Everyone should feel motivated and welcome to work and study at Mid Sweden University.
An evident cornerstone of all activities at Mid Sweden University is that all people have an equal value. Employees and students should all be treated with respect, dignity, and with consideration for differences in order to bolster each individual's potential to work and study. This applies regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religious or other beliefs, impairment, sexual orientation, or age.
We call this piece Equal Opportunities, and it constitutes part of the institution's quality and development work. In Equal Opportunities, we collect together the things we do in order to create a good work and study environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and unequal treatment.
Promoting equal opportunities means to work on knowledge, attitudes, values and behavior. These efforts should be well rooted in Mid Sweden University and permeate all of its activities.
Efforts promoting equal opportunities at Mid Sweden University are mainly based on the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567) and the Work Environment Act (1977:1160).
- Guidelines against unequal treatment, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and retaliation (in Swedish).
- 2019 action plan for equal opportunities, including gender mainstreaming and system for accomplishing equal terms.(in Swedish).
- Gender Equality Plan, MIUN 2023/793