Ingegerd Hildingsson
Articles in journals
Articles, reviews/surveys
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Hildingsson, I. , Karlström, A. , Haines, H. & Johansson, M. (2016). Swedish women's interest in models of midwifery care - Time to consider the system? : A prospective longitudinal survey. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 7, pp. 27-32.
Lindholm, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2015). Women´s preferences and received pain relief in childbirth : A prospective longitudinal study in a northern region of Sweden. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 6: 2, pp. 74-81.
Ternström, E. , Hildingsson, I. , Haines, H. & Rubertsson, C. (2015). Higher prevalence of childbirth related fear in foreign born pregnant women - Findings from a community sample in Sweden. Midwifery, vol. 31: 4, pp. 445-450.
Larsson, B. , Karlström, A. , Rubertsson, C. & Hildingsson, I. (2015). The effects of counseling on fear of childbirth. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 94: 6, pp. 629-636.
Hildingsson, I. (2015). Women's birth expectations, are they fulfilled? : Findings from a longitudinal Swedish cohort study. Women and Birth, vol. 28: 2, pp. E7-E13.
Söderberg, M. , Christensson, K. , Lundgren, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2015). Women's attitudes towards fertility and childbearing - A study based on a national sample of Swedish women validating the Attitudes to Fertility and Childbearing Scale (AFCS). Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 6: 2, pp. 54-58.
Rubertsson, C. , Pallant, J. , Sydsjö, G. , Haines, H. & Hildingsson, I. (2015). Maternal depressive symptoms have a negative impact on prenatal attachment : findings from a Swedish community sample. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, vol. 33: 2, pp. 153-164.
Halfdansdottir, B. , Smarson, A. , Olafsdottir, O. A. , Hildingsson, I. & Sveinsdottir, H. (2015). Outcome of planned home and hospital births among low-risk women in Iceland in 2005-2009: A retrospective cohort study. Birth, vol. 42: 1, pp. 16-26.
Ängeby, K. , Wilde-Larsson, B. , Hildingsson, I. & Sandin-Bojö, A. -. (2015). Primiparous women's preferences for care during a prolonged latent phase of labour. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 6: 3, pp. 145-150.
Hildingsson, I. & Fenwick, J. (2015). Swedish midwives' perception of their practice environment - A cross sectional study. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 6: 3, pp. 174-181.
Halfdansdottir, B. , Wilson, M. E. , Hildingsson, I. , Olafsdottir, O. A. , Smarason, A. K. & Sveinsdottir, H. (2015). Autonomy in place of birth : a concept analysis. Medicine, Health care and Philosophy, vol. 18: 4, pp. 591-600.
Sharma, B. , Hildingsson, I. , Johansson, E. , Prakasamma, M. , Ramani, K. V. & Christensson, K. (2015). Do the pre-service education programmes for midwives in India prepare confident 'registered midwives'? : A survey from India. Global Health Action, vol. 8
Karlström, A. , Nystedt, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2015). The meaning of a very positive birth experience: focus groups discussions with women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 15: 1
Hildingsson, I. , Blix, E. , Hegaard, H. , Huitfeldt, A. , Ingversen, K. , Olafsdottir, O. A. & Lindgren, H. (2015). How Long Is a Normal Labor? : Contemporary Patterns of Labor and Birth in a Low-Risk Sample of 1,612 Women from Four Nordic Countries. Birth, vol. 42: 4, pp. 346-353.
Nystedt, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2014). Diverse definitions of prolonged labour and its consequences with sometimes subsequent inappropriate treatment. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 14, pp. Art. no. 233
Sjöblom, I. , Idvall, E. , Lindgren, H. , Blix, E. , Kjaergaard, H. , Olofsdottir, O. , Hildingsson, I. , Thies-Lagergren, L. & et al. (2014). Creating a Safe Haven-Women's Experiences of the Midwife's Professional Skills During Planned Home Birth in Four Nordic Countries. Birth, vol. 41: 1, pp. 100-107.
Hildingsson, I. , Haines, H. , Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. & Fenwick, J. (2014). Childbirth fear in Swedish fathers is associated with parental stress as well as poor physical and mental health. Midwifery, vol. 30: 2, pp. 248-254.
