Additive Manufacturing - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 180 credits
Additiv tillverkning - högskoleingenjör maskinteknik, 180 hp
Additive Manufacturing - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 180 credits
General data
- Code: THMTG
- Cycle: First cycle
- Ref no: MIUN 2014/1875
- Credits: 180
- Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
- Answerable department: Quality Management and Mechanical Engineering
- Date of change: 2021-06-03
- Version valid from: 2021-08-30
Entry requirements
Selection rules and procedures
The selection process is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.
Title of qualification
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Högskoleingenjörsexamen med inriktning mot maskinteknik translated into Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering: Mechanical Engineering.