This is where we list publications connected to RCR. Swedish and English. For publications of each respective researcher at RCR, please visit their individual presentation page.
Articles in journals
Articles, book reviews
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Doctoral theses, monographs
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Licentiate theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Karlsson, R.
Hugo, L. (2022). AI och myndigheters registerförfattningar : rättsliga utmaningar och hinder. Juridisk Publikation, : 1, pp. 73-103.
Zahariadis, N. , Exadaktylos, T. , Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Kyriakidis, A.
Papadopoulos, I. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of public health interventions for Covid‐19 in Greece and Cyprus. European Policy Analysis, vol. 8: 3, pp. 345-359.
Oscarsson, O. (2022). Crisis management in practice : A dynamic process intertwined with daily work performance. Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, vol. 46: 3, pp. 720-741.
Talantsev, A. , Fasth, T. , Wenner, C. , Wolff, E.
Larsson, A. (2022). Evaluation of pharmaceutical intervention strategies against pandemics in Sweden : A scenario-driven multiple criteria decision analysis study. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, vol. 29: 1-2, pp. 49-66.
Eriksson, K.
Danielsson, E. (2022). Framing volunteers identifying and integrating volunteers in crises response operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 74
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Granberg, M. , Becker, P.
Onn, B. (2022). Pandemic responses at the subnational level : Exploring politics, administration, and politicization in Swedish municipalities. European Policy Analysis, vol. 8: 3, pp. 327-344.
Holmqvist, E. , Jutvik, K.
Lidén, G. (2022). Resilience in Local Housing Policy? : Liberal or Restrictive Policy Stances Among Swedish Municipalities Following the Great Migration in the Summer of 2015. Frontiers in Political Science, vol. 4
Skott, S.
Skott Bengtson, K. (2022). ‘You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?’ : A Hauntological Analysis of Carceral Violence in Majora’s Mask. Games and Culture, vol. 17: 4, pp. 593-613.
Petridou, E.
Mintrom, M. (2021). A Research Agenda for the Study of Policy Entrepreneurs. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 49: 4, pp. 943-967.
Zahariadis, N. , Ceccoli, S.
Petridou, E. (2021). Assessing the effects of calculated inaction on national responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, vol. 12: 3, pp. 328-345.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2021). "Bara framtiden kan visa om vi gör det här rätt" : Att göra vardag av den svenska strategin. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 58: 1-2, pp. 133-152.
Silvast, A. , Kongsager, R. , Lehtonen, T. , Lundgren, M.
Virtanen, M. (2021). Critical infrastructure vulnerability : a research note on adaptation to climate change in the Nordic countries. Geografisk tidsskrift, vol. 121: 1, pp. 79-90.
Karlsson, R. (2021). En förvaltares rätt att för huvudmannens räkning ta del av uppgifter som rör ställföreträdarskapet och som omfattas av sekretess : en kommentar till HFD 2020 ref. 50. Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift, : 27-28, pp. 213-222.
Becker, P. (2021). Fragmentation, commodification and responsibilisation in the governing of flood risk mitigation in Sweden. Environment and Planning C, vol. 9: 2, pp. 393-413.
Karlsson, R. (2021). HFD 2020 ref. 38. Frågan om handlingar som förvaras hos ett regionägt bolag med uppdrag att sköta regionens förvaltning av donationsstiftelser utgör allmänna handlingar. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 1, pp. 175-183.
Gunneriusson, H. (2021). Hybrid warfare : Development, historical context, challenges and interpretations. Icono14, vol. 19: 1, pp. 15-37.
Granholm, M. , Holand, I. S. , Mozelius, P.
Stjernström, O. (2021). Information sharing during cross‐border collaboration from a dialect continua perspective. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management,
Große, C. , Larsson, A.
Björkqvist, O. (2021). Information-flawing Filters in Critical Infrastructure Protection: The deficient Information Basis in a Swedish Approach. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, vol. 19: 1
Sparf, J. (2021). Jeffrey C. Alexander, What Makes a Social Crisis? The Societalization of Social Problems. International Review of Public Policy, vol. 3: 3
Große, C. , Olausson, P. M.
Wallman-Lundåsen, S. (2021). Left in the Dark : Obstacles to Studying and Performing Critical Infrastructure Protection. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, vol. 19: 2, pp. 58-70.
Karlsson, R. & Morseth Edvinsson, A. (2021). Molntjänster och staten : en diskussion om röjandebegreppet i offentlighets- och sekretesslagen. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 5, pp. 855-888.
Große, C. (2021). Multi-level planning for enhancing critical infrastructure resilience against power shortages—an analysis of the swedish system of styrel. Infrastructures, vol. 6: 5
Petridou, E. , Becker, P.
Sparf, J. (2021). Policy Entrepreneurs in Public Administration : A Social Network Analysis. Politics and Policy, vol. 49: 2, pp. 414-445.
Große, C. , Olausson, P. M.
Svensson, B. (2021). Resilience Endangered : The Role of Regional Airports in Remote Areas in Sweden. Infrastructures, vol. 6: 12
Petridou, E.
Zahariadis, N. (2021). Staying at home or going out? Leadership response to the COVID‐19 crisis in Greece and Sweden. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 29: 3, pp. 293-302.
Ioannides, D.
Petridou, E. (2021). Street Art and the ‘Right to the City’ in a Fragmented Metropolis : The Case of Beirut. Montreal Architectural Review, vol. 7
Giritli Nygren, K.
Olofsson, A. (2021). Swedish exceptionalism, herd immunity and the welfare state : A media analysis of struggles over the nature and legitimacy of the COVID-19 pandemic strategy in Sweden. Current Sociology, vol. 69: 4, pp. 529-546.
Linnell, M. (2021). The Haptic Space of Disaster. Space and Culture, vol. 24: 4, pp. 488-500.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Klinga, M. , Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2021). The language of risk and vulnerability in covering the covid-19 pandemic in swedish mass media in 2020 : Implications for the sustainable management of elderly care. Sustainability, vol. 13: 19
Becker, P. (2021). Tightly coupled policies and loosely coupled networks in the governing of flood risk mitigation in municipal administrations. Ecology and Society, vol. 26: 2
Rashid, S.
