (2013). A systems ecology view on wastewater treatment sustainability. Östersund : Ecotechnology Group, Department of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Mid Sweden University (Ecotechnology working paper 2013-1a)