Academic Ceremony

The Mid Sweden University Academic Ceremony is held in early October each year, and alternates between Mid Sweden University's campuses. It is a Ceremony to honour new doctors, honorary doctors, professors and adjunct professors, and includes a subsequent Banquet.


The Ceremony has three parts: doctoral and honorary award ceremony, inauguration of professors and adjunct professors and awarding of other prizes.

At the Ceremony, the representatives of the two faculties, Human sciences and Natural sciences, technology and media, confer new honorary doctors for their services to the region, or the university. There are also specific Vice Chancellor´s awards for excellent scholars and teachers.

After the Ceremony, a Banquet is held to celebrate the new doctors, honorary doctors, professors and adjunct professors with dinner, music and dancing. Additional guests may be representatives of business, other universities or authorities of Sweden, especially from Jämtland and Västernorrland, where Mid Sweden University is located. 


Elin Rodin

Kommunikatör|Communications Officer

010-142 79 67

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