Olofsson, A. (2021). Worried in Sweden : The effects of terrorism abroad and news media at home on terror-related worry. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 24: 1, pp. 62-77.
Petridou, E. , Zahariadis, N.
Ceccoli, S. (2020). Averting institutional disasters? Drawing lessons from China to inform the Cypriot response to the COVID‐19 pandemic. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 318-327.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E.
Oztig, L. I. (2020). Claiming credit and avoiding blame : political accountability in Greek and Turkish responses to the COVID‐19 crisis. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 159-169.
Karlsson, R. (2020). Den digitala statsförvaltningen : rättsliga förutsättningar för automatiserade beslut, profilering och AI. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 1, pp. 51-80.
Danielsson, E.
Sjöstedt Landén, A. (2020). Leader Normativity in Crisis Management : Tales From a School Fire. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, vol. 11: 2, pp. 139-165.
Lidén, G.
Olofsson, A. (2020). Living in a foreign country : The meaning of place of origin and gender for risk perceptions, experiences, and behaviors. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 23: 3, pp. 365-378.
Kvarnlöf, L. & Montelius, E. (2020). Militariseringen av Covid-19. Dagens Arena, vol. Mars: 31
Petridou, E. (2020). Politics and Administration in Times of Crisis : Explaining the Swedish Response to the COVID-19 Crisis. European Policy Analysis, vol. 6: 2, pp. 147-158.
Fasth, T. , Bohman, S. , Larsson, A. , Ekenberg, L.
Danielson, M. (2020). Portfolio Decision Analysis for Evaluating Stakeholder Conflicts in Land Use Planning. Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 29, pp. 321-343.
Petridou, E. , Paltrinieri, N.
Danielsson, E. (2020). Risk and uncertainty : From critical thinking to practical impact. Safety Science, vol. 129
Danielsson, E. , Liljeros, F. , Mulinari, S.
Soneryd, L. (2020). Sociologiska perspektiv på coronakrisen : Fyra sociologer om samhällets reaktion på covid-19. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 57: 1, pp. 67-76.
Danielsson, E. , Nyhlén, J.
Olausson, P. M. (2020). Strategic planning for power shortages. Energy Policy, vol. 137
Ekholm, S. (2020). Swedish mothers' and fathers' worries about climate change : a gendered story. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 23: 3, pp. 288-296.
Stassen, W. , Olsson, L.
Kurland, L. (2020). The application of optimisation modelling and geospatial analysis to propose a coronary care network model for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, vol. 10: S1, pp. S18-S22.
Becker, P. (2020). The Problem of Fit in Flood Risk Governance : Regulative, Normative, and Cultural-Cognitive Deliberations. Politics and Governance, vol. 8: 4, pp. 281-293.
Große, C.
Olausson, P. M. (2019). Blind spots in interaction between actors in Swedish planning for critical infrastructure protection. Safety Science, vol. 118, pp. 424-434.
Oscarsson, O. (2019). Boundary Work to Conduct Business as Usual : Interaction at the Boundary Between the Affected Organization and Emergency Responders. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, vol. 10: 2, pp. 212-232.
Sascha, B. , Dowse, A.
Gunneriusson, H. (2019). Competition short of war : How Russia's hybrid and grey-zone warfare are a blueprint for China's global power ambitions. Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies, vol. 1: 1, pp. 41-56.
Sundberg, L. (2019). Electronic government : Towards e-democracy or democracy at risk?. Safety Science, vol. 118, pp. 22-32.
Sparf, J. , Petridou, E. , Skog, F. , Kolmodin, S. & Ljungdahl, J. (2019). Experimental Design in Teaching Crisis and Emergency Management in Social Sciences : The Case of the RCR Lab at Mid Sweden University. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, vol. 37: 1, pp. 92-100.
Etemad, S. S. , Mohammadi Limaei, S. , Olsson, L.
Yousefpour, R. (2019). Forest management decision-making using goal programming and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approaches (case study: Hyrcanian forests of Iran) : Forest management decision-making. Journal of Forest Science, vol. 65: 9, pp. 368-379.
Gunneriusson, H. (2019). Hybrid Warfare and Deniability as Understood by the Military. Polish Political Science Yearbook, vol. 48: 2, pp. 267-288.
Wall, E.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2019). Hållbarhet, hälsa och hemberedskap : Berättelser om när klimatkrisen blåste in i svensk glesbygd. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 96: 3, pp. 446-454.
Petridou, E. , Danielsson, E. , Olofsson, A. , Lundgren, M.
Große, C. (2019). If Crisis or War Comes : A Study of Risk Communication of Eight European Union Member States. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, vol. 2: 2, pp. 207-232.
Sparf, J. (2019). Interfaces in temporary multi-organizations in routine emergency management : The case of Stockholm. Safety Science, vol. 118: October 2019, pp. 702-708.
Zadmirzaei, M. , Mohammadi Limaei, S. , Amirteimoori, A.
Olsson, L. (2019). Measuring the relative performance of forest management units : A chance-constrained DEA model in the presence of the non-discretionary factor. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 49: 7, pp. 788-801.
Petridou, E. , Olausson, P. M.
Ioannides, D. (2019). Nascent island tourism policy development in Greenland : A network perspective. Island Studies Journal, vol. 14: 2, pp. 227-244.
Olausson, P. M. (2019). Planning for resilience in the case of power shortage : The Swedish STYREL policy. Central European Journal of Public Policy, vol. 13: 1, pp. 12-22.
Kolmodin, S. , Lundgren, M.
Andersson, C. (2019). Preparing for climate change and hazards : Individual houseowners trust in local authorities and private entrepreneurs. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 41
Karlsson, R. (2019). Sekretess för personuppgiftsincidenter : behövs ett starkare sekretesskydd?. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 2, pp. 177-198.
