The Bioenergy gasification research group are focused on synthesis gas (“syngas”) production from biomass for automotive fuel production.
The research is directed to the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass into syngas for the downstream production of electricity, automotive fuels and chemicals, such as DME, FT fuels, ethanol, synthetic natural gas (SNG), hydrogen etc. It is so called BTL (biomass to liquids). The objective is to develop a duel fluidized bed gasifier (indirect gasifier) which can be integrated into a BTL system and further into a mechanical pulp mill with reliable technology and higher electricity/fuels/chemicals production efficiency. Thus, a gasification-based biorefinery can be realized in mechanical pulp mills.
Laboratory facility
The laboratory facility of the bioenergy research group is centralized with a pilot plant of biomass dual fluidized bed gasifier (DFBG) as shown below, which was developed by the bioenergy group. The DFBG gasifier consists of a bubbling fluidized bed steam gasifier and a circulating fluidised bed riser combustor, and has the biomass treatment capacity of 150 kWth, i.e. approx. 25 kg biomass feed per hour. The gasifier and the combustor have a height of 2.5 and 3.1 m and inner diameters (i.d.) of 300 and 90 mm, respectively. A good gas-solid contact can be realized by an in situ reformer installed above the dense bed of the fluidized bed gasifier but under the hot bed material return position. Such an in situ reformer, similar to an upper fluidized bed of olivine, is developed by the bioenergy group as shown below. Biomass is first devolatilized in the bottom fluidized bed. The volatile from biomass pyrolysis then goes through the upper part in situ reformer and experiences cracking and reforming of tars and CH4 in the hotter reformer.
Current Projects
Articles in journals
Articles, reviews/surveys
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Tang, Y. , Luo, Z. , Yu, C. , Cen, J. , Chen, Q.
Zhang, W. (2019). Determination of biomass-coal blending ratio by C-14 measurement in co-firing flue gas. Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science A, vol. 20: 7, pp. 475-486.
Liu, H. , Chen, Y. , Yang, H. , Gentili, F. G. , Söderlind, U. , Wang, X. , Zhang, W.
Chen, H. (2019). Hydrothermal carbonization of natural microalgae containing a high ash content. Fuel, vol. 249, pp. 441-448.
Zhu, Y. , Hu, J. , Yang, W. , Zhang, W. , Zeng, K. , Yang, H. , Du, S.
Chen, H. (2018). Ash Fusion Characteristics and Transformation Behaviors during Bamboo Combustion in Comparison with Straw and Poplar. Energy & Fuels, vol. 32: 4, pp. 5244-5251.
Zhu, Y. , Si, Y. , Wang, X. , Zhang, W. , Shao, J. , Yang, H.
Chen, H. (2018). Characterization of Hydrochar Pellets from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Agricultural Residues. Energy & Fuels, vol. 32: 11, pp. 11538-11546.
Zhu, Y. , Yang, W. , Fan, J. , Kan, T. , Zhang, W. , Liu, H. , Cheng, W. , Yang, H. & et al. (2018). Effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose addition on particulate matter emissions during biomass pellet combustion. Applied Energy, vol. 230, pp. 925-934.
Yang, H. , Wang, D. , Li, B. , Zeng, Z. , Qu, L. , Zhang, W.
Chen, H. (2018). Effects of potassium salts loading on calcium oxide on the hydrogen production from pyrolysis-gasification of biomass. Bioresource Technology, vol. 249, pp. 744-750.
Chen, X. , Yang, H. , Chen, Y. , Chen, W. , Lei, T. , Zhang, W.
Chen, H. (2017). Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass to produce furfural using heterogeneous catalysts. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 127, pp. 292-298.
Hu, J. , Shao, J. , Yang, H. , Lin, G. , Chen, Y. , Wang, X. , Zhang, W.
Chen, H. (2017). Co-gasification of coal and biomass : Synergy, characterization and reactivity of the residual char. Bioresource Technology, vol. 244, pp. 1-7.
Ding, M. , Ma, L. , Zhang, Q. , Wang, C. , Zhang, W.
Wang, T. (2017). Enhancement of conversion from bio-syngas to higher alcohols fuels over K-promoted Cu-Fe bimodal pore catalysts. Fuel processing technology, vol. 159, pp. 436-441.
Zhang, Z. , Tian, N. , Zhang, W. , Huang, X. , Ruan, L.
Wu, L. (2016). Inhibition of carbon steel corrosion in phase-change-materials solution by methionine and proline. Corrosion Science, vol. 111, pp. 675-689.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Engstrand, P.
Zhang, W. (2015). An experimental study on catalytic bed materials in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier. Renewable energy, vol. 81, pp. 251-261.