Hildingsson, I. (2014). Swedish couples' attitudes towards birth, childbirth fear and birth preferences and relation to mode of birth - A longitudinal cohort study. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, vol. 5: 2, pp. 75-80.
Hildingsson, I. , Andersson, E. & Christensson, K. (2014). Swedish women's expectations about antenatal care and change over time - A comparative study of two cohorts of women. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, vol. 5: 2, pp. 51-57.
Pallant, J. , Haines, H. , Hildingsson, I. , Cross, M. & Rubertsson, C. (2014). Psychometric evaluation and refinement of the Prenatal Attachment Inventory. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, vol. 32: 2, pp. 112-125.
Gerhardsson, E. , Hedberg Nyqvist, K. , Mattsson, E. , Volgsten, H. , Hildingsson, I. & Funkquist, E. (2014). The Swedish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy-Short-Form (BSES_SF): reliability and validity assessment. Journal of Human Lactation, vol. 30: 3, pp. 340-345.
Hildingsson, I. & Thomas, J. (2014). Parental stress in mothers and fathers one year after birth. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, vol. 32: 1, pp. 41-56.
Hildingsson, I. , Johansson, M. , Fenwick, J. , Haines, H. & Rubertsson, C. (2014). Childbirth fear in expectant fathers : findings from a regional Swedish cohort study.. Midwifery, vol. 30: 2, pp. 242-247.
Malm, M. , Lindgren, H. , Rubertsson, C. , Hildingsson, I. & Rådestad, I. (2014). Development of a tool to evaluate fetal movements in full-term pregnancy. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 5: 1, pp. 31-35.
Johansson, M. , Hildingsson, I. & Fenwick, J. (2014). 'As long as they are safe- birth mode does not matter' Swedish fathers' experiences of decision-making around caesarean section. Women and Birth, vol. 27: 3, pp. 208-213.
Malm, M. , Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. , Hildingsson, I. & Lindgren, H. (2014). Women's experiences of two different self-assessment methods for monitoring fetal movements in full-term pregnancy. A Crossover trial.. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 14: 1, pp. Art. no. 349
Andersson, E. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2014). Swedish midwives' perspectives on group based antenatal care.. International journal of childbirth, vol. 4, pp. 240-249.
Nystedt, A. , Kristiansen, L. , Ehrenstråle, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2014). Exploring Some Swedish Women’s Experiences of Support During Childbirth. International journal of childbirth, vol. 4: 3, pp. 183-190(8).
Jansen, J. P. , Jong, M. , Hildingsson, I. & Jong, M. C. (2014). A minimum protocol for randomised homeopathic drug proving as basis for further research.. Forschende Komplementärmedizin, vol. 21: 4, pp. 232-8.
Haines, H. M. , Hildingsson, I. , Pallant, J. F. & Rubertsson, C. (2013). The Role of Women's Attitudinal Profiles in Satisfaction with the Quality of their Antenatal and Intrapartum Care. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, vol. 42: 4, pp. 428-441.
Sjöström, K. , Welander, S. , Haines, H. , Andersson, E. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Comparison of breastfeeding in rural areas of Sweden and Australia : A cohort study. Women and Birth, vol. 26: 4, pp. 229-234.
Söderberg, M. , Lundgren, I. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Attitudes toward fertility and childbearing scale : an assessment of a new instrument for women who are not yet mothers in Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 13
Thies-Lagergren, L. , Hildingsson, I. , Christensson, K. & Kvist, L. (2013). Who decides the position for birth? A follow-up study of a randomized controlled trial. Women and Birth, vol. 26: 4, pp. e99-e104.
Hildingsson, I. , Westlund, K. & Wiklund, I. (2013). Burnout in Swedish midwives. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 4: 3, pp. 87-91.
Hildingsson, I. , Johansson, M. , Karlström, A. & Fenwick, J. (2013). Factors associated with a positive birth experience : An exploration of Swedish women‘s experiences. International Journal of Childbirth, vol. 3: 3, pp. 153-164.