Zinn, J. (2019). The meaning of risk-taking – key concepts and dimensions. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 22: 1, pp. 1-15.
Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A.
Giritli Nygren, K. (2018). A Methodological Strategy for Exploring Intersecting Inequalities: An Example from Sweden. Zhurnal Issledovanii Sotsial'noi Politiki / The Journal of Social Policy Studies, vol. 16: 3, pp. 501-516.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2018). A need to help : stories of emergent behaviour from the scene of accident. International Journal of Emergency Services, vol. 7: 3, pp. 203-213.
Johansson, R. , Danielsson, E. , Eriksson, K. , Kvarnlöf, L.
Karlsson, R. (2018). At the external boundary of a disaster response operation : The dynamics of volunteer inclusion. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 26: 4, pp. 519-529.
Karlsson, R. (2018). Begränsningar i partsinsynen : HFD:s tolkning av rekvisitet synnerlig vikt i 10 kap. 3 § OSL. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 4, pp. 703-723.
Sparf, J.
Petridou, E. (2018). Collaborations in Routine Emergency Management : Lessons from Sweden. Procedia Engineering, vol. 212, pp. 302-308.
Heidenstrøm, N.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2018). Coping with blackouts : A practice theory approach to household preparedness. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 26: 2, pp. 272-282.
Becker, P. (2018). Dependence, trust, and influence of external actors on municipal urban flood risk mitigation : The case of Lomma Municipality, Sweden. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 31, pp. 1004-1012.
Silva, T. (2018). Knowledge and skills needed for successful management of crime prevention strategies. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, vol. 19: 1, pp. 113-114.
Brännström, L. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Lidén, G.
Nyhlén, J. (2018). Lived Experiences of Changing Integration Policies: : Immigrant Narratives of Institutional Support and Labour Market Inclusion/Exclusion in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, vol. 8: 1, pp. 25-34.
Granholm, M. (2018). Materiality matters when organizing for crisis managament. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, vol. 10: 2
Lundgren, M. (2018). Riskscapes : Strategies and practices along the Georgian-Abkhazian boundary line and inside Abkhazia. Journal of Borderlands Studies, vol. 33: 4, pp. 637-654.
Oscarsson, O.
Danielsson, E. (2018). Unrecognized crisis management-Normalizing everyday work : The work practice of crisis management in a refugee situation. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 26: 2, pp. 225-236.
Zadmirazaei, M. , Mohammadi Limaei, S. , Olsson, L.
Amirteimoori, A. (2017). Assessing the impact of the external non-discretionary factor on the performance of forest management units using DEA approach. Journal of Forest Research, vol. 22: 3, pp. 144-152.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S.
Olofsson, A. (2017). Doing and undoing risk : The mutual constitution of risk and heteronormativity in contemporary society. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 20: 3, pp. 418-432.
Petridou, E.
Sparf, J. (2017). For safety’s sake : the strategies of institutional entrepreneurs and bureaucratic reforms in Swedish crisis management, 2001–2009. Policy & Society, vol. 36: 4, pp. 556-574.
Karlsson, R. (2017). Lämplig som väktare? : om godkännande av personal hos auktoriserat bevakningsföretag samt återkallelse av godkännande. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 4, pp. 589-618.
Ekholm, S.
Olofsson, A. (2017). Parenthood and worrying about climate change : The limitations of previous approaches. Risk Analysis, vol. 37: 2, pp. 305-314.
Petridou, E.
Olausson, P. (2017). Policy Entrepreneurship and Policy Transfer : Flood Risk Governance in Northern Sweden. Central European Journal of Public Policy, vol. 11: 1, pp. 1-12.
Öhman, S. (2017). Previous Experiences and Risk Perception : The Role of Transference. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, vol. 23: 1, pp. 1-10.
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S.
Giritli Nygren, K. (2016). An intersectional risk approach for environmental sociology. Environmental Sociology, vol. 2: 4, pp. 346-354.
Sparf, J. (2016). Disability and Vulnerability : Interpretations of Risk in Everyday Life. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 24: 4, pp. 244-252.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2016). Emergence in the sociology of Mead : Process, interaction and the conditions of social life. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 53: 3, pp. 227-245.
Giritli Nygren, K. , Öhman, S.
Olofsson, A. (2016). Everyday places, heterosexist spaces, and risk in contemporary Sweden. Culture, Health and Sexuality, vol. 18: 1, pp. 45-47.
Danielsson, E. (2016). Following Routines : A Challenge in Cross-Sectorial Collaboration. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 24: 1, pp. 36-45.
Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2016). Monster Cows and the Doing of Modern Biotechnology in Sweden : An Intersectional Risk Analysis. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, vol. 6: 4, pp. 186-196.
Lundgren, M. (2016). Place matters : return intentions among forcibly displaced young Georgians from Abkhazia living in Tbilisi and Zugdidi. Caucasus survey, vol. 4: 2, pp. 129-148.
Karlsson, R. (2016). Sekretess inom det civila försvaret : en kartläggning. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 2, pp. 205-232.
Karlsson, R. (2016). Sekretess inom en myndighet : en analys av självständighetsrekvisitet i 8 kap. 2 § OSL. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, : 4, pp. 531-551.
Guiliani, L. , Revez, A. , Sparf, J. , Jayasena, S.
Faber, M. H. (2016). SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DISASTER RESILIENCE. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, vol. 20: 3, pp. 277-290.
Danielsson, E. , Johansson, R.
Neal, D. M. (2015). Editorial: An Introduction to Nordic Research. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, vol. 33: 3, pp. 316-322.
Linnell, M. , Johansson, C. , Olofsson, A. , Wall, E.
Öhman, S. (2015). Enhancing public resilience : A community approach. Planet@Risk, vol. 3: 1, pp. 33-44.
Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2015). Vulnerability, values and heterogeneity : One step further to understand risk perception and behaviour. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 18: 1, pp. 2-20.
Wall, E.
Sjöstedt Landén, A. (2014). A narrative about risk management, a narrative about gender. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, vol. 35: 4, pp. 59-74.
