Credit Transfer and FAQ
If you have skills or knowledge from prior learning that you find relevant for your ongoing studies, you can apply for a credit transfer. This means that you might not need to take a course or a part of a course if your prior learning is recognized.
You need to be a student at Mid Sweden University to be able to apply. The former credits should mainly be equivalent to the studies you wish to transfer credits to. To apply for a credit transfer you login to the Student Portal an fill out a digital application form.
If you have questions about credit transefer or the procedure, you can send an e-mail to the Degree Office:
Application for a Credit Transfer
On-line application for credit transfer
(The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions)
Subject List
(subjects and the responsible Departments)
Questions and answers about transfer of credits
What does a transfer of credits entail and why should I apply?
If you have credits from former merits at a higher education institution (recognized HEI) or work experience, you might be able to transfer credits to a course, subject or program if there is an equivalence with studies given at Mid Sweden University.
NOTE! Credits cannot be counted twice, a qualification can only be based on courses that do not overlap.
What is required before I can apply for a transfer of credits?
You need to be a student at Mid Sweden University to be able to apply. The former credits should mainly be equivalent to the studies you wish to transfer credits to.
When should I not apply for a transfer of credits?
If you have completed courses from another Swedish or Nordic higher education institution (HEI) that you wish to include in your degree you can add these in your application when you apply for a degree. A decision will then be made weather you can transfer credits from these course to your degree.
You need to apply for a transfer of credits in the Student portal if the courses you wish to include are taken at a HEI outside of the Nordic countries.
How do I apply?
You login at Student portal with your username and password. You click on My Studies and Application for Credit Transfer.
When you have sent in your application you will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail with a case number. Respond this e-mail by attaching necessary documents to complete your application. Once the application is complete the process can begin.
Can I withdraw my application?
If you choose to take the course that you have applied to transfer credits to, or by some other reason don’t want to proceed with your application, it is important that you withdraw your application. You can withdraw your application by answering the confirmation e-mail, or by contacting Examensenheten (Degree Office) at and state your case number.
Exchange studies and Learning Agreement?
If you have studies and credits from abroad, outside the Nordic countries, and wish to include these in a future degree you have to apply for a credit transfer. If you have studied abroad as an exchange student from Mid Sweden University, attach your Learning Agreement to your application. You can apply for a credit transfer once you have returned, completed your studies and received your official transcript from the host university. Also bring the course syllabus for the courses taken during your exchange studies. When you apply for a credit transfer attach both Learning Agreement, course syllabus and official trancript of records. Your department or the International Relations Office can inform you about the Learning Agreement.
What documents needs to be attached to the application?
When the transfer of credits is based on previous studies, the following documents must be attached:
- Course certificate or transcript of records
- Course syllabus including reading list
- Learning Agreement (exchange studies from Mid Sweden University)
- Also attach the course syllabus for the course your application concerns (course at Mid Sweden University)
When the crediting is based on other activities, the following documents should be attached:
- A certificate that confirms the employment and the extent of the employment/activity
- Reference to direct supervisor and a statement from the same
- A detailed report of the relevant knowledge and skills obtained during the employment/activity in relation to all learning objectives in the course
- If you have had a supervisor during your employment please attach supporting documents of this and in what extent
- Also attach the course syllabus for the course your application concerns, latest version (course at Mid Sweden University)
- Where applicable, a decision regarding validation of prior learning
In addition to the above documents, the applicant should, upon request, be able to supplement documents that may be required for the application to be considered complete. Scanned original documents shall be sent in PDF format.
NOTE! Original documents may be required. Foreign documents must be submitted in original language and translated into English or Swedish by an authorized translator (exception may be granted by the decision maker). It should clearly state information on the scoring system, scope and rating system.
The processing time?
The processing time for an application is approximately two months, some times longer, provided the application is complete. We therefore encourage you to send in your application in time. When a decision is made the applicant will be informed in writing.
Can the decision be appealed?
If your application is rejected or partly rejected and you find this incorrect you have the right to appeal the decision. Information on how to proceed with an appeal is written in the same document as your decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan (The Higher Education Appeals Board) but sent by mail to the Degree Office at Mid Sweden University within three weeks from the day the applicant received the decision.
Can my study allowance from CSN be affected if I transfer credits?
If your application is granted your study allowance from CSN can be affected. Contact CSN if you have questions or concerns about how you allowance can be affected.
If I study within a program of Master of Science in Engineering and wish to apply for a credit transfer?
If you study within a program of Master of Science in Engineering you can proceed in different ways depending on your application. If your application concerns multiple former courses/merits that doesn’t have an exact equivalence in within the program at Mid Sweden University or if it concerns studies abroad, please contact your program coordinator for guidance to facilitate your future application for credit transfer.
If your application concerns a specific course or module, you can apply directly via the application form on-line in the Student portal. Don’t forget to attach the documents that you invoke in your application.
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