Johansson, M. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Intrapartum care could be improved according to Swedish fathers: mode of birth matters for satisfcation. Women and Birth, vol. 26: 3, pp. 195-201.
Hildingsson, I. , Karlström, A. & Nystedt, A. (2013). Parents' experiences of an instrumental vaginal birth findings from a regional survey in Sweden. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 4: 1, pp. 3-8.
Karlström, A. , Lindgren, H. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Maternal and infant outcome after caesarean section without recorded medical indication : Findings from a Swedish case-control study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 120: 4, pp. 479-486.
Johansson, M. , Hildingsson, I. & Fenwick, J. (2013). Fathers want to stay close to their partner and new baby in the early postnatal period: The importance of being able to room in after a surgical birth. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 4: 1, pp. 35-36.
Hildingsson, I. , Haines, H. , Cross, M. , Pallant, J. & Rubertsson, C. (2013). Women's satisfaction with antenatal care : Comparing women in Sweden and Australia. Women and Birth, vol. 26: 1, pp. e9-e14.
Andersson, E. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Mothers’ satisfaction with group antenatal care versus individual antenatal care : A clinical trial. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 4: 3, pp. 113-120.
Johansson, M. , Hildingsson, I. & Fenwick, J. (2013). Important factors working to mediate Swedish fathers' experiences of a caesarean section. Midwifery, vol. 29: 9, pp. 1041-1049.
Hildingsson, I. , Dalén, K. , Sarenfelt, L. & Ransjö-Arvidson, A. (2013). First-time parents′ perception of antenatal education in Sweden. International journal of childbirth, vol. 3: 1, pp. 28-38.
Sahlin, M. , Klint-Carlander, K. , Hildingsson, I. & Wiklund, I. (2013). First-time mothers' wish for a planned caesarean section : A deeply rooted emotion. Midwifery, vol. 29: 5, pp. 447-452.
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Improvements of postnatal care are required by Swedish fathers. International journal of health care quality assurance/MCB University Press, vol. 26: 5, pp. 465-480.
Thies-Lagergren, L. , Kvist, L. , Sandin- Bojö, A. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2013). Labour augmentation and fetal outcomes in relation to birth positions : a secondary analyis of a randomized controlled trial evaluating birth seat births. Midwifery, vol. 29: 4, pp. 344-350.
Haines, H. M. , Rubertsson, C. , Pallant, J. F. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). The influence of women's fear, attitudes and beliefs of childbirth on mode and experience of birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 12, pp. Art. no. 55
Hildingsson, I. , Nilson, C. , Karlström, A. & Lundgren, I. (2012). A Longitudinal Survey of Childbirth-related Fear and Associated Factors. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 91: S1, pp. 87-88.
Thies-Lagergren, L. , Kvist, L. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Striving for scientific stringency : a re-analysis of a randomised controlled trial considering first-time mothers' obstetric outcomes in relation to birth position. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 12, pp. Art. no. 135
Avelin, P. , Erlandsson, K. , Hildingsson, I. , Davidsson Bremborg, A. & Rådestad, I. (2012). Make the stillborn baby and the loss real for the siblings-parents’ advice on how the siblings of a stillborn baby can be supported. Journal of Perinatal Eduction, vol. 21, pp. 1-9.
Haines, H. , Rubertsson, C. , Pallant, J. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Women’s attitudes and beliefs and association with birth preference : A comparison of a Swedish and an Australian sample in mid pregnancy. Midwifery, vol. 28: 6, pp. E850-E856.
Nilsson, C. , Lundgren, I. , Karlström, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Self reported fear of childbirth and its association with women's birth experience and mode of delivery : A longitudinal population based study. Women and Birth, vol. 25: 3, pp. 114-121.
Hildingsson, I. (2012). Mental training during pregnancy. Feelings and experiences during pregnancy and birth and parental stress one year after birth -A pilot study. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 3: 1, pp. 31-36.
Hildingsson, I. & Thomas, J. (2012). Perinatal Outcomes and Satisfaction with Care in Women with High Body Mass Index. Journal of midwifery & women's health, vol. 57: 4, pp. 336-344.
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Childbirth - an emotionally demanding experience for fathers. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 3: 1, pp. 11-20.