Storey, J. , Kropp, P. R. , Hart, D. S. , Belfrage, H.
Strand, S. (2014). Assessment and Management of Risk for Intimate Partner Violence by Police Officers. Using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER).. Criminal justice and behavior, vol. 41: 2, pp. 256-271.
Kvarnlöf, L.
Johansson, R. (2014). Boundary practices at incident sites: Making distinctions between emergency personnel and the public. International Journal of Emergency Services, vol. 3: 1, pp. 65-76.
Linnell, M. (2014). Citizens response in crisis: Individual and collective efforts to enhance community resilience. Human Technology, vol. 10: 2, pp. 68-94.
Olofsson, A. (2014). Commentary: The substitution principle in chemical regulation: a constructive critique. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 17: 5, pp. 573-575.
Montelius, E.
Giritli Nygren, K. (2014). 'Doing' risk, 'doing' difference : towards an understanding of the intersections of risk, morality and taste. Health, Risk and Society, vol. 16: 5, pp. 431-443.
Danielsson, E. , Alvinius, A.
Larsson, G. (2014). From common operating picture to situational awareness. International Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 10: 1, pp. 28-47.
Faber, M. H. , Guiliani, L. , Revez, A. , Jayasena, S. , Sparf, J.
Mendez, J. M. (2014). Interdisciplinary Approach to Disaster Resilience Education and Research. Procedia Economics and Finance, vol. 18, pp. 601-609.
Asproth, V. , Ekker, K. , Holmberg, S.
Håkansson, A. (2014). NLS:A Reflection Support System for Increased Inter-Regional Security. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, vol. 7: 2, pp. 62-84.
Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2014). On Risk and Disability : Investigating the Influence of Disability and Social Capital on the Perception and Digital Communication of risk. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, vol. 4: 1, pp. 20-33.
Brown, P. R.
Olofsson, A. (2014). Risk, uncertainty and policy : towards a social-dialectical understanding. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 17: 4, pp. 425-434.
Wall, E. (2014). Sense-making of risk and role-taking emotions : How young Swedes construe road traffic risk.. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 17: 10, pp. 1285-1299.
Fjæstad, B.
Björkman, J. (2014). Svenskarna vill ha statlig järnväg och marknadshyror. Dagens Nyheter, : 7 juni
Olofsson, A. , Zinn, J. O. , Griffin, G. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Cebulla, A.
Hannah-Moffat, K. (2014). The mutual constitution of risk and inequalities : Intersectional risk theory. Health, Risk and Society, vol. 16: 5, pp. 417-430.
Petridou, E. (2014). Theories of the Policy Process: Contemporary Scholarship and Future Directions. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 42: Supplement issue s1, pp. s12-s32.
Kalinina, M. , Olsson, L.
Larsson, A. (2013). A Multi Objective Chance Constrained Programming Model for Intermodal Logistics with Uncertain Time. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 10: 6, pp. 35-44.
Petridou, E.
Ioannides, D. (2013). Conducting creativity in the periphery of Sweden : A bottom-up path towards territorial cohesion. Creative Industries Journal, vol. 5: 1&2, pp. 119-137.
Kalinina, M. , Larsson, A.
Olsson, L. (2013). Easy-Interactive Ordering of the Pareto Optimal Set with Imprecise Weights. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: An International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, : 76, pp. 643-648.
Fjæstad, B. (2013). Forskningens samhällsansvar – och samhällets forskningsansvar. Sans, vol. 3: 4, pp. 40-47.
Borell, K. & Johansson, R. (2013). Redaktörerna har ordet: Ett förändrat tidskriftslandskap. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 50: 2, pp. 91-92.
Borell, K. & Johansson, R. (2013). Redaktörerna har ordet: I backspegeln. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 50: 1, pp. 3-5.
Danielsson, E. (2013). The roles of followers : an exploratory study of follower roles in a Swedish context. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 34: 8, pp. 708-723.
Borglund, E. A. M. & Nuldén, U. (2012). Personas in Uniform : Police Officers as Users of Information Technology. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 4: 2, pp. 92-106.
Vickman, S. , Larsson, A.
Olsson, L. (2012). Prerequisites for decision aid in socially responsible investment appraisals. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME), vol. 3: 4, pp. 359-377.
Borell, K. & Johansson, R. (2012). Redaktörerna har ordet: Sociologisk Forskning 50 år. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 49: 4, pp. 255-256.
Wall, E. & Kvarnlöf, L. (2012). Riskfyllt vatten : Hur individen skapar förståelse av oväntad parasitförekomst i dricksvattnet. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 49: 1, pp. 5-24.
Olofsson, A. (2011). Organizational crisis preparedness in heterogeneous societies : The OCPH model. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 19: 4, pp. 215-226.
Olofsson, A.
Rashid, S. (2011). Social stratification, Living Conditions and the White Male Effect in Sweden. Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 60: 3, pp. 63-68.
Fjæstad, B. (2011). Starkt stöd för enat Norden. Upsala Nya Tidning, : 25 juli
Wall, E. (2011). Structure of meaning and sense-making of risk : An operationalisation of sense-making tested by grouping individuals according to their structure of meaning. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 14: 6, pp. 735-755.
Olofsson, A. (2011). The Indian Ocean tsunami in Swedish newspapers: nationalism after catastrophe. Disaster Prevention and Management, vol. 20: 5, pp. 557-569.
Danielsson, E.
Carlstedt, B. (2011). The Swedish Reserve Officer: Filling Vacancies or Using Competences. Armed forces and society, vol. 37: 2, pp. 284-300.
Olofsson, A.
Rashid, S. (2011). The White (Male) Effect and Risk Perception: Can Equality Make a Difference?. Risk Analysis, vol. 31: 6, pp. 1016-1032.
Eliasson, L. (2010). En forskare i räddningsjacka : Om forskarrollens platsbundenhet. Kulturella perspektiv - Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, : 2, pp. 35-45.
Olofsson, A. (2010). Riskfyllt eller inte? : Riskbedömning för samhället och individen. Framtider, : 4, pp. 9-13.
