Industrial Internet of Things
The technological development is constantly changing the competitiveness of the industry. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), creates new opportunities for companies that want to increase...
The research at STC Research Centre is divieded into three strategic research areas: Industrial Internet of Things, Next generations measurement systems and Large surfaces for electronic functionality.
The technological development is constantly changing the competitiveness of the industry. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), creates new opportunities for companies that want to increase...
Our goal with research on Large surfaces for electronic functionality, is to develop technologies that make it possible to produce large electronic functional surfaces. These can be used to create...
Climate changes affects the whole world, and as a consequence, the need to measure different environmental parameters increases. For example, by measuring water levels, CO2 levels, temperature and...
The research group within Autonomous sensor systems develop technologies in the areas of energy harvesting and embedded sensors targeting autonomous sensor systems with a focus on industrial...
The Communication Systems and Networks group focuses on shaping the future of communication systems and networks, particularly in the wireless domain.
Develops detectors; thermal detector for CO2 based indoor climate control, electron detectors and detectors for Thermal Neutrons. Within photonics the main focus is on the development of new optica...
The research group target embedded implementation of IoT-nodes, with a focus on data intensive applications and with a holistic view of the IoT computational stack.
Our research concerns materials mainly with relevance for the forest industry. We have many projects in the field of large area applications and green energy, energy harversting, store and use energy.
Positions the research within high frequency power supplies in the frontline. The research have presented the only isolated converter above 3MHz with an efficiency exceeding requirements from...
The research group Printed Sensor Systems develops an inkjet printed humidity sensor. Researchers are evaluating different coatings applied on plastic substrates to promote inkjet printing quality ...
We study the design of electronics measurement systems with a focus on applications where computing electronics, radiation detectors, electromagnetic radiation sources and image analysis are combined.
The research at Realistic 3D is on Multidimensional Imaging and Visualization with focus on Multiscopic 3D Capture, Coding and Visualization.
In this project, researchers at Mid Sweden University and the company SiTek Electro Optics, will develop a position sensing detector that will expand the wavelength range of detectors down to the...
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the green and digital transformation of the region’s businesses with artificial intelligence to boost growth and develop sustainable products and...
The project will increase knowledge, recruit and build competence in Artificial Intelligence in Västernorrland and Jämtland / Härjedalen through targeted recruitment efforts to Mid Sweden Universit...
The target of this research is to come up with a step by step design instruction for AI experts to modify and optimize their acoustic sensor array for robust and reliable AI monitoring system.
The airport of the future will be largely autonomous and will have a high degree of remote control. This places high demands on reliable technology and monitoring, technologies that are developed i...
The pulp industry is known for its smelly gases. The smell is caused by process disruptions that lead to emissions of volatile organic sulphate compounds as sulfate hydrogen. The emissions imply...
The aim of the project is to identify surface defects in tube manufacturing with relevant data from surface measurements with machine vision systems and developed AI-based method for data managemen...
In the current stage of the industrial evolution, automation has become a key component for industries to thrive, and at the core of it we have Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a driving force.
This project wil enable the development of IoT-based solutions in construction machinery with the aim of reducing and making visible CO2 emissions in planning, procurement and accounting.
Renewable energy increases the need for better frequency reserve in the power grid. Hydropower has the potential to be able to compensate for fluctuations in the grid. Within this project, new...
Electric powertrains are well underway to replace internal combustion engines and become mainstream in the automotive industry. So far, they mostly operate at voltages of 300–800 V.
In this project, we want to develop technologies for sensors, measuring systems and IoT solutions for monitoring in the production and use of hydrogen to provide greater security.
The central problem area that we want to address in this project is how to combine different spectroscopic methods, merge 2D imaging spectral data and use AI for fast and accurate recognition of...
In collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, Mid Sweden University and STC will design a prototype sensor for the detection of various pollutants on rails over the cross-section of the rails.
This prestudy will bring together forest industry actors in industry, network actors and academia in order to develop a strategic initiative that will accelerate the use of AI-based information to...
This project focus is to reinforce and renew the competence in Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.
This project will build a new national infrastructure for visualization and analysis of scientific data. The new infrastructure will give researchers access to expertise and development of competen...
Snow removal costs Sweden's municipalities about 1.5 billion per year. The goal of the project is to collect data, develop analysis methods and look at business development to streamline and increa...
I projektet "IoT Testbäddar" ska nationella testbäddar inom smart industri och smarta samhällen etableras samt en tankesmedja inom IoT med målet att öka forskning och utveckling i regionen.
This project aims to investigate a compression method that considers the perceived visual quality at necessary processing speeds for consumer industrial application such as multi-view surveillance,...
Pollution in water can affect both people and society. In MiLo Water, the researchers will build on the technologies and methods developed in the previous project MiLo to be able to identify and...
NIIT is a new research action at Mid Sweden University. The industrial focus is the next generation IoT technology and methods supporting the transformation of the process industries. The research ...
Plenoptima is European collaboration with researchers and partner organisations in an innovative training network. The aim is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging.
REACTION will build the first worldwide and European 8-inch SiC wafer pilot line facility for power technology. The project will re-set European competitiveness, rearranging worldwide factories...
Within Smart Industry Sweden, five Swedish universities are gathering cutting-edge expertise in the field of smart industry. The graduate school wants to create a cohesive group of industrial...
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a rapidly growing manufacturing method. To make more advanced products, new materials are needed. In this project, we will develop an...
Society is transitioning from fossil energy to green alternatives. As a result, the need to store energy from, for example, solar panels, wind power and electric cars is increasing. This project ai...
The project is about developing different methods to manage the consequences that arise with increased expansion of renewable energy in electricity grids.
The page was updated 4/28/2022