Andersson, E. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Parents' experiences and perceptions of group-based antenatal care in four clinics in Sweden. Midwifery, vol. 28: 4, pp. 442-448.
Lindgren, H. E. , Rådestad, I. J. & Hildingsson, I. M. (2011). Transfer in planned home births in Sweden - effects on the experience of birth : A nationwide population-based study. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 2: 3, pp. 101-105.
Hildingsson, I. , Nilsson, C. , Karlström, A. & Lundgren, I. (2011). A Longitudinal Survey of Childbirth-related Fear and Associated Factors. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, vol. 40: 5, pp. 532-543.
Thies-Lagergren, L. , Kvist, L. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). No reduction in instrumental vaginal births and no increased risk for adverse perineal outcome in nulliparous women giving birth on a birth seat: results of a Swedish randomized controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, vol. 11, pp. art nr 22
Avelin, P. , Erlandsson, K. , Hildingsson, I. & Rådestad, I. (2011). Swedish parents' experiences of parenthood and the need for support to siblings when a baby is stillborn. Birth, vol. 38: 2, pp. 150-158.
Hildingsson, I. & Sjöling, M. (2011). Fathers experiences of support during pregnancy and the first year following childbirth - Findings from a Swedish regional survey. Journal of Men's Health, vol. 8: 4, pp. 258-266.
Karlström, A. , Nystedt, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). A comparative study of the experience of childbirth between women who preferred and had a caesarean section and women who preferred and had a vaginal birth. Sexual and reproductive healthcare, vol. 2: 3, pp. 93-99.
Hildingsson, I. , Karlström, A. & Nystedt, A. (2011). Women’s experiences of labour induction - findings from a Swedish regional study. Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, vol. 51: 2, pp. 151-157.
Hildingsson, I. , Cederlöf, L. & Widén, S. (2011). Fathers' birth experience in relation to midwifery care. Women and Birth, vol. 24: 3, pp. 129-136.
Karlström, A. , Nystedt, A. , Johansson, M. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Behind the myth - few women prefer caesarean section in the absence of medical or obstetrical factors. Midwifery, vol. 27: 5, pp. 620-627.
Hildingsson, I. & Sandin-Bojö, F. (2011). What is could indeed be better-Swedish women’s perceptions on postnatal care. Midwifery, vol. 27: 5, pp. 737-744.
Thomas, J. , Bonér, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Fathering in the First Few Months. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, vol. 25: 3, pp. 499-509.
Haines, H. , Pallant, J. , Karlström, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Cross-cultural comparison of levels of childbirth-related fear in an Australian and Swedish sample. Midwifery, vol. 27: 4, pp. 560-567.
Schytt, E. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Physical and emotional self-rated health among Swedish women and men during pregnancy and the first year of parenthood. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 2: 2, pp. 57-64.
Johansson, M. , Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. , Karlström, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Few fathers-to-be prefer caesarean section for the birth of their baby. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 117: 6, pp. 761-764.
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). The Internet: one important source for pregnancy and childbirth information among prospective fathers. Journal of Men's Health, vol. 7: 3, pp. 249-258.
Hildingsson, I. , Rådestad, I. & Lindgren, H. (2010). Birth preferences that deviate from the norm in Sweden - planned home birth versus planned cesarean section. Birth, vol. 37: 4, pp. 288-295.
Hildingsson, I. , Thomas, J. , Karlström, A. , Engström-Olofsson, R. & Nystedt, A. (2010). Childbirth thoughts in mid-pregnancy: Prevalence and associated factors in prospective parents.. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 1: 2, pp. 45-53.
Bogren Jungmarker, E. , Lindgren, H. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Playing second fiddle is Okay-Swedish Fathers' experiences of prenatal care. Journal of midwifery & women's health, vol. 55: 5, pp. 421-429.
Karlström, A. , Engström-Olofsson, R. , Nystedt, A. , Sjöling, M. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Women's postoperative experiences before and after the introduction of spinal opioids in anaesthesia for caesareansection. Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 19: 9-10, pp. 1326-1334.