Alvinius, A. , Danielsson, E.
Larsson, G. (2010). Structure versus freedom of action: Leadership during the rescue operation following the 2004 tsunami. International Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 7: 3-4, pp. 304-322.
Alvinius, A. , Danielsson, E. & Larsson, G. (2010). The Inadequacy of an Ordinary Organisation: Organisational Adaption to Crisis through Planned and Spontaneous Link. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, vol. 15: 1, pp. 87-102.
Meijnders, A. , Midden, C. , Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S. , Matthes, J. , Bondarenko, O. , Gutteling, J.
Rusanen, M. (2009). The Role of Similarity Cues in the Development of Trustin Sources of Information About GM Food. Risk Analysis, vol. 29: 8, pp. 1116-1128.
Wall, E. (2009). Traffic safety behaviour among young people in different residential settings : The use of seat belts, bicycle helmets, and reflectors by young people in Sweden. Injury control and safety promotion, vol. 16: 4, pp. 197-204.
Wall, E. (2009). Ungdomars samtal kring risker i trafiken : relationen mellan riskförståelse och platsanknytning. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 46: 3, pp. 37-56.
Johansson, R. (2009). Vid den institutionella analysens gränser : Institutionell organisationsteori i Sverige. Nordiske organisasjonsstudier, vol. 11: 3, pp. 22-39.
Ackrén, M.
Olausson, P. M. (2008). Condition(s) for Island Autonomy. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, vol. 15: 2-3, pp. 227-258.
Danielsson, E.
Weibull, A. (2008). Sociology at Military Academies : The Swedish Case. Armed forces and society, vol. 35: 1, pp. 91-105.
Borell, K. (2008). Terrorism and Everyday Life in Beirut 2005 : Mental Re-Constructions, Precautions and Normalization. Acta Sociologica, vol. 51: 1, pp. 55-70.
Wall, E.
Olofsson, A. (2008). Young people making sense of risk : How meanings of risk are materialised within the social context of every-day life.. Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, vol. 16: 4, pp. 431-448.
Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2007). Cosmopolitans and Locals : An empirical investigation of cosmopolitanism. Current Sociology, vol. 55: 6, pp. 877-895.
Olofsson, A. (2007). Crisis communication in multicultural societies: A study of municipalities in Sweden. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, vol. 25: 2, pp. 145-172.
Olofsson, A. (2007). Kriskommunikation i ett heterogent samhälle lika för alla eller till var och en efter behov?. Sociologisk forskning, : 3, pp. 6-29.
Olsson, L. (2007). Optimal upgrading of forest road networks : scenario analysis vs stochastic modelling. Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 9: 8, pp. 1071-1078.
Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2007). Views of risk in Sweden : Global fatalism and local control. An empirical investigation of Ulrich Beck´s theory of modern risks.. Journal of Risk Research, vol. 10: 2, pp. 177-196.
Wall, E. (2006). Att ta risker eller utsättas för dem : Om hur flickor i stad och landsbygd förhåller sig till hälsorelaterade risker. Locus : tidskrift för forskning om barn och ungdomar, : 4, pp. 13
Olofsson, A. , Öhman, S.
Rashid, S. (2006). Attitudes to Gene Technology : The Significance of Trust in Institutions. European Societies, vol. 8: 4, pp. 601-624.
Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2006). General beliefs and environmental concern : Transatlantic comparisons. Environment and Behavior, vol. 38: 6, pp. 768-790.
Hultqvist, D.
Olsson, L. (2006). Optimization of the raw material procurement at pulp or paper mills : The influence of weather-related risks. International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 37: 4, pp. 253-269.
Hultqvist, D. & Olsson, L. (2005). A demand-based scenario optimization model for supply of raw material to the forest industry. USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report PNW, : 656, pp. 331-340.
Fjæstad, B. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2003). Gentekniken vinner terräng. Forskning & Framsteg, vol. 37: 6, pp. 51-53.
Fjæstad, B. , Öhman, S.
Olofsson, A. (2003). Svenskar mest negativa till gentester. Dagens Nyheter, : 10 juni
Gaskell, G. , Allum, N. , Bauer, M. , Durant, J. , Allansdottir, A. , Bonfadelli, H. , Boy, D. , de Cheveigné, S. & et al. (2000). Biotechnology and the European public. Nature Biotechnology, vol. 18: 9, pp. 935-938.
Wagner, W. , Torgerson, H. , Einsiedel, E. , Jelsoe, E. , Fredrickson, H. , Lassen, J. , Rusanen, T. , Boy, D. & et al. (1997). Europe ambivalent on biotechnology. Nature, vol. 387, pp. 845-847.
Fjæstad, B. & Öhman (Olsson), S. (1997). Ny stor undersökning: "Därför gillar vi inte gentekniken". Forskning & Framsteg, vol. 32: 6, pp. 11-15.
Fjæstad, B. (1996). Vetenskap förpackad till kultur. KTH-nytt, , pp. 16-17.
Oscarsson, O. (). Crisis as practice : Conceptualizing the role of everyday work practices in crisis management. ,
Gustavsson, K. , Olsson, L. , Gidlund, M. & Andersson, U. (). Simulating routing strategies of inbound calls at the Swedish emergency call center. European Journal of Industrial Engineering,
Articles, book reviews
Lundgren, M. (2020). The Dynamics of Identity Negotiation in a Border Region: The Case of Georgian Azeri-Turks of Kvemo Kartli : Recension av Karli-Jo T. Storms avhandling.. Nordisk Østforum, vol. 34, pp. 128-130.
Nyhlén, J.
Lidén, G. (2018). Bokanmälan : Alexander Betts & Paul Collier: Refuge– Transforming a Broken Refugee System, Felipe Amin Filomeno: Theories of Local ImmigrationPolicy. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, : 1
Danielsson, E. (2012). Anders Persson (förf): Rituatlisering och sårbarhet : Ansikte mot ansikte med Goffmans perspektiv på social interaktion. Sociologisk forskning, vol. 49: 3, pp. 246-248.