Zhang, W. , He, J. , Engstrand, P.
Björkqvist, O. (2015). Economic evaluation on bio-synthetic natural gas production integrated in a thermomechanical pulp mill. Energies, vol. 8: 11, pp. 12795-12809.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Henschel, T. , Engstrand, P.
Zhang, W. (2015). Internal tar/CH4 reforming in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier.. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, vol. 5, pp. 355-366.
Jiang, X. , Song, X. , Chen, Y.
Zhang, W. (2014). Research on biogas production potential of aquatic plants. Renewable energy, vol. 69, pp. 97-102.
He, J. , Engstrand, P. , Björkqvist, O.
Zhang, W. (2013). Techno-economic evaluation of a mechanical pulp mill with gasification. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 28: 3, pp. 349-357.
He, J. , Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U.
Zhang, W. (2012). Simulation of biomass gasification in a dual fluidized bed gasifier. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, vol. 2: 1, pp. 1-10.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U.
Zhang, W. (2011). Experimental test on a novel dual fluidised bed biomass gasifier for synthetic fuel production. Fuel, vol. 90: 4, pp. 1340-1349.
He, J.
Zhang, W. (2011). Techno-economic evaluation of thermo-chemical biomass-to-ethanol. Applied Energy, vol. 88: 4, pp. 1224-1232.
Zhang, W. (2010). Automotive fuels from biomass via gasification. Fuel processing technology, vol. 91: 8, pp. 866-876.
He, J.
Zhang, W. (2008). Research on ethanol synthesis from syngas. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, vol. 9: 5, pp. 714-719.
He, Q.
Zhang, W. (2001). A study on latent heat storage exchangers with the high-temperature phase-change material. International Journal of Energy Research, vol. 25: 4, pp. 331-341.
Articles, reviews/surveys
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , He, J.
Zhang, W. (2011). Review of syngas production via biomass DFBGs. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 15: 1, pp. 482-492.
Conference papers
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2018). Biogas production from biological methanation of syngas. In European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings.. pp. 512--515.
Tran, K. , Klemsdal, A. J. , Zhang, W. , Sandquist, J. , Wang, L.
Skreiberg, Ø. (2017). Fast Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Native and Torrefied Wood.
Energy Procedia. (Energy Procedia). pp. 218--223.
Zhang, W. , Henschel, T. , Söderlind, U. , Tran, K.
Han, X. (2017). Thermogravimetric and Online Gas Analysis on various Biomass Fuels.
Energy Procedia. (Energy Procedia). pp. 162--167.
Henschel, T. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2016). A study on the pyrolysis behaviour of different biomass fuels using thermogravimetry and online gas analysis. In European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings.. pp. 1290--1293.
He, J. , Engstrand, P.
Zhang, W. (2014). Bio-SNG production in a TMP Mill in comparison with BIGCC.
Energy Procedia.. pp. 2894--2897.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U.
European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Proceedings.. pp. 620--625.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Henschel, T. , Engstrand, P. & Zhang, W. (2014). Internal tar/CH4 reforming in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier. In Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2013). Internal Tar/CH4 Reforming using a Novel Design in a Biomass Dual Fluidised Bed Gasifier. In 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : Setting the course for a biobased ecomomy. Florence, Italy : (European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings). pp. 2038--2042.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2012). Tar/CH4 Reforming by Catalytic Bed Materials in a Biomass Fluidised Bed Gasifier. In 20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : Proceedings of the International Confernce held in Milano, Italy, 18 - 22 June 2012.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2010). TAR/CH4 REFORMING BY CATALYTICALLY ACTIVE MATERIALS IN A BIOMASS DUAL FLUIDISED BED GASIFIER . In The second International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application (ISGA 2010), December 5-8, Fukuoka, Japan.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2009). Preliminary Test on the Allothermal Gasifier at Mid Sweden University. In 17th European Biomass Conference : FROM RESEARCH TO INDUSTRY AND MARKETS. Florence, Italy :
Yu, C. , Zhang, W.
Cen, K. (2008). A modelling study on cellulose particle pyrolysis under fluidized-bed conditions..
Progress in thermochemical biomass conversion : [based on papers delivered to the Fifth International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion]. Oxford : . pp. 1091--1106.
Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U.
Zhang, W. (2008). BTL laboratory at Mid Sweden University.
16th European Biomass Conference. Florence : . pp. 1041--1045.
Yu, C.
Zhang, W. (2008). Modeling potassium release in biomass pyrolysis.
Progress in thermochemical biomass conversion : [based on papers delivered to the Fifth International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion]. Oxford : . pp. 1107--1115.
