Archives and Information Science MA, Research in Archives Information Science, 7.5 Credits


Arkiv- och informationsvetenskap AV, Arkiv- och informationsvetenskaplig forskning, 7,5 hp
Archives and Information Science MA, Research in Archives Information Science, 7.5 Credits

General data

  • Code: AK006A
  • Subject/Main field: Archives and Information Science
  • Cycle: Second cycle
  • Credits: 7,5
  • Progressive specialization: A1N - Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
  • Education area: Humaniora 70%, Teknik 30%
  • Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
  • Answerable department: Department of Archives and Computer Science
  • Approved: 2007-08-30
  • Date of change: 2016-05-31
  • Version valid from: 2016-07-01


The course aims to provide knowledge about archival research from a national and international perspective. Above all, the course focuses on research in electronic document and archives management.

Course objectives

After completing the course students will be able
- Independently describe, analyze and critically evaluate current national and international archival and information science and research
- Independently discuss and analyze the driving forces and impact of the research
- Identify, compare and critically examine problem formulations in various types of research projects


- The emergence of archives and information science research
- International development and research
- National research and development projects
- Trends in archival and information science research
- Applied research

Selection rules and procedures

The selection process is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.

Teaching form

Instruction consists of lectures, seminars and workshops. About 20%
consists of teacher-led instruction. The remainder consists of self-study. Part of the teaching is conducted via the Internet and the course therefore requires access to a PC with a headset and webcam and an internet connection.

Examination form

6.0 credits, I105: Written report
Grade: A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F. A-E are Pass grades, Fx and F are Fail grades.

1.5 credits, S105: Seminar, oral presentation
Grades: Pass or Fail

Grading criteria for the subject can be found at

Grading system

Seven-grade scale, A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F. Fx and F represent fail levels.

Litterature list

Select litterature list:

Required literature

  • Author: Sundqvist, A
  • Title: Formeringen av en vetenskaplig discplin
  • Edition: Information, Förvaltning och Arkiv. Arkiv i Norrland 20.
  • Author: Ruusalepp, R.
  • Title: Digital Preservation in Archives - An Overview of Current Research and Practices
  • Ort: Stockholm
  • Edition: 2005
  • Publisher: Riksarkivet
  • Author: Rider, S & Jörnesten, A, (red)
  • Title: Reclaim the Science! : om vetenskapens avakademisering
  • Ort: Hedemora
  • Edition: Senaste upplagan
  • Publisher: Gidlund
  • Author: McLeod, J
  • Article title: Records Management Research—Perspectives and Directions
  • Journal: Records Management Journal
  • Year/Volume/nr/pages: 2008: v. 29 nr1, ss. 28-40
  • Title: Archival Science 4 (3–4), 2004. Special issue on Archival Research.
  • Comment: Alla artiklar i detta specialnummer
  • Title: Från utmaningar till möjligheter: Mot ett gemensamt strategiskt ramverk för EU:s finansiering av forskning och innovation (KOM 2011:48)
  • Publisher: Europeiska kommissionen 2011
  • Title: God forskningssed, Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 1:2011
  • Title: Records Management Journal 17 (3), 2007. Special Issue: Research in records management.
  • Comment: Alla artiklar i detta specialnummer:

Check if the literature is available in the library

The page was updated 1/9/2024