Borell, K. (2007). Heart of Beirut : Reclaiming the Bourj. Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 29: 1, pp. 90-92.
Lidén, G. & Nyhlén, J. (2022). Local Migration Policy : Governance Structures and Policy Output in Swedish Municipalities. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan
Giritli Nygren, K. , Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S. (2020). A framework of intersectional risk theory in the age of ambivalence. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan (Critical studies in risk and uncertainty ).
Brown, P. & Olofsson, A. (2015). Risk, Uncertainty and Policy. London : Routledge
Chapters in books
Kvarnlöf, L. (2022). Everyday Life During Covid-19 in Stockholm : A biographical approach.
Covid-19 and the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty : Studies of Social Phenomena and Social Theory Across 6 Continents. Palgrave Macmillan (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). pp. 147-166.
Petridou, E. (2022). Following the Public Health Agency’s Guidelines : The Swedish Approach. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 211-228.
Große, C. (2022). Hållbarhetens historiska ursprung i skogen. In Skogens värden : forskares reflektioner. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 166-167.
Große, C. (2022). Natürliche, künstliche und kollektive Intelligenz – KRITIS und die Komplexitätsparalyse. In Kritische Infrastruktur und Versorgung der Bevölkerung : Klimawandel, Epidemien, digitale Transformation und das Risikomanagement. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg (Springer Essentials). pp. 33-35.
Sparf, J. (2022). Norwegian Corporatism : A Centripetal National Response to the Pandemic. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 119-133.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. , Exadaktylos, T. & Sparf, J. (2022). Policy Styles and Policy Making During Times of Crisis. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 17-38.
Zahariadis, N. , Petridou, E. , Exadaktylos, T. & Sparf, J. (2022). The Politics of National Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy). pp. 3-16.
Prince, S. , Petridou, E.
Ioannides, D. (2021). Art Worlds in the Periphery : Creativity and Networking in Rural Scandinavia.
Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities : Place, Culture, and Local Representation. Calgary : University of Calgary Press. pp. 259-282.
Petridou, E. (2021). Collaborative Crisis Management : A Social Network Analysis.
Thule : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbook 2021. Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet. pp. 25-39.
Lundgren, M. (2021). Krigets kulturarv : Om gränser, gränsskapande och språk.
Kritiska studier av kulturarv och museala praktiker : en tvärvetenskaplig mötesplats. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 117-125.
Hudson, C. , Giritli Nygren, K. , Lidén, G.
Sandberg, L. (2020). Between Central Control and Local Autonomy : The Changing Role of Swedish Municipalities in the Implementation of Integration Policies.
Local Integration of Migrants Policy : European Experiences and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 11-34.
Danielsson, E. & Eriksson, K. (2020). Damerna kom med nybakat : Synliggörande av könsnormer i talet om kvinnors arbete vid skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. In Genus, risk och kris.. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 25-50.
Kvarnlöf, L. & Montelius, E. (2020). Den kvinnliga hemberedskapen : Genus och ansvar i krisberedskapskampanjer. In Genus, risk och kris. Lunda : Studentlitteratur AB.
Große, C. , Nyman, M.
Sundberg, L. (2020). Information Technology Consulting Firms’ Readiness for Managing Information Security Incidents.
Information Systems Security and Privacy. Springer Publishing Company (Communications in Computer and Information Science). pp. 48-73.
Hobbins, J. , Danielsson, E. & Sjöstedt, A. (2020). Introduktion. In Genus, Risk och Kris. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 13-23.
Danielsson, E. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Olofsson, A. (2020). Krishanteringens logiker i hanteringen av migraitonen hösten 2015 : En kritisk analys. In Genus, risk och kris. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 77-95.
Petridou, E. , Sparf, J.
Pihl, K. (2020). Resilience work in Swedish local governance : Evidence from the areas of climate change adaptation, migration, and violent extremism.
Understanding Disaster Risk : A Multidimensional Approach. Amsterdam : Elsevier. pp. 225-238.
Johansson, R. (2019). Att höra till, tillfälligt. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 33-47.
Borglund, E. (2019). Att lära av historien. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 83-95.
Öberg, L. , Nyström, C. , Littlejohn, A.
Vrieling-Teunter, E. (2019). Communities of Inquiry in Crisis Managment Exercises.
Networked Professional Learning : Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Cham, Switzerland : Springer (Springer Nature). pp. 55-68.
Große, C. , Olausson, P. M. & Svensson, B. (2019). Den regionala flygplatsens roll i samhället - Perspektiv från en förstudie kring Sundsvall-Timrå flygplats. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 49-67.
Öberg, L. (2019). Designa och utvärdera samverkansövningar med utgångspunkt i Community of Inquiry. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 69-80.
Kvarnlöf, L. (2019). När det brinner runt knuten - Risk, roller och resurser i samband med skogsbrandsevakuering. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 17-31.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2019). Sverige och gentekniken - hur gick det sen?. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 137-156.
Danielsson, E. (2019). Vägen till framgång. In Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 159-169.
Zinn, J.
Olofsson, A. (2018). Concluding Thoughts and Perspectives for Interdisciplinary Risk Research.
Researching Risk and Uncertainty : Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan (critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). pp. 367-375.
Petridou, E. , von Bergmann-Winberg, M. & Alebaki, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis : A Resilience Perspective on the Greek Wine Sector. In Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 207-227.
Zinn, J.
Olofsson, A. (2018). Introduction.
Researching Risk and Uncertainty : Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). pp. 1-28.
Öhman, S.
Olofsson, A. (2018). Quantitative analysis of risk positions : An exploratory approach.
Researching Risk and Uncertainty : Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty). pp. 265-286.
Olofsson, A. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Öhman, S. (2018). Teoría interseccional de riesgo en un mundo ambivalente. In Sociología del riesgo : Marcos y aplicaciones. Mexico City : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. pp. 81-99.
Andresen, E. , Lidén, G.
Nyhlén, S. (2017). Skärningspunkter som grund.