Zhang, W. (2006). A review on biofuels for transportation. In Asia Biofuels Conference & Expo IV, 2006, Beijing..
Zhang, W. & Söderlind, U. (2005). A review on transportation fuels from biomass syngas : 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Reintegration, Beijing.
Forsman, B. & Zhang, W. (2005). Alkali Metal Release During Rapid Pyrolysis of Fuel Blends Containing . In Proceedings. 14th European conference and technology exhibition biomass for energy industry and climate protection, Paris, Oct. 2005.
Forsman, B. , Zhang, W. , Svenson, J. & Pettersson, J. (2005). ALKALI METAL RELEASE DURING RAPID PYROLYSIS OF FUEL BLENDS CONTAINING BIOMASS AND DIFFERENT ADDITIVES.. In Proceedings of the 14th European Biomass Conference : Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection.
Zhang, W. , Forsman, B. & Söderlind, U. (2005). Biofuels in Sweden. In Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Recovery Recycling and Reintegration.
Zhang, W. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. & Wu, C. (2004). Further test on the Sanya 6MW biomass CFB gasifier. In 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection. Rome, Italy, 10 - 14 May 2004.
Zhang, W. (2004). TRANSPORTATION FUELS FROM BIOMASS VIA GASIFICATION : 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy and Industry, May 2004, Rome, Italy.
Zhang, W. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. , Wu, C. & Luo, X. (2002). A PRELIMINARY TEST ON AN INDUSTRIAL BIOMASS CFB GASIFIER . In 12th European Biomass Conference : Vol. 1.. pp. 745--748.
Zhang, W. , Yu, C. , Tabikh, A. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. , Adanes, J. , de Diego, L. , García-Labiano, F. & et al. (2002). Process simulation of circulating fluidized beds with combustion/gasification of biomass.. In Twelfth European Biomass Conference - Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection : European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection 12, 2002, Amsterdam>. Florence : . pp. 1503-
Zhang, W. , Johnsson, F. , Johnsson, H. & Leckner, B. (2001). Time-dependent fluctuation characteristics of particle flow in a circulating fluidized bed boiler. In Fluidization X : proceedings of the Tenth Engineering Foundation Conference on Fluidization, Beijing, People Republic of China, May 20 - 25, 2001 : Conference on Fluidization <10, 2001, Beijing>. New York : . pp. 818-
Yu, C. , Zhang, W. & Cen, K. (2000). A study on kinetic model for cellulose pyrolysis modeling. In Renewable energy : renewables, the energy for the 21st century : Part II.. pp. 1369--1372.
Yu, C. , Zhang, W. & Cen, K. (2000). PROCESS MODELING OF A CELLULOSE PARTICLE DURING PYROLYSIS. In 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry : part II.. pp. 1848--1851.
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Göransson, K. (2014). Internal Tar/CH4 Reforming in Biomass Dual Fluidised Bed Gasifiers towards Fuel Synthesis.
(Comprehensive summary)
Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2014 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 187)
He, J. H. , Wan, H. , He, T. & Zhang, W. Research progress on biomass fuel ethanol.
Göransson, K. & Zhang, W. (2007). A technical description of BTL laboratory at Mid Sweden University.
Zhang, W. (2007). Bioethanol market and perspective.
Zhang, W. (2007). Biomass pellet perspective and market.
Wennan, Z. (2007). Coal gasification - for LKAB pelletizing furnaces.
Zhang, W. (2007). Peat perspective and market.
Olofsson, I. , Nordin, A. & Söderlind, U. (2005). Initial Review and Evaluation of Process Technologies and Systems Suitable for Cost-Efficient Medium-Scale Gasification for Biomass to Liquid Fuels. Umeå : Umeå Universitet (ETPC Report 05-02).
Zhang, W. & Leckner, B. (2001). PROCESS SIMULATION OF CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BEDS WITH COMBUSTION/GASIFICATION OF BIOMASS - The project final report : reporting the JOR3CT980306 project of 4th EU-framework Programme.
Chunjiang, Y. , Tabikl, A. , Leckner, B. & Zhang, W. (2000). Modeling of deposition and emission of alkalis in boiler systems : Mid-term reporting for project JOR3CT980306 of 4th EU-framework Programme.
Zhang, W. (2000). PROCESS SIMULATION OF CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BEDS - mid term assessment report .
Zhang, W. (2000). PROCESS SIMULATION OF CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BEDS - yearly report : reporting the JOR3CT980306 project of 4th EU-framework Programme.
Jensen, A. , Åsman, S. & Zhang, W. (2000). Pyrolys av Biobränsle.