Karlström, A. , Rådestad, I. , Eriksson, C. , Rubertsson, C. , Nystedt, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Cesarean Section without Medical Reason, 1997 to 2006: A Swedish Register Study. Birth, vol. 37: 1, pp. 11-20.
Lindgren, H. , Rådestad, I. , Christensson, K. , Wally-Byström, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Perceptions of risk and risk management among 735 women who opted for a home birth. Midwifery, vol. 26: 2, pp. 163-172.
Rubertsson, C. , Hildingsson, I. & Rådestad, I. (2010). Disclosure and police reporting of intimate partner violence postpartum : a pilot study. Midwifery, : 26, pp. 1-5.
von Feilitzen, C. , Rådestad, I. , Hildingsson, I. & Häggström-Nordin, E. (2009). Women’s advice to mothers-to-be-‘Clearly voice your needs'. British Journal of Midwifery, vol. 17: 8, pp. 514-518.
Hildingsson, I. , Engström-Olofsson, R. , Thomas, J. & Nystedt, A. (2009). Still behind the glass wall? Fathers’ experiences of postnatal care. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, vol. 38: 3, pp. 280-289.
Thomas, J. & Hildingsson, I. (2009). Who’s bathing the baby? The division of domestic labour in Sweden. Journal of Child and Family Studies, vol. 15: 2, pp. 139-152.
Karlström , A. , Engström-Olofsson , R. , Thomas , J. , Nystedt , A. & Hildingsson , I. (2009). Swedish caregivers’ attitudes towards caesarean section on maternal request. Women and Birth, vol. 22: 2, pp. 57-63.
Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. & Hildingsson, I. (2008). Inte rimligt fråga alla gravida om partnervåld – andra metoder finns. Läkartidningen, vol. 105: 20, pp. 1506
Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. & Hildingsson, I. (2008). Screening måste grundas vetenskapligt. Läkartidningen, vol. 20, pp. 1507
Rådestad , I. , Rubertsson , C. & Hildingsson, I. (2008). Screening inom mödrahälsovården för partnervåld. Nytta måste balanseras mot skada.. Läkartidningen, vol. 105, pp. 807-808.
Lindgren, H. , Hildingsson, I. , Rådestad, I. & Christensson, K. (2008). Kvinnor som vill föda hemma bör få lika god vård som andra. Dagens medicin, vol. 06
Hildingsson, I. , Tingvall, M. & Rubertsson, C. (2008). Partner support in the childbearing period : A follow up study. Women and Birth, vol. 21: 4, pp. 141-148.
Lindgren, H. , Hildingsson, I. , Christensson, K. & Rådestad, I. (2008). Transfers in planned home births related to midwife availability and continuity: : a nationwide population-based study. Birth, vol. 35: 1, pp. 9-15.
Hildingsson, I. (2008). How much influence do women in Sweden have on caesarean section? : A follow-up study of women's preferences in early pregnancy.. Midwifery, vol. 24: 1, pp. 46-54.
Lindgren, H. , Rådestad, I. , Christensson, K. & Hildingsson, I. (2008). Outcome of planned home births compared to hospital births in Sweden between 1992 and 2004 : A population-based register study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 87: 8, pp. 797-799.
Hildingsson, I. & Thomas, J. (2007). Maternity services from women's perspecitve in Sweden : processes, problems, and solutions.. Journal of midwifery & women's health, vol. 52: 2, pp. 126-133.
Karlström, A. , Engström-Olofsson, R. , Norbergh, K. , Sjöling, M. & Hildingsson, I. (2007). Postoperative pain after cesarean birth affects breastfeeding and infant care. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, vol. 36: 5, pp. 430-440.
Hildingsson, I. , Schytt, E. , Gottvall, K. & Waldenström, U. (2007). Obstetriker och barnmorskor : Kejsarsnittsfrekvensen är för hög. Enkätstudie om orsaker bakom ökningen gjord på årsmöte. Läkartidningen, vol. 104: 12, pp. 946-949.
Hildingsson, I. M. (2007). New parents' experiences of postnatal care in Sweden. Women and Birth, vol. 20: 3, pp. 105-113.