Hållbarhetens många ansikter : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 12-17.
Olausson, P. M. (2017). Styrel - mot en hållbar elförsörjning.
Hållbarhetens många ansikten : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 80-88.
Eikelboom Sällström, A. , Haj Mohammed, A.
Lidén, G. (2017). Tre tankar om integration.
Hållbarhetens många ansikten : samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 96-100.
Ioannides, D.
Petridou, E. (2016). Contingent Neoliberalism and Urban Tourism in the United States.
Neoliberalism and the Political Economy of Tourism. Routledge. pp. 21-37.
Sparf, J. (2016). Kunskap och övningar för resiliens. In Katastrofriskreducering : Perspektiv, praktik, potential. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 385-412.
Lundgren, M. , Sjöstedt Landén, A. , Olofsson, A. , Lexhagen, M.
Jonsson, U. (2016). #miunjubfest - att berätta en historia och att skriva historien.
Makten att berätta: om tal och tystnad i tid och rum. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 24-31.
Lundgren, M. (2016). Röster om krig.
Makten att berätta: om tal och tystnad i tid och rum. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 93-104.
Olofsson, A. , Giritli Nygren, K. & Öhman, S. (2016). Samhällets sårbarhet och resiliens : en kritisk begreppsgranskning ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv. In Katastrofriskreducering : Perspektiv, praktik, potential. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 61-80.
Ioannides, D. , Leventis, P. & Petridou, E. (2016). Urban Resistance Tourism Initiatives in Stressed Cities : The Case of Athens. In Reinventing the Local in Tourism : Producing, Consuming, and Negotiating Place. Bristol : Channel View Publications. pp. 229-250.
Wallman Lundåsen, S. & Olausson, P. M. (2015). Aktörer inom lokalt beslutsfattande. In Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 47-69.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2015). Archipelagic Tourism : Synthesis and Reflections. In Archipelago Tourism : Policies and Practices. Aldershot : Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis). pp. 241-248.
Lundgren, M. (2015). Crossing the border : An intergenerational study on belonging and temporary return among IDPs from Abkhazia.
Security, Democracy and Development in the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea Region. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien : Peter Lang Publishing Group (Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe). pp. 229-248.
Miles, L. & Petridou, E. (2015). Entrepreneurial Resilience : Role of policy entrepreneurs in the political perspective of crisis management. In Organizational Resilience : Concepts, Integration and Practice. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press. pp. 67-81.
Danielsson, E. , Wall, E. & Öhman, S. (2015). Ethical Perspectives on Volunteer Participation : Training CBRN Incidents Live. In Ethics and Risk management. Charlotte : IAP Information Age Publishing. pp. 141-158.
Olausson, P. M. & Alirani, G. (2015). Miljöpolitik på lokal nivå : Från miljöskydd till klimatanpassning. In Lokalt beslutsfattande. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 127-148.
Narbutaité Aflaki, I. , Petridou, E. & Miles, L. (2015). Political Entrepreneurship Redux : Looking into the Future. In Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. pp. 206-215.
Olausson, P. M. (2015). Regional autonomy and political entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate. pp. 119-132.
Sparf, J. (2015). Trust as an Opportunity in Public Risk and Crisis Management. In At the Crossroads of Crisis and Opportunity : Interdisciplinary Conversations. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Petridou, E. , Narbutaité Aflaki, I. & Miles, L. (2015). Unpacking the Theoretical Boxes of Political Entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. pp. 1-16.
Danielsson, E. , Eriksson, M. & Trnka, J. (2014). Framtid och utvecklingsbehov. In Lägesbilder : Att skapa och analysera lägesbilder vid samhällsstörningar. Karlstad : MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap). pp. 119-226.
Fjæstad, B.
Björkman, J. (2014). Nja, säger svenska folket.
Alla dessa marknader. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker). pp. 185-193.
Fjæstad, B. (2013). Forskningens samhällsansvar – och samhällets forskningsansvar. In Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap : Festskrift till Marie-Louise von Bergmann-Winberg. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 1-10.
Fjæstad, B.
Björkman, J. (2013). Listad läsning.
Läsning. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker). pp. 9-14.
Olausson, P. M. (2013). Politiskt entreprenörskap och autonomi : Fallet Åland. In Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap : Festskrift till Marie-Louise von Bergmann-Winberg. Sundsvall : Mid-Sweden University. pp. 139-150.
Sparf, J. (2013). The Risk and Crisis Management Relation between Local Authorities and Disabled People. In Finding Opportunities in Crises. Oxford : (Probing the Boundaries). pp. 139-148.
Sparf, J. (2013). Trust As An Element Of Public Risk And Crisis Management. In Finding opportunities in crisis. Oxford : Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Fjæstad, B. (2012). Allmänheten och vetenskapen : Personliga synpunkter efter nästan ett halvsekel i forskningsvärlden. In 10 år av dialog! Vetenskap & Allmänhet : Jubileumsskrift från Föreningen Vetenskap & Allmänhet. Stockholm : Vetenskap & Allmänhet. pp. 40-47.
Fjæstad, B. (2012). Den omtvistade tungan.
Tungan på vågen : Vågmästare och balanspartier. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker). pp. 11-16.
Fjæstad, B.
Björkman, J. (2012). Och vad anser nu svenska folket om allt detta?.
Tungan på vågen : Vågmästare och balanspartier. Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker). pp. 243-251.
Alvinius, A. , Danielsson, E.
Larsson, G. (2012). Organisational and Individual Leadership Challenges During the Rescue Operation Following the 2004 Tsunami.
Tsunami : Analysis of a Hazard - From Physical Interpretation to Human Impact. InTech.
Fjæstad, B. (2011). Svenskarna överraskande positiva till utvidgning av Norden.
Ett nordiskt rum : Historiska och framtida gemenskaper från Baltikum till Barents hav. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker). pp. 186-189.
Wall, E. (2009). Annorlunda ungdomar. In Risker i moderna samhällen. : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv.. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 195-216.
