CER was established in collaboration between the Mid Sweden University, companies and public organizations in the financial sector in the Sundsvall region, the municipalities in the region and the County Board of Västernorrland.
The Sundsvall region has traditionally been Norrland’s financial hub. This means that banks and insurance companies are among the largest employers within the region, but real estate companies and government agencies are also significant.
The region also has a strong industrial character within sectors that are undergoing significant restructuring and is home to a large group of small and medium-sized enterprises, many in the IT sector.
CER’s research encompasses the five priority industries and the companies’ customers and suppliers, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Research in various fields – banking, insurance, pensions, real estate, accounting/auditing, strategic networks, growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, lifelong learning – addresses important, current issues and is theoretically, methodologically and practically oriented.
The fact that CER’s researchers vary in their theoretical and methodological starting points makes it possible to investigate a variety of phenomena from different perspectives. Research results shall be published in respected international journals, books and as book chapters and shall attract national and international interest. The practical approach highlights the connection between the companies and public organisations that are part of the CER network (as partners or co-funders) and is reinforced by access to unique, near-industry data. The results from completed studies are recirculated through the CER network (and the surrounding community) through popular science reports, blog posts, seminars and webinars. Upon request, PPT presentations can also be provided.