Waldenström, U. , Hildingsson, I. & Ryding, E. L. (2006). Antenatal fear of childbirth and its association with subsequent caesarean section and experience of childbirth. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 113: 6, pp. 638-646.
Hildingsson, I. , Lindgren, H. , Haglund, B. & Rådestad, I. (2006). Characteristics of women giving birth at home : A national register study.. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 195: 5, pp. 1366-1372.
Waldenström, U. , Rudman, A. & Hildingsson, I. (2006). Intrapartum and postpartum care in Sweden : Women's opinions and risk factors for not being satisfied.. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 85: 5, pp. 551-560.
Lindgren, H. , Hildingsson, I. & Rådestad, I. (2006). A Swedish interview study: : Parents' assessment of risks in home births. Midwifery, vol. 22: 1, pp. 15-22.
Rubertsson , C. , Waldenström , U. , Wickberg , B. , Rådestad , I. & Hildingsson , I. (2005). Depressive mood in early pregnancy and postpartum: prevalence and women at risk in a national Swedish sample.. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, vol. 23: 2, pp. 155-166.
Hildingsson, I. , Rådestad, I. & Waldenström, U. (2005). Number of antenatal visits and women's opinion. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 84: 3, pp. 248-254.
Hildingsson, I. & Rådestad, I. (2005). Swedish women's satisfaction with medical and emotional aspects of antenatal care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 52: 3, pp. 239-249.
Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. , Ebeling, M. & Hildingsson, I. (2004). What factors in early pregnancy indicate that the mother will be hit by her partner during the year after childbirth? : A nationwide Swedish survey.. Birth: issues in perinatal care, vol. 31: 2, pp. 84-92.
Waldenström, U. , Hildingsson, I. , Rubertsson, C. & Rådestad, I. (2004). A negative birth experience : prevalence and risk factors in a national sample.. Birth, vol. 31: 1, pp. 17-27.
Hildingsson, I. , Waldenström, U. & Rådestad, I. (2003). Swedish women's interest in homebirth and in- hospital birth center care. Birth, vol. 30: 1, pp. 11-22.
Hildingsson, I. , Rådestad, I. , Rubertsson, C. & Waldenström, U. (2002). Few women wish to be delivered by caesarean section. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 109: 6, pp. 618-623.
Hildingsson, I. , Waldenström, U. & Rådestad, I. (2002). Women's expectations on antenatal care as assessed in early pregnancy : Number of visits, continuity of caregiver and general content.. Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 81: 2, pp. 118-125.
Berglund, A. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2002). Hälsovård för den gravida kvinnan är mer än bara medicinska kontroller. Läkartidningen, vol. 99, pp. 2028-2030.
Hildingsson, I. & Häggström, T. (1999). Midwives’ lived experiences of being supportive to prospective mothers/parents during pregnancy. Midwifery, vol. 15(2) : 2, pp. 82-91.
Articles, reviews/surveys
Wiklund, I. , Andolf, E. , Lilja, H. & Hildingsson, I. (2012). Indications for cesarean section on maternal request - Guidelines for counseling and treatment. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, vol. 3: 3, pp. 99-106.
Chapters in books
Hildingsson, I. (2009). Kejsarsnitt. In Lärobok för Barnmorskor. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 350-352.
Hildingsson, I. (2009). Självpaplation av brösten. In Lärobok för Barnmorskor. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 614-616.
Collections (editor)
Kaplan, A. (ed.) , Hogg, B. (ed.) , Hildingsson, I. (ed.) & Lundgren, I. (ed.) (2009). Lärobok för Barnmorskor. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Conference papers
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Fathers' birth experiences are influenced by mode of delivery and competence of health care professionals. .
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). New fathers' birth experience and associated factors. .
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Pappor efterfrågar kvalitetsförbättringar inom bb-vården. .
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2011). Improvements of given postnatal care are required by new fathers. .
Johansson, M. , Rubertsson, C. , Rådestad, I. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). The Internet: one important source for pregnancy and childbirth information among prospective fathers. .
Nystedt, A. , Kristiansen, L. & Hildingsson, I. (2010). Exploring some Swedish womens´ experiences of support during childbirth. .
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