Sparf, J. (2009). Funktionshindrade och risker. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 217-236.
Johansson, R. (2009). Gränsöverbryggarna och de oorganiserade frivilliga : Olycksplatsen som mötesplats.
Från klass till organisation - en resa genom det sociala landskapet. Malmö : Liber förlag. pp. 190-208.
Olofsson, A. (2009). Individ och risk. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 41-65.
Olofsson, A. & Rashid, S. (2009). Introduktion. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 13-37.
Olofsson, A. (2009). Kommunikation och risk. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 69-91.
Wall, E. (2009). Kulturteoretiska perspektiv på risk.. In Risker i moderna samhällen : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 93-102.
Sparf, J. (2009). Organisering av riskhantering. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 139-168.
Sparf, J. (2009). Risk ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 121-138.
Olofsson, A. (2009). Risker i ett globaliserat och mångkulturellt Sverige. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 169-194.
Öhman, S. (2009). Risker i ett heteronormativt samhälle. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 237-260.
Letukas, L. & Olofsson, A. (2009). Solidarity Triumphs Catastrophe? An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of Post-Tsunami Media in Sweden and the United States.. In After the Tsunami - Crisis Communication in Finland and Sweden / ed Lars Nord and Ullamaija Kivikuru. Göteborg : Nordicom.
Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2009). Sårbarhet i det heterogena risksamhället. In Risker i det moderna samhället : Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 261-284.
Öhman, S. (2009). Teorier om risksamhället. In Risker i det moderna samhället. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 103-121.
Fjæstad, B. (2007). Why journalists report science as they do.
Journalism, science and society : Science communication between news and public relations. London-New York : Routledge (Routledge studies in science, technology and society). pp. 123-132.
Dahinden, U. , Lindsey, N. , Chatjouli, A. , Diego, C. , Fjæstad, B. , Matias, M. , Nunes, J. A. & Rusanen, T. (2006). Dilemmas of genetic information. In Genomics and society : Legal, ethical & social dimension. London : Earthscan Publications Ltd.. pp. 9-27.
Kohring, M. , Gutteling, J. , Matthes, J. , Meijnder, A. , Midden, C. , Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. , Rusanen, M. & et al. (2006). Whom to trust with genes on the menu?. In Genomics and Society : Legal, Ethical and Social Dimensions. London : Earthscan Publications Ltd.. pp. 60-75.
Fjæstad, B. & Wolvén, L. (2005). Dualism i välfärdssamhället. In Arbetsliv och samhällsförändringar. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 17-28.
Fjæstad, B. (2005). Rollkonflikten mellan företagsledare och journalister. In Arbetsliv och samhällsförändringar. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 253-266.
Fjæstad, B. , Olofsson, A. & Öhman, S. (2004). Gentekniken vinner terräng. In Ekengrens svenska : Språkbok C. Stockholm : Natur och kultur.
Olofsson, A. , Rashid, S. & Öhman, S. (2003). The division of attitudes to GM food between the north and south of Europe.. In Integrating and Articulating Environments : A Challenge for Northern and Southern Europe.. Lisse : Swets & Zeitlinger. pp. 91-108.
Gutteling, J. M. , Fjæstad, B. & Olofsson, A. (2002). Media coverage 1973-1996 : Trends and dynamics. In Biotechnology : The making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. pp. 95-128.
Torgersen, H. , von Bergmann-Winberg, M. & Fjæstad, B. (2002). Promise, problems and proxies : Twenty-five years of debate and regulation in Europe. In Biotechnology : The making of av global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. pp. 21-94.
Olofsson, A. , Lassen, J. , Allansdottir, A. , Liakopoulos, M. & Mortensen T, A. (2002). The Reception of Round-up Ready Soya in Europe. In Biotechnology : the making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Midden, C. , Boy, D. , Einsiedel, E. , Fjæstad, B. , Gaskell, G. , Liakopoulos, M. , Miller, J. , Öhman, S. & et al. (2002). The structure of public perceptions. In Biotechnology : The making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. pp. 203-223.
Nielsen, T. , Jelsoe, E. & Öhman, S. (2002). Traditional blue critique and modern green scepticism. In Biotechnology : the making of a global controversy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Fjæstad, B. (2001). Rymden nästa. In På resande fot : 23 forskare skriver om turism och upplevelser. Östersund : Sellin & Partner. pp. 216-.
Fjæstad, B. , Öhman, S. , Olofsson, A. , von Bergmann-Winberg, M. & Seger, N. (2001). Sweden, the lid is on, but for how long?. In Biotechnology 1996-2000 : The years of controversy. London : Science Museum. pp. 267-281.
Fjæstad, B. (1998). Genmaten och allmänheten. In Genvägar till ny mat? : Forskare kommenterar genförändrade livsmedel. Stockholm : Forskningsrådsnämnden (Källa). pp. 46-62.
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Collections (editor)
Zahariadis, N. (ed.) , Petridou, E. (ed.) , Exadaktylos, T. (ed.) & Sparf, J. (ed.) (2022). Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics : Global Threat, National Responses. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy ).
Hobbins, J. (ed.) , Danielsson, E. (ed.) & Sjöstedt Landén, A. (ed.) (2020). Genus, risk och kris. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Danielsson, E.
, Johansson, R.
, Olofsson, A.
Öhman, S.
(2019). Festskrift till Björn Fjæstad: Utvecklingen av en forskningsmiljö : Ett verksamhetsnära engagemang på distans. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Olofsson, A.
Zinn, J.
(2018). Researching Risk and Uncertainty : Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty ).
Andresen, E.
, Lidén, G.
Nyhlén, S.
(2017). Hållbarhetens många ansikten - samtal, forskning och fantasier. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 13).
Narbutaité Aflaki, I. (ed.) , Petridou, E. (ed.) & Miles, L. (ed.) (2015). Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate
Björkman, J. (ed.) , Fjæstad, B. (ed.) & Alexius, S. (ed.) (2014). Alla dessa marknader. Stockholm : Makadam Förlag (Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsböcker ).